GO Natural Food Guide 天然食品採購指南 - Issue 05 AUG 2021 (Bilingual 中英文對照)

Page 30

美味、健康又方便的零食小吃 Delicious, Healthy, and Convenient Snack Packs SnackMate 新仕美

產品種類 We are Offering

新仕美SnackMate嚴選世界各地優質的原材料,為追求健康生活的 您提供多種健康、方便和美味的零食選擇。

Whole Dried Blueberries, Whole Dried Cranberries, Pitted Prunes and Dried Apricots

產品特點: 非切片的原粒果乾,大顆圓渾,口感飽滿 豐富膳食纖維及維他命 不含膽固醇 不含人造色素 獨立小包裝,一開即食,隨時隨地隨心享用

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SnackMate selects superior quality raw materials around the world and brings you a delicious, healthy, and smart way to snack. It offers great choices of convenient snack packs that can help you to pursue a healthy lifestyle. Product features:     


Whole fruit (Non-sliced), large size with rich texture Good source of fiber and vitamin Cholesterol free No artificial colours Convenient pocket packs


服務以下國家及地區顧客 Target Regions 香港、澳門及中國

Hong Kong, Macau and China

目標顧客 Target Customers 零售商及批發商

Retailers & Wholesalers

採購及查詢聯絡 Company & Contact Information 東秀有限公司

Assure Company Limited Tel : (852) 2388 8839 Email : info@assure.com.hk URL : www.assure.com.hk

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