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Opening Volley: Cherry Poppins, Miss Gay Ohio America 2022

Cherry Poppins, Miss Gay Ohio America 2022

Cherry Poppins, Miss Gay Ohio America 2022

My Columbus Pride

Someone once asked me, “What does pride mean to you?”

I still remember my response, and I still stand by it today. To me, Pride means living every day being unapologetically you, no matter what adversity or discrimination is thrown your way.

This idea has a place in the history of Columbus, and in the history of the world at large, like when the brave Queer and Trans individuals of color banded together to stand up for themselves in the Stonewall Uprising of 1969 in New York City.

While Pride is in part about having fun and connecting with your community, it’s also about protest when it’s needed; protest against censorship, and a celebration of the LGBTQIA+ community living in our truth.

Living in fear is not an option for us, either. Individuals like Marsha P. Johnson, Sylvia Rivera, and Stormé DeLarverie fought for us, and we

have an obligation to keep this trend going for our Queer and Trans youth. To see others who look like you living out their true authentic selves in the face of adversity is the most inspiring thing a young queer person can see.

Our right to exist has always been under attack, but through it all, we still come together to celebrate Pride all over the nation. But very few places across the country is Pride as big as it is in Columbus.

With the second-largest Pride celebration in the Midwest, our community here is enormous, and continues to grow. The love, the energy, the movement here in Columbus is what makes Pride here such an amazing event.

That’s why I can’t think of a better place to celebrate being myself, being true to me, being unapologetically black and queer, than right here in the Arch City. We hope you’ll celebrate yourself with us this month, too.

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