Natural Foods Buyer's Guide 天然食品採購指南 2018 (Bilingual 中英文對照)

Page 46

精 選 產 品 分 類 Products Showcase

PIP ORGANIC 有機蘋果汁 Organic Cloudy Apple Juice

日光牌 SUNSWEET 100%加州西梅汁 100% Plum Juice

原 產 地 Co u n tr y o f Or ig in : 英國 UK 供 應 商 Su p p lie r : Ch a n n e l T im e L im ite d

原產地 C ountry of Ori gi n: 美國 U S A 供應商 Suppl i er: Assure C ompany Ltd

PIP一直與有機農民一起工作多年,以確保他們在適當的時間選擇合 適的水果品種,以便他們的果汁完美融合。100%鮮搾有機蘋果汁, 全天然無添加,不含防腐劑、色素、濃縮物及人造香料,亦不添加糖 及水。

SUNSWEET乃全球著名的美國乾果品牌, 逾100年歷史, 擁有獨家專 利去核技術, 使西梅乾份外圓渾可口, 品質優勝。SUNSWEET 加州 100%西梅汁,乃100%原汁, 非由濃縮果汁還原 ; 含豐富鐵質及鉀 質 ; 無添加糖份、防腐劑、及其他人造成份, 有助促進腸道健康, 乃 健康果汁最佳之選。

PIP Organic has been working with organic farmers for many years to ensure they choose the right fruit varieties at the right time, so that all of their juices are blended to perfection. 100% pressed organic apple juice, free from preservatives, colourings or artificial flavours. No added sugar or water and not from concentrate.

Sunsweet Prune Juice originated from US California is 100% juice, not from concentrate. Not only tastes good, also provides natural source of fiber and essential vitamins and minerals, to help balance and maintain good digestive health. Moreover, no added sugar, preservatives, and other artificial ingredients. Undoubtedly a good choice of health drink.

其 他 飲 品 BE VER A G ES – O TH ER S

BRUCE COST 薑味汽水 Ginger Ales

CALIFIA FARMS 專業沖調用杏仁奶 Barista Blend Almondmilk

原 產 地 Co u n tr y o f Or ig in : 美國 USA 供 應 商 Su p p lie r : Gr e e n Stu d io Co m p a n y Li mi ted

原產地 C ountry of Ori gi n: 美國 U S A 供應商 Suppl i er: Green C ommon

於紐約Brooklyn製造。用真薑加上蔗糖製造出與眾不同的薑味飲 料。全天然, 無防腐劑, 無人造色素。每12oz 瓶装含40g薑碎,全素 非酒精飲品。除原味之外,還有熱情果味、洛神花味和苿莉茶味。

Califia Farms 是美國最暢銷的杏仁奶品牌。低脂低卡,非基因改 造,不含蛋奶、麩質、鹿角菜膠的杏仁奶與冷泡咖啡。皇牌產品 Barista Blend獲全美超過600家著名咖啡店指定選用。質感比一般 杏仁奶豐厚細滑,能輕易拉花,每份只有70卡路里,更不含添加物

味道清純,配合有型瓶身設計,男女老少健康型格之選。 With 4 natural ingredients, the basic and simple delicious and spicy beverage started it all. It tastes extraordinary. The original flavor of our Ginger ales are the fundamentally of all the variety flavors. Made with fresh ginger and pure cane sugar and unfiltered. Rich with ginger particles, it provides iron, a little vitamin C and 100% deliciousness.

鹿角菜膠。 Califia Farms is the leading brand of almond milk sold in America. Handpicked by more than 600 leading specialty coffee houses across the U.S. including Blue Bottle, Intelligentsia, Fourbarrel, Philz Coffee and Peet’s Coffee, its Barista Blend can easily create full-bodied foam and better latte art. It is also free from Carrageenan and contains only 70 calories per serving.


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