4 minute read


By Romita Bulchandani — Glitter Explorer

Changing your outlook and embracing a more optimistic perspective is possible. So, let’s discover how you can transform the way you perceive the world around you.

The Science Behind How We See The World

Before we delve into how to change your outlook, it’s essential to understand the science behind it. Our outlook is a product of complex interactions between psychology, neuroscience, genetics and environmental factors. So let’s break it down a bit.

But what about genetics? Well, research shows that genetics play a role in determining certain personality traits, such as optimism and pessimism. But don’t worry; this doesn’t mean you’re destined to have a specific outlook for your entire life. Environmental factors, such as upbringing, social circle, and personal experiences, also significantly shape your perspective.

So, while some predispositions might be at play, it’s important to remember that our outlook is not set in stone. With the right strategies and determination, you can train your brain to adopt a more positive view of life.

Influencers To Your Perspective

Our thoughts and emotions are deeply rooted in our brain’s neural pathways. These pathways are responsible for creating connections between different experiences, memories and emotions.

Over time, these connections become stronger and more automatic, shaping our overall outlook on life. For instance, if you’ve constantly faced disappointment, you might develop a habit of expecting adverse outcomes in new situations.

To effectively change your outlook, it’s helpful to understand the various factors that contribute to shaping it. Here are some key elements: around negativity can reinforce pessimistic thoughts and feelings.

• Personal experiences: Our past experiences have a significant impact on our outlook. If you’ve faced numerous challenges or disappointments, developing a more cautious or pessimistic view of new situations is natural. On the other hand, positive experiences can foster a sense of optimism and confidence.

So, while some predispositions might be at play, it’s important to remember that our outlook is not set in stone. With the right strategies and determination, you can train your brain to adopt a more positive view of life.

• Mental health: Mental health plays a crucial role in shaping outlook. Conditions such as depression or anxiety can make it challenging to maintain a positive perspective. Addressing any underlying mental health issues is essential to change your outlook effectively.

• Media consumption: The types of media we consume, including news, social media and entertainment, can shape our worldview. Constant exposure to negative news or social media content can reinforce pessimistic thoughts, while uplifting and inspiring content can encourage a positive outlook.

• Surroundings: The people we interact with daily, including family, friends and colleagues, can greatly influence our outlook. Surrounding yourself with positive individuals who uplift and inspire you can help cultivate a more optimistic mindset. Conversely, being

• Cultural influences: Our cultural background and upbringing can also determine our outlook. Different cultures may place varying levels of importance on optimism or positivity, impacting how we perceive and respond to life events. Now that we’ve identified some factors that can affect our outlook, let’s move on to strategies that can help you change your perspective for the better.

Choose Happiness As An Outlook

Ready to take charge and transform your outlook? Here are some tried-and-tested strategies that can help you cultivate a more positive perspective:

• Mindfulness and meditation: Practicing mindfulness allows you to become more aware of your thoughts and emotions, making it easier to recognize and change negative patterns. Meditation in particular can help train your brain to focus on the present moment, reducing anxiety and fostering positivity. This can also include beginning your morning with grounding and shielding practices and setting your intentions for the day with a mantra, such as “I am in charge of my outlook, and today I choose happiness.”

• Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT): CBT is a powerful therapeutic approach that helps you identify and change negative thought patterns. By working with a trained therapist or using self-help resources, you can learn to challenge and reframe pessimistic thoughts, ultimately improving your outlook.

• Gratitude: Cultivating gratitude involves focusing on the positive aspects of your life and appreciating what you have. Keeping a gratitude journal or taking a few moments each day to reflect on the things you’re grateful for can help shift your focus from negative experiences to positive ones.

• Setting goals: Having clear, achievable goals gives you a sense of purpose and direction. Working toward these goals can boost your confidence and

Ready to take charge and transform your outlook?

Here are some tried-andtested strategies that can help you cultivate a more positive perspective.

self-esteem, leading to a more optimistic outlook. Break down your goals into smaller, manageable steps and celebrate your progress.

• Surrounding yourself with positivity: Create a positive environment by surrounding yourself with uplifting and supportive people. Seek friends, family members or colleagues who inspire and encourage you. Additionally, be mindful of the media you consume – opt for content that promotes positivity and personal growth.

By consistently applying these strategies, you’ll be well on your way to adopting a more positive outlook and improving your overall well-being. Change takes time and effort, so be patient with yourself as you embark on this transformative journey.

Own Your Power To Change Your Outlook

Changing your outlook may seem like a daunting task, but with determination and the right strategies, it’s entirely possible to cultivate a more positive perspective.

Embracing a more optimistic perspective can lead to a happier, more fulfilling life, so why not try it? The power to change your outlook lies within you – it’s time to unlock it.

By understanding the factors that influence your outlook and actively working on incorporating mindfulness, gratitude, goalsetting and surrounding yourself with positivity, you can transform the way you view the world and improve your overall well-being. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, nor is a new outlook on life. Be patient with yourself and celebrate the small victories along the way.

Embracing a more optimistic perspective can lead to a happier, more fulfilling life, so why not try it? The power to change your outlook lies within you – it’s time to unlock it and start living fully.

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