Holmewood House School Stategic Vision 2018-2023

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HOLMEWOOD HOUSE Strategic Vision 2018 - 2023

Our Values Self-Belief. Aspiration. Kindness

Strategic Vision 2018 - 2023

Introduction Holmewood House is very much a family school, a school that not only cares for our pupils but also for their families. We are a school which places the importance of community at the heart of what we do. We are unashamedly aspirational for our pupils and they achieve great things. This, in part, is a result of the outstanding teaching, the care and richness of the relationships between teacher and pupil allowing every child to achieve their potential and our ability to identify the talents of individuals and support them in maximising these, alongside areas requiring development. We are large enough to thrive yet small enough to care for each individual. We are fortunate to enjoy outstanding facilities which support our broad, varied and challenging curriculum and our school sits within an estate of 30 glorious acres. The Governors have recently committed significant investment to enhance our teaching provision and continue to be aspirational in their future plans. The purpose of our 5 Year Strategic Vision is to ensure we maintain the exceptionally high standards we set ourselves, and to aspire continually to enhance and develop the educational provision provided to Holmewood families. Yours sincerely,

Jeremy Thompson Chairman of Governors

Scott Carnochan Headmaster


Strategic Vision 2018 - 2023

Our Purpose To provide an enriching environment for learning that develops the essential qualities and character in all our pupils to allow them to make a positive difference to society. In particular, Holmewood House will: • Identify and develop the potential of its pupils in a variety of areas: academic, artistic, cultural, sporting, personal, social and spiritual; • Support our pupils in obtaining the best possible academic performance, identify the most appropriate senior schools and prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life beyond Prep School; • Provide a welcoming, friendly and supportive environment which recognises the worth of each individual within the School community; • Provide a fulfilling working environment for its employees and wider community, and encourage their development; • Liaise closely with the parents of its pupils and encourage them to share in the life of the School community; • To develop further opportunities to widen access to our outstanding teaching and facilities for the benefit of the wider community.



Strategic Vision 2018 - 2023


Teaching and Learning ‘Future-empowered’ • To provide exciting, future-empowered learning which nurtures potential resulting in exceptional results for our pupils • To recruit outstanding professionals and role models to teach and care for our pupils • A programme of continuous professional development to empower and develop all staff •

Aspire to gain a national reputation for excellence and innovation

To develop global mindedness amongst our pupils

The aim is to establish Holmewood House as a nationally renowned market leader for excellence and innovation in teaching and learning as we develop children that are future-empowered to excel in a constantly evolving world. Our pupils will possess high aspiration, self-belief, kindness, excellent social skills and moral values. These qualities, combined with excellent core knowledge and understanding will enable them to achieve a place at the most suitable senior school. Our aim is to ensure appropriate academic challenge for our pupils within an environment where children feel safe, free from the fear of failure, and where children take significant ownership of their learning and are, ultimately, well equipped to face the next stage of their academic journey and prepared for life thereafter. Excellence in the classroom will be matched by an outstanding extra-curricular provision, led by inspirational, energetic and visionary professionals, offering broad, balanced and challenging learning opportunities, both inside the classroom and out. Learning in the classroom will be supported by an inspirational educational visits programme. This is achieved through a challenging, adventurous, motivating, stimulating and fun learning environment for all children and staff.


Strategic Vision 2018 - 2023


Pastoral & Boarding ‘A child-centred approach which allows children to flourish and enjoy the wonder of childhood’ • Pupils will leave Holmewood House with a strong moral compass, cherishing their memories and with the necessary skills to overcome the challenges they may face • All staff trained to a high skill level and to have the confidence and necessary skill set to deal effectively with pupils’ pastoral needs. •

A recognised ‘hub’ for pupil welfare, well-being and pastoral care

• To develop a buoyant boarding provision, with boarding offerings to meet the needs of parents and children Our aim as a school is to meet the individual needs, foster the aptitudes and nurture the growth of each child. We understand education to mean all that a child learns from the world of School. We believe that emotional and social well-being and growth, self-belief and confidence are of prime importance in themselves and are inextricably linked with academic progress. All pupils will benefit from dedicated members of staff who are trained to support their needs and will be further supported by a pastoral safety net, a multi-layered pastoral system designed to support and guide our pupils through the challenges they may face. The pastoral care provision at Holmewood House will be a core element of our offering and will underpin every aspect of the curriculum throughout the school at all Key Stages. Pupil welfare will be at the forefront of our thinking as we continue to implement the other aspects of the School’s vision.


Strategic Vision 2018 - 2023


Estates ‘A cohesive ‘One School’ site with exceptional estate standards’ • ‘One School Site’ - A thoughtfully designed school estate where individual elements work naturally together enhancing our pupils’ life cycle of learning • Future development that is fundamentally driven by our ambitious educational vision and the needs of our pupils • Exceptional standards of estate management reinforcing the high expectations for the school Our Estates Vision is to have a school estate that fully supports and enhances the learning experience of our pupils and is recognised as being a market leader. Holmewood will be a cohesive ‘One School’ site with a clear ‘heart’ and reception to the school. The Nursery, Pre-Prep and Prep School buildings will integrate effectively to support the child’s natural progression through the school. Our many future development considerations will include the Pre-Prep, Nursery, Science & Technology facilities, Sporting Provision, on-site teacher accommodation and priority will be determined by our educational and pastoral needs. In 2018 – 19 the School’s 5 Year Estate Masterplan will be reviewed and updated and shared with parents. This will outline the next stages of our estate development.


Strategic Vision 2018 - 2023


Financial ‘A strong commercial proposition to fund our educational aspirations’ • A school of 480 pupils, based on 3 classes per year with a waiting list for entry •

A robust financial position which allows the school to;

i. attract and retain the very best staff

ii. enhance and develop the very best educational provision

iii. invest in estate developments to support the educational provision

iv. widen access to the School to meet the School’s charitable aims

Our Commercial Vision is to have a strong surplus and Balance Sheet that can comfortably resource our educational aspirations and allow the school to further its charitable aims. The School will pursue a range of high quality additional revenue sources, in addition to fee income, that supports the School in delivering other aspects of this 5 Year Vision. Activities will be carefully undertaken to minimise conflict with our core educational purpose. Through schemes such as our Scholarship and Bursary awards, we will look to support those who would not have otherwise been able to access a Holmewood education. We will also pursue opportunities for broader use of our excellent facilities.


Strategic Vision 2018 - 2023


‘As custodians of this great School, we have a responsibility to ensure that the School and all members of its community grow and flourish. The primary aim of this strategic vision is to ensure that this is the case. This is an incredibly exciting time for the school and we look forward to working with you the parents, in ensuring that we deliver our strategic aims and that Holmewood House continues to provide a first class education.’


HOLMEWOOD HOUSE www.holmewoodhouse.co.uk 01892 860000

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