Natural Foods Buyer's Guide 天然食品採購指南 2018 (Bilingual 中英文對照)

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飲 食 新 趨 勢 New Food Trend

Thi s sw eet, root-l i ke vegetabl e ori gi n at es and predomi nates throughout t he pre-A ndes ranges from Ecuador t o C hi l e to A rgenti na. It i s al so grown in N ew Zeal and, Ital y, C zech R epublic, Phi l i ppi nes, and Vi etnam as w el l .

Th e H ea lth Ben efits of Ya con 雪蓮果的健康效用 雪蓮果是低聚果糖(FOS)的豐富來源。 *根據幾項臨床前和臨床試驗,FOS有利於 促進健康細菌的生長,同時減少致病細菌 的數量。此外,腸道微生物群FOS發酵的 最終產物「短鏈脂肪酸」(SCFA)有效調 節免疫能力,維持血糖穩態。因此,雪蓮 果可以降低血糖水平、體重和患結腸癌風 險。雪蓮果亦常用於營養補充劑作預防慢 性 疾病。

天然甜味劑 雪蓮果糖漿來自雪蓮果根部。先將根部的汁 液提取出來,然後經過過濾和蒸發過程之 成,製造方法跟楓糖漿相似。 雪蓮果糖漿升糖指數低,而熱量低於蜂 蜜,楓糖漿和椰子糖。是新一代的天然甜 味劑。

Yacon i s an abundant source of fructooligosaccharides (FOS). * A ccordi ng to several precl i ni cal and cl i ni cal tri al s, FOS i ntake favors t he grow th of heal th-promoti ng bact er ia w hi l e reduci ng pathogeni c bac t er ia popul ati ons. Moreover, the end product s of FOS fermentati on by the i ntes t inal mi crobi ota, short chai n fatty a cids (SC FA ), act as substrates or si gnaling mol ecul es i n the regul ati on of the i mmune response, gl ucose homeostasi s and lipid metabol i sm. A s a resul t, gl ycemi c l evels, body w ei ght and col on cancer ri sk can be reduced. Yacon root i s effectively used as a di etary suppl ement to prevent and treat chroni c di seases.

A N a tu r a l S w eeten er Yacon syrup i s extracted from the r oot s of the Yacon pl ant. The j ui ces f r om the roots are extracted, then fi l ter ed and evaporated i n a chemi cal -f r ee manufacturi ng process that resembles the w ay Mapl e syrup i s made. Yacon syrup scores best i n the Gl yce m ic Index for sw eeteners that are sugar based and has l ow er cal ori c val ue t han honey, mapl e syrup, and coconut sugar .

來自新西蘭的多年生塊莖雪蓮果,看似馬鈴薯,味 道卻像梨子。 A per ennial tuber fr om New Z eal and w hi ch looks like a potato and taste s a b i t l i k e a p ear .

*Source: US National Library of Medicine. National Institutes of Health Photo credit: NEKTA Healthcare Limited


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