Santa Fe January 2016 Evolving Magazine

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January 2016 ~ Vol. I, Issue 9

volving in Santa Fe

A Guide for Conscious Living

Cultivate the New Year with Purpose 2016 Astrological Forecast Embracing Change Transcend Mainstream Nutrition Evolving‌in SANTA FE


January 2016

. . . e v l o v X Into something beautiful. Santa Fe’s newest resource for holistic living offers online and print options for living well. •

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January 2016


Publisher’s Letter... Dear Friend: Each new year holds the power of possibility. There’s a chance for reflection on the past year, redemption, and a time to start anew. Each January I am infused with enthusiasm, hope and the energy of looking toward what is possible. We can start anew each day, as well— and allow the entire year to be infused with a fervor for reflection, renewal and rebirth. I believe the key to keeping this inspiration on a daily basis is achieved through balance. Balance an apple and a banana on a scale and the side with the apple effortlessly raises the banana. Does the apple have more nutritional value than the banana? No, it simply weighs more.

Embracing Change 9

Cultivating the New Year With Purpose

In a similar way we determine balance in our lives. What we value most may not be where we devote most of our time. Instead, we place value on the responsibilities that weigh the most: usually job or family. As with the apple and banana, even though our job may place more pressure on our time constraints, our personal time is equally valuable.


No Right Amount of Devotion

The seasons also play a vital role in balance. They have an essential purpose in the ever-constant renewal of the earth. Spring represents birth, summer is growth, fall is the harvest and winter invites rest. What is interesting is that our bodies follow the same schedule. This bodily reaction to the seasons is natural; but friction occurs when we fight these involuntary responses. Rather than feeling guilty about a sluggish winter, we should value this rest period and acknowledge the renewed strength it will bring in the spring.


Wishing you a most joyous new year,

2016 Astrological Forecast

Jill Dutton Stay Connected all Month! *Read the magazine online: *Like us on Facebook: *Follow us on Twitter: @EvolvingMag

Evolving Magazine, LLC Jill Dutton, Publisher Print Layout/Design Alea Smith



Monthly Columnists Valeria Alarcón, Tomas Enos, Erin Galiger, Heather Robertson, Judy Scher

News & Tips Multi-Dimensional Mastery Heart & Business Vitality Foods Herbal Wisdom Wanderlust Horoscope Events ON THE COVER:

Advertising Jill Dutton

EVOLVING© 2016 all rights reserved. The opinions expressed are those of the authors. The articles in EVOLVING are not meant to represent any form of medical or psychiatric care. No portion of the publication may be reproduced without express written permission from the publisher.

Evolving…in SANTA FE


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Jeanine Handell's painting, Experiencing Winter’s Inner Glow embodies the quietude of the season. She says, "The gift of gentle silence felt during winter feeds and nurtures the Soul to greet the wonders of Spring. Deepening into Who we already are...ignites this inner fire." On the cover of the January, 2016, Evolving in Santa Fe edition, Jeanine has donated the piece to benefit the magazine. Place bids by Jan. 31 at Jeanine Handell lives in Santa Fe, NM, with Albert, her loving husband and fellow artist. View more of Jeanine's art at

January 2016


Entheos “God Within” Book Release Entheos “God within” is a brilliant and insightful collection of soulful and intimate reflections which aims to encourage and teach the reader to experience the revelation of each individual’s Divinity within. Partially composed while Vincent was in a federal prison, these glorious writing are profound inquiries about Sentience, Consciousness, Veritas, Liberation and other ontological questions about Being and Existence. The thoughts in the book are written in an innovative style and are based on flexible theological and philosophical platforms.

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While some of the compositions are based on his prison experience, Vincent does not define himself or his writings from that perspective, although he assures the reader that he considers that experience a gift.

Excerpts: “I Shed my Shield in final surrender and open my Impassioned Heart; This Cloistered Soul now breathes New Life; This Key, this Gift has made it so.” “Shall we seek to see the Truth and make peace with the universe? Come to me now Theopnuestos, “Breathe into me” the Truth.” “Perhaps it is the human frailty of being bound by all things measured. Seconds ticking…hours wasting; Days gone by and how much life is left to live. The speed of light in time and space, an effort vain and futile. Let us rather watch a plant grow, hold an ancient hand and feel its history; Feel the Sun and breathe once more. Breathe Life Eternal into your Soul, for it is Now and it is Here” “To be made naked of all once held so dear…and if this punishment is all that comes from past transgressions, my gratefulness is profound, for a darker place well could have been.” The kinship of Vincent’s words and artist Jeanine Christman Handel’s illustrations bring both to life in a luminous palette of symmetry rarely seen in books today. This is a must read for the introspective person. Author: Vincent Garcia 505-903-1335; Publisher: The Luzimen Group, LLC; P O Box 7262 Albuquerque, NM 87194 Illustrations by Jeanine Christman Handel; Foreword by Albert Handel

January cover Artist, Jeanine Handell, has donated her art, Experiencing Winter’s Inner Glow, to benefit Evolving Magazine. To support the publication and purchase this beautiful piece, place your bid by January 31, 2016, at Evolving…in SANTA FE


January 2016

Multi-Dimensional Mastery

Messy Wholi-ness Cultivating Presence no Matter What Life Brings


ife does not need to express itself perfectly to be a perfect expression. In fact, we can expect life to be imperfect, messy, and unpredictable throughout our lives. Allowing and not having resistance to ‘what is’ helps us cultivate choices that are empowering and creative. Not having resistance to ‘what is’ is not about passivity, but rather seeing clearly for a proactive approach to each moment. What I am going to explore here is what I call Embodied Presence in relation to the seasons of Reorganizational Healing, developed by Donny Epstein. In the field of Reorganizational Healing, four different types of consciousness and corresponding energy states are available. These four types are called Seasons: Discover, Transform, Awaken, and Integrate. In life there is a timing and authentic rhythm to how things are expressed (as how in the spring we plant seeds and in the fall we harvest.). When we are aligned in our actions, thoughts, and feelings with the Season we are truly in, there is congruence. Within congruence, Embodied Presence is possible. So, what does it mean to be present within each season? In the season of Discover, we create pain or suffering to avoid other pain. In Discover, we start to see how we have adapted our lives to protect ourselves or to feel safe. The Season of Discover is the ultimate exploration into how we have disconnected with ourselves. This is a significant exploration, and Embodied Presence within this Season is about realness, rawness, and vulnerability; about being naked to our true experience. Embodied Presence within Discover requires us to be aware of our pain and/or suffering and have the willingness to feel what is there to be felt, no matter how difficult it may be. The first step in Embodied Presence is not judging where we are. This is challenging, especially if our sense of self is dependent upon our life looking a certain way. For instance, “I am not an angry person” may be how you have been conditioned to view yourself. You may have learned

from an early age within your family dynamic that expressing anger wasn’t tolerated or accepted. As a result, you may suppress, deny, or ignore any signs that you are angry. However, the body cannot be fooled. Often our body expresses what we repress. Symptoms such as migraines, sciatica, ulcers, cancer, and arthritis are the body’s way of letting us know how much we’ve been hurt. When we don’t connect to the anger, we may end up with a lack of appropriate boundaries and give our power away, all in the name of not seeing ourselves as an ‘angry’ person. Embodied Presence says: ‘Let’s not judge this anger. Let’s not even connect a story to it for why it’s there.’ Embodied Presence says: ‘My feelings are valid in this moment. I have a right to feel them’. When we recognize this truth, we are being with ‘what is’ without a story, just the energy of the feeling. In the moment that we are truly present with ‘what is’, with what our body is telling us we are feeling (not what our head thinks), instantaneously the energy of the feeling moves and shifts into a place of acceptance, often accompanied by a feeling of space, a widening of our range of choices, and peace within our mind and body. In the Season of Transform, our Embodied Presence becomes fortified. We feel the energy of empowerment, passion, and purpose, and are ready to move forward. In this season problems are converted organically into opportunities for growth and learning because we have more life energy available to us. Embodied Presence here means acknowledging and accepting that we are more than we ever thought we were and must now become accountable to that evolving wisdom. We feel this season in our body as an increased access to vitality and energy. We become willing participants in a complex world. In the Season of Awaken, we gain the desire to share our gifts from the deepest part of our Being. We acknowledge and accept the divine timing of things and dance with the grace of how life is unfolding. Embodied Presence here is inclusive of all life experiences and

“Allowing and not having resistance to ‘what is’ helps us cultivate choices that are empowering and creative. ”

Evolving…in SANTA FE


January 2016

nothing is rejected consciously. Gratitude, grace, acceptance, and love permeate our behavior, thought, and feelings. Our body registers this Presence with openness, flexibility and peace. In the Season of Integrate, we blend two different Seasons for new perspective and a deepening of insight and wisdom into who we are. Embodied Presence, no matter what season we are in, carries with it the blessing of authentic wisdom. Wisdom is the currency of Spirit. When we are truly present with ‘what is’, no matter what is happening in our life, we recognize that it’s not our circumstance that challenges our life. It is the energy state we are coming from and the lens of the Season we are seeing life through. What is of utmost importance is to have the most efficient and adaptive listening platform to access what life brings. This means optimizing and evolving your physiological response through your brain and nervous system. Our ability to be present with what life brings and have the emotional range to respond appropriately, empowers us to accept the support of the Cosmos in awakening our ability to heal, grow, and accept who we truly are.

Judy Scher, D.C. is Director of the Scher Center in Santa Fe since 1992. She is an international teacher, workshop leader, and keynote speaker. The Scher Center utilizes cutting-edge reorganizational healing tools including Network Spinal Analysis Care. For more info go to or call 505-989-9373

Heart & Business

Business as a Practice


eing in business is one of the fastest ways to get to know your strengths and, also, the areas that need a bit of work. There's no doubt about it, business builds character (integrity, temper, dharma, worth, honesty, courage, strength, fortitude, backbone). It requires strength, focus, commitment, clarity, confidence, and consistency and certainly requires time to integrate your unique gifts so deeply, that it's then possible to demonstrate your brilliance in the world. The truth is we discover, determine, and decide, as we grow no matter what the commitment. Business is truly a practice. To be clear, a practice is study, discipline, exercise, training, application, warm-up, and a constant go over again and again. Would you say the profession, career, or business you've chosen asks this of you? I often liken it to a yoga practice or working with a trainer. These activities require focus, commitment and a degree of consistency. If you've ever practiced yoga, climbed a mountain that kicked your butt, or trained for an extended amount of time there are moments that surface I call the "ego eradicator". Yes, the tipping point when the challenge becomes humbling and we have no other choice but to re-center our perspective. To truly develop business practice it's essential to bump up against challenge in order to become more resilient, wise, developed, or more clear. In order to move

through and not around growth there are two primary areas that most circle back to frequently: clarity and confidence. These are the sticking points that determine forward movement or stagnation. If effort is to be fruitful clarity is number one. Now, to step into the sweet spot of clarity we must open the door, eliminate mental congestion and move with intentional action. The fastest pathway to Clarification is Simplification. Ask yourself: • What is clarity? • Why does it matter? • Without clarity what is the experience and what does it cost me? Looking to simplify? Here are some suggestions: • Commit and with consistency • Focus •Organize and re-organize • Energy Management. Batch your time and focus • Gain more knowledge in one particular area with focus • Get honest with what needs to change, figure out a system, and commit for at least 3 months • Reach out to those who have more experience than you do and are focused • Find a partner that will help to hold the focus

• List what's complicated, organize it in order of importance, visualize what it would look like simplified and full of ease and make decisions. The goal is to elevate and grow capacity for growth. Remaining the same while growing a business or career is not an option. Capacity for more responsibility, clarity, and confidence must expand and the pathway requires commitment and consistency. Being is business is a doorway into your light, your light lives in your heart and the brighter your light the farther you will see the path ahead.

Heather Robertson E-RYT, CTC, CF is an entrepreneur, facilitator, and mentor, with endless commitment to presence and purpose within business and life. She is owner of Wide Awake by Design, located in Santa Fe, NM. Need the more formal version or want to know more: or email

Vitality Foods

Transcend Mainstream Nutrition for a Healthier, Happier You, 2016 and Beyond!


t’s a new year and with each rising sun we have an opportunity to make wiser and healthier choices. As you know, the New Year ignites the motivation to get healthier, which some times tends to have short-lived effects as most motivations are driven by superficial desires, for example to loose weight or to look younger. But imagine if you could wake up each morning springing out of bed, feeling revitalized, energized and full of joy and excitement for your day ahead. Imagine feeling a consistent level of energy, stamina, mental clarity and a zest for life. Imagine feeling strong and healthy, and looking in the mirror with a deep sense of love and commitment for the beautiful vessel you embody and for your life. Imagine… for a moment what a long-life of health and vitality can be and feel like; imagine taking the first steps towards the new you, with each new day and with each new choice. Integrative nutrition supports you to address your specific needs for creating an integrated self (body, mind, spirit) so that you may heal from the inside our and attain the health, vitality and longevity you desire. It’s not just what you eat, it is how you feel and think about yourself that feed your overall sense of wellness. Here are the pillars of how to experience a healthier – happier you, 2016 and beyond! Body-Mind Connection: Your body produces a biochemical reaction to the way you think, feel and act. Experiencing stress, anxiety, anger, or depression can have an array of effects like fluctuating metabolism such as weight loss or weight gain. Another example is having poor emotional health can lead to a weaken immune system, making you more susceptible for contracting viral infections. Understanding how to support your body-mind connection will ensure a deepening of the integrated self.

Bio-Individual Nutrition: Addressing your bioindividual nutritional needs goes beyond how many servings of vegetables per day are required for attaining health. Everyone has different nutritional needs, and your specific needs are based on your age, gender, blood type, Ayurvedic dosha, hormonal profile, nutritional deficiencies, food allergies and health concerns. Do you know your specific nutritional profile and needs? Primary Foods: Creating life/work balance, knowing how to management your stress, knowing what feeds your heart, ignites your soul, feeds your senses and brings more joy to the world makes for a thriving existence. Do you know your primary foods?

Valeria Alarcón is a Holistic Health Coach and Advocate AADP, whose mission is to inspire, educate, and empower individuals who are committed to reclaiming life and vitality through health and wellness. As a cancer survivor Val knows what it takes to reclaim life and vitality, and she is delighted to be of support to her community. For more information visit Evolving…in SANTA FE


January 2016

Butternut Squash Soup with Seared Scallops 1 medium size butternut squash, cut length-wise and seeded 1 red apple of your choice ½ sweet white onion 1 teaspoon of minced ginger 1 cup of coconut cream 4 cups of chicken broth or vegetable broth 1 cup of your favorite sprouts 1 lbs of Atlantic scallops 1. In a large pot, add a table spoon of coconut oil, in medium high heat add all ingredients and sauté for five minutes. 2. Add broth and bring to boil, simmer on low for 35 minutes. 3. Add coconut cream and cook for five minutes. 4. Mix all ingredients with a hand mixer. 5. In a frying pan, add a teaspoon of coconut oil, sear the scallops on medium high to taste. 6. Serve butternut squash soup with a garnish of spouts and three seared scallops. 7. Bon Appetite! Enjoy!

Herbal Wisdom


charge which binds to the positive charge of toxins making it ideal for regular internal supplementation as well as topical treatments. I have used it to bind and activate other herbs in a blend for optimal health and for drawing out skin tumors and unwanted inflammations. Kaolin white clay is milder and softer in delivery, making it ideal for facial clay bases to clear unwanted skin blemishes and resolving areas of hyperpigmentation. It also may be used in bath water for drawing out toxins through the skin. It soothes and calms redness and inflammation arro, or clay, is who we are; made of clay and sometimes straw, many creation stories making it a great topical for diaper rash and dry skin eczema conditions. speak of humans as molded Earth-forms. Several other clay colors and types are available Even where you live, the Barrio, is made of such as pink, red, beige, and yellow. Each has its clay, and therefore we know you by the soil under own character and properties to assist in healing your feet. It binds us together just as adobe bricks internally and externally. In traveling around New need clay to hold the sand from running away. Winter is a perfect Mexico I often find claytime to reflect on the laden hillsides to excavate a quart jar of local health benefits of clay. “Barro, or clay, is who we are; made of material for personal use. The more tender plants There are many shades of are dormant for a while clay and sometimes straw, many color such as red and and we can see the Earth creation stories speak of humans as creamy white that I have clearly beneath us. In dug, then sifted, general, clay has molded Earth-forms.” powdered, and baked at absorbing and adsorbing 250 degrees F to remove qualities which benefit unwanted bacteria. They detoxification of make wonderful bases for pollutants. It is highly herbal blends while alkaline and contains adding the grounding, local aspect to a healing. many beneficial minerals such as calcium, What finer way to know who we are then to magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc. It can be used in the delivery of nutritional foods to the digestive tract slather our bodies with indigenous clay then lay on warm rocks in cool sunlight, and finally bathe in our as well as assisting in the removal of unwanted pristine streams (Gila River) as a final natural wastes. Eating local, non-toxic clay has probiotic baptism. Make mine red, green, or white. benefits. Bentonite or Montmorillon clay is actually from volcanic ash and is highly effective for the drying and drawing characteristics. It has a strong negative Get out of your Seat Then Kiss the Ground Taste the Grains of Mineral That Nurture You No History Book or Real Estate Developer Can Restrain my Passion for Eating What is Under my Feet


Evolving…in SANTA FE


January 2016

Tomas Enos studied with Michael Moore in 1990 and then created Milagro Herbs. Erin Galiger has worked with herbs for 10 years. Their philosophy of health and healing is holistic and rooted in the ancient tradition of “Solar Living,” synchronizing our bodies according to the biological time clock, circadian rhythms, and seasonal patterns found on Earth. 505820-6321 419 Orchard Drive (off Paseo de Peralta next to Kakawa Chocolate House)


48 Hours in Gainesville


ature, local eating at its finest, and quaint Southern charm: Gainesville, Georgia, has it all. You may want to extend your visit once you discover how much there is to do and see in this beautiful city, but here we’ll explore some options for a two-day trip.

Nature •

• •

Take the Solar System Walking Tour down to Lake Lanier. It’s one of only 13 to-scale Solar System Walking Tours in the United States, and the only one in Georgia. The walking tour begins downtown and goes 2.5 miles through woods and majestic sights, ending at Lake Sidney Lanier. Visit Lake Sidney Lanier and the site of the 1996 Centennial Olympic rowing, canoe, and kayak events. Connect with nature at the Elachee Nature Science Center. Elachee is a premier, regional environmental education center nestled in the Chicopee Woods Nature Preserve of Northeast Georgia.

Eat Local • • • • • Above, Food & Drinks of Gainesville: Fried fruit turnovers at Jaemor Farms; sharing a sandwich at Avocados; sampling wine at Sweet Acre Farms Winery; beer flights at Downtown Drafts; treats at Annastasia’s Tea Room; Catfish, oysters, and shrimp at Atlanta Highway Seafood Co.

liking. You’ll find the freshest of seafood delivered directly from the Gulf and prepared with a Cajun touch. Beer flights at Downtown Drafts. Before dinner, enjoy the craft beer café and growler shop experience. Downtown Drafts specializes in offering the best selection of local, national, and international craft beer. Try the coffee beer for a true taste experience.

Downtown • • • • •

Check into the Holiday Inn Lanier Centre. Shopping on the Square downtown-shopping-1 Driving Tours: Check out the gardens of Gainesville, the Gainesville Public Art Tour, and Historic Green Street. Stop by Serenity Massage and Day Spa for afternoon tea at Annastasia’s Tea Room and then a Spa Treatment. Book an Arty Party at the Quinlan Arts Center where even the novice artist can create a work of art.

Day Trips

Breakfast at Longstreet Café, where they put the “home” in home cooking. • Drive to Alto, Ga., and visit the newly-opened Sweet Breakfast at The Colored Egg, with incredible Quiche Acre Farms Winery. This small farm, located in the and pastries. foothills of the northeast Georgia Mountains, started Lunch at Avocados, a farm-to-table restaurant. as a u-pick blackberry and blueberry farm with Lunch at 2 Dog Café, Sweet Magnolia’s or perhaps honeybees. Now they’ve built Hall County's first farm the Collegiate Grill—so many choices…only two short winery, specializing in Country Wines (non-grape days. fruit wines) and eventually, honey mead. Dinner at Luna’s where American fare is served in a • Also in Alto, Ga., be sure and visit Jaemor Farms, an white-napkin, low-key setting, with live music in the open-air market that sells homemade ice cream, fried piano lounge on weekends. pies, local goods, and produce. Dinner at Atlanta Highway Seafood Market where you With so much to do and see, be sure to bring walking can buy fresh seafood or have it prepared to your shoes for trekking the trails and around downtown, a healthy appetite for local flavors, and a love of history for touring the various historical landmarks. If you love history, food, and nature, Gainesville truly does have it all. For links to businesses and tours, read the complete article at

Jill Dutton is publisher of Evolving Magazine. Follow Jill’s travel adventures, Wanderlust: One Woman’s Journey of the USA by Rail at Places and Activities (clockwise from left): The Sun beginning of the Solar System Walking Tour; the No. 209 of the Gainesville Midland rail system in downtown; Occasions Florist on the Square; kayaker in Lake Lanier.

Evolving…in SANTA FE


January 2016


Embracing Change

“Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely.” ~Karen Kaiser Clark


HANGE, CHANGE, CHANGE.... Just the sound of it might make you cringe. Change is one of those words that we just don't like. Let's accept it, we are creatures of habit and anything that has us do things differently makes us nervous. On the other hand, we always want others to change but we don't want to change ourselves. Why is that? It’s a new year and around this time we’ve all made our resolutions and have decided to change something about ourselves. If you can befriend change, things will become much easier for you. 6 REASONS WHY EMBRACING CHANGE IS GOOD FOR YOU 1. Change is growth. You are constantly changing, from the moment that you were born until the day that you die, you are changing. You are not the same

Evolving…in SANTA FE

person you were yesterday, a week ago or a month ago. Your body and mind are changing, growing, expanding, every second of every day. It's part of your make up. With change comes growth. You are growing as a human being. If you aren't growing you are dying. A great mantra I repeat to myself daily is "I'm constantly increasing my health, my wealth, my knowledge & my creativity, all while helping others do the same." This means I'm growing, changing and learning. 2. Change gets you out of a rut. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting things to change. If you've been in a rut, not knowing how to change things but wanting different results you can start getting out of your 'funk' by taking small steps. The more steps you take towards change, the easier it gets. Keep this in mind since you might want to make very drastic changes this January and then you’ll revert to old habits. Go slowly and steady. 3. Change is our teacher. When you get stubborn and resist change, life somehow has the ability to come back and bring change in a much more exaggerated way. For example, I had a client that hated her job, didn't have the courage to leave but she knew she had to. Her job gave her a false sense of security and comfort. It was easier to stay and be miserable than to do something about the situation. Well, within a month of mentioning this to me, she got let go of. Pay attention to what change is trying to tell you. 4. Change creates curiosity. When you are open to change you become curious as to what is next, 'what will it look like?' 'How will I deal with it?' ‘How will this new year pan out?’ It's like a child figuring out everything in their new world. Why not learn from our children and look at all the changing pieces with the same awe? It will enhance your curiosity. 5. Change strengthens our creativity. When you are thrown into new scenarios, it forces you to tap into your

creative powers. You have to figure out how to navigate this unknown territory so you become resourceful and think out of the box. 6. Change creates new possibilities. When you can surrender to change that's when wonderful, unexpected things happen. You are setting up the stage for good to come into your life. I say that the universe rewards those who are brave. Be open to change and watch the miracles show up. Be open to change and watch the fears melt away. Be open to change and watch new worlds emerge in front of your eyes. How about you, what changes are you fearing? What changes have you overcome? What changes are you committed to happen during this coming year? May you be blessed with a wonderful 2016!

“If you can befriend change, things will become much easier for you.”


January 2016

Tania Vasallo is the founder of The Courage To Be Happy a supportive community that empowers passionate, heart centered female entrepreneurs all over the world. Tania provides high-end training, coaching and mentoring for women to discover more about themselves, about what they want to create in their life and business. You can find more information at or email at info@TheCourageTo


No Right Amount of Devotion creating monetary abundance. There and trust. I feel an unlimited energy, a is no right amount of times to attend buoyancy in my Spirit, as if each step I take church. There's no secret "soul mate" is being assisted, requiring little effort on my part. dance to attract the perfect partner. And, when we lose our connection to There is no singular set of rules to follow to the exclusion of every other Spirit, the path to regaining that connection does not have to lead through set of rules. Have you ever noticed what state of self-deprecation, guilt, punishment, and sacrifice. If something isn't going the way being you are in when things are you want, you have a choice in how you going "right" for you? It isn't about deal with it. You can abdicate your power, how much you prayed that day. It isn't about how many candles you lit, blame it on yourself and proceed to your 20 lashings. Or, you can simply how much money you gave to the "The soul always knows recognize, "Oh, I've lost my connection." Then do homeless guy, or if you went to church what to do to heal itself. whatever it is that helps you on Sunday. Or, The challenge is to reconnect. That's it. No guilt necessary. No debt to be conversely, how silence the mind." collected. No atonement much you extracted. sacrificed—in time, — Caroline Myss So I have a challenge for money, energy or you as you go into this New dreams. Year: Can you have the courage to release When we are in the flow with, and feel connected to, our higher Source...this is your guilt? Can you let go of whatever belief failure and disappointment. I act as if I n a recent moment of clarity I realized in punishment still clings to you? Can you when everything aligns for us. The peace, have a debt to pay that I will never be able the key to achieving the happiness I trust in your own spiritual practice— happiness, abundance, worth, love, and to settle—that I must be punished for my seek does not lie in pleasing some defined by you!—to keep you nourished, transgressions because, surely, I did not get fulfillment we seek show up for us, supreme authority or following a connected and balanced in your life? effortlessly. what I wanted because I did not pray long specific set of rules to the letter. It is not Truly there is no right amount of That connection to Source, and what it about putting our desires below God's. It is enough and hard enough. takes to feel and sustain that connection, is devotion. There is only what is right for Anybody got a cat-o-nine-tails I can not about self-sacrifice or denying and you. yours to know and yours alone! No one or borrow? suppressing our power, no thing has the right to tell you what or We are not being creative expression, or when or for how long you have to do your punished when our life aspirations. It is not about spiritual practice to "get" spiritual and then doesn't go the way we doing enough. (Enough of want! But it is so easy for become worthy of whatever you are what? And how much is seeking. us to backslide in our enough anyway?) The point of establishing and enthusiasm and wallow in There is no vindictive maintaining that connection to Spirit in the that place of selfGod sitting up in heaven first place is about staying in a state of flagellation and doubt at the slightest with a clipboard and a stopwatch, balance and centeredness so that neither hiccup in our plans. Somehow our observing us bumping around the maze, your internal slave driver nor external understanding of how we achieve our trying to figure out how to play a game to dreams got coupled with a very specific set sources of perceived authority dissuade or which we’ve never been given the rules— define you. From that place of union, you of do's and don'ts. all along laughing his butt off as he can then feel and accept all you desire, pray Our guilt would have us believe that if continues to put checkmarks in the "she for, and dream about. things don't go the way we want, then it's didn't get it right again" column. Stephanie Red Feather is a So what does connection to Spirit look God is not setting us up to fail, judging our fault because we didn't (fill in the shamanic spiritual healer, like? It's different for everyone. Only you blank) correctly or long enough. Plus, we and then punishing us because we made a teacher and life coach. She offers wrong turn. I refuse to believe in a supreme now have to pay penance in addition to the know what you need to do to feel connected private coaching as well as to your Source and, therefore, walk with being that would give us freewill, set us up toll already being extracted by our selfmultiple workshops, trainings, power and grace in your life. For me, I blame and humiliation. to fail, then condemn us for eternity products and processes, know I'm in that place when I feel solid and Here's the real truth: It isn't God who because we didn't get it right. including the Embodied Priestess grounded in who I am, believe in my value, But, oh boy, how that belief system has makes you feel flawed. We do it to Process™. Visit her website: own my power, stay out of judgment, feel ourselves. invaded the deepest corridors of our expansive in my energy field, believe in my There is no right amount of devotion! collective psyche. No matter how much my or call her at 913-515-3271. dreams, feel connected to everything There is no number of minutes a day that intellectual mind sees and rejects the around me, have clarity about what I want, glaring flaws in that system, I still shudder we must pray or meditate...or else. and experience an effortless sense of joy with incredulity as I observe my reaction to Likewise, there is no one formula for


"Guilt: Punishing yourself before God doesn't." — Alan Cohen

Evolving…in SANTA FE


January 2016


Cultivating the New Year With Purpose "Strange is our situation here upon this Spirit Release earth. Each of us comes for a short visit, "Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a not knowing why, yet sometimes seeming light in the heart" (Kahlil Gibran). Often, to a divine purpose." before a person can enter into a healthy ~Albert Einstein healing change, they need to release spirit attachments that are holding them back, ach year that passes gives us a new such as a judgmental parent, controlling opportunity for change and that our partner, or even their own self judgment. new year begins in deep winter, One of my students wanted to set a health when the nights are longer and the plan for the new year, losing weight and days shorter, is no coincidence. The dark of better supporting her health. She was able winter provides an opportunity for slowing to identify an unhealthy relationship with down and reflecting on the days, months, her mother who had given her many and year ahead. You may be one of those judgmental statements about being people who make wonderful new year's overweight, as well as unhealthy eating resolutions during this reflective cycle, with habits to keep the weight off. Her mother good intentions to change and improve was literally clinging to her back, shoulders over the coming year and you may be one and neck. By releasing her mother's spirit of the lucky ones who set your goals and into the loving, transformative Universal visions for the year, working them each energy, my student was able to begin her day, and achieving them as planned. Or you health plan with greater insight and may be like many other people who, as freedom. Who or what do you need to soon as they make their resolutions, the release for greater health and light in your bustle of everyday life takes over and their heart? resolutions are derailed. How can you set Heartstorming those good intentions and support them into everyday reality? "There is no planet, sun or star that There are a variety of tools one can use could hold you if you really knew what you and tapping into Reiki (the Universal are" (Kit Holmes). Heartstorming is a Energy) may be a consideration for first process my partner envisioned to inspire uncovering your good intentions for change and build my practice and it has been an and then empowering those changes to effective method for discovery and take transformational form. Usui Makao, visioning with clients. A young client came the founder of Usui Reiki sets the tone for to me with a heavy heart about real and healing through his original Reiki ideals: perceived expectations of his future. He "The secret art of inviting happiness, the was in community college, taking all of the miraculous medicine of all diseases. Just foundational courses, thinking he would for today do not be angry. Do not worry move into business courses for his major, and be filled with gratitude. Devote but his motivation felt ungrounded. We yourself to your work and be kind to used the heartstorming process and people. Every morning and evening join discovered that he had passions and your hands in prayer, pray these words to interests uncovered--creative writing and your heart and change these words with drama. He felt himself as a shy and your mouth. Usui Reiki Treatment for the introverted young man, unsure of how this improvement of body and mind." authentic self would emerge, but he took A first step is determining the focus for the leap and discovered his passions treatment, whether it be for mind, body or showed him the path to this new focus. spirit, or a balance of all three. For some What do you need to "heartstorm" this year who enter into a Reiki treatment, their to discover who you really are? body and health might be the focus-Fuel Your Intentions with Light managing an illness, losing weight, eating "All that there is of wisdom, truth or healthier, releasing unhealthy habits such light is found intact within each human as smoking or drinking, or adding the soul" (Ernest Holmes). A client came to the habits of consistent, manageable exercise. Reiki healing process unsure of what she For many people entering into a new year they may be seeking mind balance, whether needed, but deep in sadness at the loss of it be for career change, going back to school her husband after 33 years together. She was in year three of her grief cycle, or learning a new skill, getting organized, overweight, with difficulty sleeping and reducing debt and saving money, or imagining life ahead. She had lost herself in broadening their perspective through travel. And for others the focus may be for the marriage and now wanted to rediscover creating a spiritual balance, such as finding who she was, what she wanted and in a firm voice stated, "I get to decide! It's their purpose, making a difference in the world, meditating, finding someone special, exciting and scary!" Her suggested or focusing on important relationships. The homework was setting a healthy eating plan, breathing exercises for balance and following stories are of people of varying sleep, exploring the self through scrap ages, who have entered into a Reiki treatment and healing for mind, body, and booking and sacred shadow box collection, and working outside her perceived spirit balance. geographical boundaries. Several months


Evolving‌in SANTA FE

later and 70 pounds lighter, she was planning a trip outside the country, staying in the center of herself and letting go without expectation. How can you move yourself through the pain and sadness to a joy outside your own perceived boundary or box?

works for them: whether it be "mindful minutes" of breath and relaxation, walking in nature to connect to Mother Earth, focusing on the good in the world and supporting the good with energy, being kind to all living things, and being in and sharing, gratitude. When we are mindful, rather than letting our mind be pulled away Positive Mindset into a million fragmented pieces, we are "To change your life, you have to change able to express more of our genuine self, yourself. To change yourself you have to guiding us to a life full of potential. What change your mindset" (KushandWizdom). mindful practice will you develop this year? A colleague from the university where we Natalia Pisetskaya stated well the path worked wanted to move outside of the one takes when opening up to the Universal limited income and position she felt she energy of Reiki. It "brings us home to was in. She wanted to work on a PhD, but ourselves, bypassing our own fixed and didn't feel she had the resources financially, limiting ideas, preconceived notions, our mentally or emotionally to take on the resistance and our doubts. It provides us commitment. She was operating to some with a glimpse into our own degree from a fixed mindset of not being washes us from within. When the residue of smart enough or not having enough money daily life goes, the purity of one's own being to pursue this endeavor. We worked on her is revealed." May you discover, deepen and growth mindset in our healing work, empower the "life force energy" available bringing out the gift of empowerment she for transformation as you enter into this already had. She simply needed to bring it new year! out through the creativity and dance exercises she determined, to release her from her self-imposed "not-enoughs." Today she is in an internationally recognized doctorate program, developing an important study that will support a disenfranchised population, as well as help to change oppressive policy. Does your mindset need a change?

Finding Your Mindfulness Practice "There is something in every one of you that waits and listens for the sound of the genuine in yourself. It is the only true guide you will ever have. And if you cannot hear it, you will all of your life spend your days on the ends of strings that somebody else pulls" (Howard Thurman). The Mindfulness movement is one that has the potential to change the world, one person at a time, as they find the practice that 11

January 2016

Lynne McMahan, Ed.D., En-Light-En Reiki, is a Usui/ Holy Fire Karuna ReikiÂŽ Master and Mind-Body-Spirit Mentor, supporting the healing of each person or animal on their journey of transformation. For more information:,, or 505.400.3168. Santa Fe office: 110 Delgado St.


2016 Astrological Forecast



eady for another exciting year? 2016 is full of promise and potential! It will have opportunities for new directions with health, personal goals, and conscious evolution. Starting on January 5–January 25, Mercury, the planet of communication, goes through the first of four retrograde motions this year. Retrograde motion means that a planet appears to be moving backwards in the sky. For around three weeks, there is a tendency for things to get jumbled or delayed. Back up your data, be careful when travelling, make sure to check and double check contracts before you sign them. All Mercury retrogrades this year are in earth signs, which brings a hue of sense and practicality to the retrograde energy. Mercury will retrograde in the sign of Capricorn, an earth sign. That will help you be focused on the practical aspects of life. It's an ideal time to reorganize into a simple structure that will facilitate your efforts for the year to come. Also in January, Jupiter, the planet of expansiveness, goes retrograde too. Jupiter is an outward-looking planet. During this backward motion which lasts until June, it's a great time to look inward, reevaluate, and reorient yourself to help you get ahead when the planet returns into direct motion. Being in the detail-oriented sign of Virgo until September, it's a great time to restructure habits with your lifestyle, diet, and expenditures. This will help you in particular if you want to eat healthier, decrease spending, and create healthy routines. Let your hair down in February and the first three weeks of March. Things are mostly smooth sailing. Aim for traditional ways to celebrate Valentine's Day when Venus, the planet of love, will be in Capricorn. If you’re serious about your partner, this is a favorable time to propose. March commences a time of changing storms over the next few months. Jupiter will be at a favorable angle with Pluto, the

planet of transformation, and a challenging angle with Saturn, the planet of restriction. Saturn will go retrograde for around four and a half months; it may not affect you personally—but it affects the population at large in the areas of finance, integrity, and government power. Overall, it'll be energetic awareness towards the greater good. Don't take shortcuts during this time. The road to personal evolution during the period between March and April is better followed one step at a time. These angles will clear in around three weeks but they'll hit again in May, June, and December as Jupiter meets them while in direct motion. At the end of April, the second Mercury retrograde for 2016 is in the sign of Taurus. During this time, reflect on your values—both physical and moral. If you feel like you haven't been following your higher purpose, you'll have a chance to redo your approach during this period. You may feel heightened enthusiasm when Jupiter goes direct the second week of May. If an infection breaks out before or around June, don't have too much fear. For a period of a year, you may hear about medical breakthroughs and advances in research as Saturn, the planet of restriction and research, makes a challenging aspect with Neptune, the planet of elusiveness, Evolving…in SANTA FE

In December, be sure to get all of your ducks in a row before the holidays for the final Mercury retrograde of the year will occur from December 19 through the first week of the new year. As if coming full circle in a year, it will once again be in the sign of Capricorn. If you plan on travelling for the holidays, make extra time for delays and snafus. Have a backup plan prepared in case things don't go as planned during this period. Buy all your Christmas gifts before the retrograde. Once the retrograde hits, you don't need to wait until the New Year to follow resolutions—this period is a good time to start. By the end of December, 2016, all of the planets, with the exception of Mercury, will have left retrograde motion and gone confusion, and drugs. In 2014 there was an direct. Ebola scare. The same planetary Overall, begin 2016 as a time for second configuration between Saturn and Neptune chances, a time to revisit anything you may helped scientists be very quick to work on have overlooked or missed. With that, you vaccines and treatments. Saturn’s energy of can achieve completion of the steps in your quarantines may have prevented Ebola path so you can continue to evolve during from becoming a lethal pandemic. the coming year. Enjoy July and August, for the celestial sky will be more merciful on us during this period. On August 30, Mercury goes into it's third retrograde in the sign of Virgo until September 21. Virgo is a sign that expresses habits, hygiene, and meticulousness, among other things. Mercury rules Virgo and Gemini, so during this retrograde, if you have planets in the sign of Virgo or Gemini, you may feel a Cindy Mckean has been double dose of this energy. Review your practicing Astrology, Tarot, health routines, your diet, and how you Palmistry, and Dowsing for serve others. This can be a time to enhance over 22 years. Though a the resolutions you started to follow at the scientist at heart, she felt there beginning of the year. was more to life than what In September, Jupiter, the jovial planet empirical evidence suggests. of expansiveness, moves out of the sign of Thus began her journey into Virgo and into the sign of Libra for about a esoteric studies. Cindy offers year. This shift will have an influence on private readings and classes in aesthetics. It's a good time to decorate your Astrology, Tarot, and home or office. Be sure to keep the habits Palmistry. She can be reached you created while Jupiter was in Virgo, for through her website Jupiter in Libra has a tendency towards or by indulgence. calling 816-895-2545. 12

January 2016

Spiritual Horoscope

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20)

January 2016 Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) Mercury is retrograde, teaching you the power of words and thoughts. Aquarians can deal with anxiety (because of your excitable ruling planet, Uranus), so it’s important to harness your mind.You’re here to transform restlessness into enthusiasm and creativity. Inner thoughts build your outer world. By observing habitual and subconscious thoughts and you’re on your way to freedom!

Do your friends and activities empower you? Or drag you down? Think about what you truly love to do — and the kind of people you want in your life. Cleanse out limiting situations and allow new energy and people to flow in! This increases self-esteem, and even your finances. Long-term partnerships improve and you’ll find things in common you hadn’t explored yet! Being authentic brings serenity, love and abundance.

Aries (March 21 – April 19) Exciting things happen with career! But since Mercury is retrograde, explore options this month, but hold off on decisions. More is revealed in February, although you’ll be tempted by and convinced about right now. Believe it or not, something even better’s on the way! In relationships, so be patient, allow dust to settle, and communicate in depth later instead of saying/doing things you regret now.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) As a Taurus, your values and standards are very important. Make sure the spiritual path you’re on matches your deepest connection with the Universe. You might need to make changes, or at least stand up to someone about your beliefs that differ from theirs. You might also need to work out financial differences with your spouse. If single, don’t settle for people who are vastly divergent from your core self!

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) With Mercury retrograde, it’s too easy to cause relationship challenges through misunderstandings. Meditate on releasing past power struggles with old or current partners. Take deep breaths before conversations of whatever sort. Find your center of power so you don’t assume people are out to get you. If you’re coming for a balanced place, deep bonding happens in relationships — and Evolving…in SANTA FE

maybe a positive shift at work too. Allow intuition to guide you rather than fear!

yourself free and opening your mind to fulfillment in all areas!

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)

Someone wants to know you at depth! Even if it’s a longterm partner, it’s an opportunity to become more emotionally intimate. In order not to be threatened or feel fear of possible abandonment (both of which pull you into your shell so you appear cold), meditate about letting go of old hurts. Be in the present moment with this person who loves you! It is safe to be here now!

Create a new budget for the New Year. Meditate about how you might overspend or be unconscious of money when you’re angry as an outlet for uncomfortable feelings. Getting clear about prosperity opens doors to a new job or better circumstances at your current one. You’ll also find inventive ways to manage your stress and improve your health when you’re fully present to emotions and not avoiding your inner signals!

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) Mercury retrograde can cause confusion in the balance of career and relationships. Get clear about taking on extra work and how much is expected of you. Also let your spouse/partner know you’ll be less available. Be good to yourself. Get enough sleep. Treat your body well with good food. Breathe in between tasks to destress! It’s possible to be successful, happy and healthy!

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) I know it isn’t fun to contemplate focused planning, but it’s time to move toward goals. Meditate on your priorities. Distractions are basically wasted time and energy. You’ll have more joy from analyzing your thoughts and actions — and releasing what drags down your life progress. Relationships, money and selfesteem improve from this short time of discipline!

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) Childhood issues can be stirred up to be healed. Instead of reacting, meditate on the roots of the feelings. You respond so strongly now because you’re reliving a familiar emotional pattern. Examining your subconscious and letting go of the causes of your pain brings greater intimacy in a current relationship, or attracts a partner who is available on many levels. You’ll also heal old stress patterns and feel internally peaceful.

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) Libras seem harmonious, but actually you can be addicted to drama (and then you can re-establish peace). Meditate on this part of yourself, since you could be stirring up relationship trouble with Mercury retrograde this month. Balanced doesn’t mean boring! Also write about the positive and negative things of 2015. Then rip up or burn the pages, setting 13

January 2016

Aluna Michaels is a secondgeneration astrologer and soul evolutionist practitioner. She also holds a Masters in Spiritual Counseling and has been teaching and consulting for more than three decades. Her book Spiritual Gifts of the 12 Astrological Signs is now on Amazon in Kindle version and as an E-book on her website. Aluna is available for appointments in her home, by phone or Skype. Call 727-239-7179 or visit



New Mexico Hypnotherapy helps you reach your goals, remove blockages to growth, and resolve limiting beliefs. From body image to clearing traumas and phobias to growing younger to natal and past-life regressions, we help people improve their life experience by understanding themselves.

Natural Kingdoms Oracle Readings by Gale Litvak Thurs., Fri. and most Sat. afternoons, noon-4 p.m. In a sacred space of nature’s energies, receive support for areas of concern in your life. Sugg. donation: $20/15 minutes. Drop-ins welcome. 505-984-8009. Hillside, 86 Old Las Vegas Highway, Santa Fe.

En-Light-En Reiki, Lynne McMahan, Ed.D. Usui/Holy Fire Karuna Reiki® Master . As a conduit for Reiki healing energy, Lynne builds a mentoring relationship, supporting and coaching her clients (people and their animals) to increased mind-body-spirit balance and harmony on their journey of transformation. 505.400.3168 * * 110 Delgado St., SF

NUMEROLOGY John Holmes, Numerologist Confirm your Pre-Intended Life Story. Three-part reading, two-hour consultation by phone or in my Santa Fe office. Contact John with inquiries or to schedule a reading: or call 505-466-4297.


LIBIDO COACHING. Somatic coaching for people who wish to change/expand the relationship with their body/intimacy/sexuality. Isa Magdalena has taught conscious sexuality since '92, in the US and Europe. Her book is called A Map of Full Spectrum Sex.

Beth Budesheim, Artist, LMT, RN, ATP® Your Goddess Energy Portrait™, therapeutic massage and energy medicine, chakra work, Art Rituals™, paintings.

SPIRITUALITY Heart of the Mother Healing by Gwendolyn Hill Individual spiritual sessions and classes on ascension topics both remotely via teleseminars and in person in Albuquerque, NM. For more information:, 505-864-4084,


Unity Santa Fe is a welcoming Interspiritual Community that offers practical tools for a healthy, abundant life. Sunday Service at 10:30 a.m., variety of classes and workshops. 1212 Unity Way, Santa Fe 87506. 505-989-4433

Southwestern College/New Earth Institute: Consciousness-Centered Graduate School for Counseling and Art Therapy 3960 San Felipe Road, Santa Fe, NM 87507 toll free: 877-471-5756 direct: 505-471-5756 email:

January cover Artist, Jeanine Handell, has donated her art, Experiencing Winter’s Inner Glow, to benefit Evolving Magazine. To support the publication and purchase this beautiful piece, place your bid by January 31, 2016, at

Evolving…in SANTA FE


January 2016

Events JANUARY 6 & 9 A NEW YEAR - A NEW YOU, 2016 AND BEYOND! If you want to move beyond the "New Year's Resolu on" short-lived experiences into a space where you are learning how to create fundamental changes for reaching op mum health and vitality then join Val Alarcon, Holis c Health Coach and Integra ve Nutri onist to explore the road map to a healthier—happier you 2016 and beyond! This is a five workshop series, offering support in healthy weight management, integra ve nutri on, emo onal ea ng, deconstruc ng cravings and ea ng for energy. Join Val for two introduc on session at Body of Santa Fe, 333 W. Cordova Road, on January 6 at 5pm and January 9 at 4pm. For more informa on see events at JANUARY 23 VITALITY FOR LIFE, 2016 AND BEYOND! This is a four-week workshop series to support you in crea ng a vitality blueprint that supports you in enjoying a healthy weight and a healthy you, iden fy your primary and secondary foods and a:ain life/ work balance. Join Val for an introduc on and overview session on Saturday, January 23 at 11am at the UNM Center for Life, 4700 Jefferson St. Albuquerque. Please register with Michelle Hale via email at or via phone at (505) 925-4551 JANUARY 20 HEALING YOUR INNER CRITIC AND BUILDING CONFIDENCE Wednesdays, 6:30-8 pm beginning 1/20/2016. Many of us have heard the term, inner cri c. It is an inner part, voice, or feeling that leads us to believe we’re not good enough. If your inner cri c is keeping you from thriving in your life and rela onships, this workshop series is for you. You will learn more about this part of yourself and then help it to transform into a powerful ally. For more informa on or to register, go to h:p:// EventsWorkshopsandGroups.en.html or call Elaine Casquarelli, LMHC at (505) 490-5600. JANUARY 7 & 19 INTRODUCTION TO SOMATO-RESPIRATORY INTEGRATION (SRI) Jan 7 at 6:30pm and Jan 19th at 12:30pm Learn how simple body awareness exercises can help you be more present, connected and at peace no ma:er what is going on in your life and body. Call Scher Center for Well Being to reserve your space 505-989-9373. $20 for an 1 ½ hr class.

JANUARY 11 & 28 INTRODUCTION TO NETWORK CARE Jan 11 at 6:30pm and Jan 28 at 12:15pm. A revolu onizing leading edge body.mind. spirit.method. Come hear how accessing your nervous system in a way releases defense and overwhelm stressors and that op mizes can enhance, accelerate and help you experience empowered sustainable integrated healing. Call Scher Center for Well Being to reserve your space 505 9899373 FEBUARY 1 FREE COMMUNITY WELLNESS DINNER WORKSHOP 6:30pm given by the Scher Center for Well Being. Take your health and your life to the next level! Increase your energy and improve your immune system. Go beyond managing pain into thriving. To reserve your space and find out the loca on call 505 9899373. STARTING JANUARY 11 FERTILE GROUND: AN ART-BASED, INFERTILITY SUPPORT GROUP FOR WOMEN. Mondays, 6-8pm, Jan.11-Feb.15 at The Birthing Tree, 1315 S St. Francis Dr. For more informa on and to sign up contact Bethany at or 505-2522215

ONGOING HATHA SOUL YOGA Join Heather Robertson in her Hatha Soul Yoga class to awaken your inner strength for less stress and more freedom. for more details. ACCESS CONSCIOUSNESS CERTIFIED BARS EXCHANGE Wednesday nights, Santa Fe, get your bars run! Huge savings to a private session! Kathy White CFMW@ 505.366.9120 VITALITY HOUR AT INNER RHYTHM WELLNESS CENTER Mondays from 5pm - 6pm Join Val Alarcón, Holis c Health Coach and Advocate AADP for an inspiring, educa onal and interac ve workshop on how to address your bioindividual nutri onal needs, life/work balance and many more health related topics. For more informa on and other events visit

Evolving…in SANTA FE


January 2016

PICK UP A COPY NEAR YOU View the complete list of locations, searchable by zip code, at DOWNTOWN Hotel Santa Fe The Golden Eye The Lensic Performing Arts Center Santa Fe Oxygen Bar Downtown Visitor Info Center at Plaza Galeria Main Library Santa Fe Conven on Visitor Center La Posada de Santa Fe High Desert Healthcare & Massage Absolute Nirvana Spa and Gardens/The Madeleine Video Library Amethyst Santa Fe: A Healing Space Garre:'s Desert Inn Milagro Herbs (419 Orchard Dr)

NORTH OF SANTA FE Unity Church Santa Fe Center of Light NORTH & WEST OF DOWNTOWN Light and Love Naturopathic Center Christus/ DeVargas Health Center/Urgent Care Santa Fe Spa The Lodge Ohori's Coffee The Be:erday Coffee Shop Southwest Care/ Women's Health Services La Montanita Coop Thrive Santa Fe-Yoga-Dance-Spinning Barrio Brinery The Ark Bookstore Evolving…in SANTA FE


January 2016

SOUTHSIDE The Montecito Santa Fe Soul Center For Op mal Health Java Joe's Cloud 9 Divine Healing Center @ SF Fitness Genoveva Chavez Community Center Santa Fe Community College Main Entrance SFCC Fitness Educa on Center Rancho Viejo Village Market Christus Rodeo Family Medicine Corazon Family Health Center Heart of the Lotus / Santa Fe Place Christus Entrada Contenta Health Center The Inn at Santa Fe Fashion Outlet Visitor Info Center La Bajada NM Visitors Center Aspen Medical Center Urgent & Primary Care

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