Natural Foods Buyer's Guide 天然食品採購指南 2018 (Bilingual 中英文對照)

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魚 優

Ho - L TROO 韓國天然冷凍乾果 Korean Natural Freeze-dried Fruit

日光牌 SUNSWEET D’Noir去核西梅乾 Sunsweet D’Noir™ Prunes

原 產 地 Co u n tr y o f Or ig in : 韓國 Ko r e a 供 應 商 Su p p lie r : L ife is fo r Exce lle n ce

原產地 C ountry of Ori gi n: 美國 U S A 供應商 Suppl i er: Assure C ompany Ltd

認證/獎項: HACCP / DAkkS 2015 韓國首爾食品工業展金獎產品。利 用速凍技術保留最新鮮的水果原生營養。無防腐劑、無添加劑、無色 素、無糖、非基因改造、不含麩質。以低於零下40°C的溫度,快速 冷凍後乾燥,保存原產品營養。經低溫冷凍技術使食品可長期保存。

SUNSWEET乃全球著名的美國乾果品牌, 逾100年歷史, 擁有獨家 專利去核技術, 使西梅乾份外圓渾可口,品質優勝。SUNSWEET特別 推出D’Noir西梅乾,完全不添加防腐劑,適合喜好全天然果乾的人 士。西梅含大量纖維、維他命A、鉀質及抗氧化物, 營養豐富, 何時 何地都非常適合享用。

How is our freeze-dried fruit made? It’s simple. We freeze our fruit at temperatures below -40°C. This helps our snacks retain their maximum nutritional value without losing their incredible taste. It’s Mother Nature’s gift from us to you. No Preservatives, No Additives, No Artificial Colours, No Added Sugars, GMO-free and Gluten-free.

Sunsweet prunes famous for its plumpy and fruity quality. D’Noir prunes is a speciality without added preservatives, deliver full of natural flavour. Suitable for those looking for raw fruits. Prunes have rich content of fiber, Vitamin A, potassium and anti-oxidants, which are very suitable to enjoy everywhere.

妹嘜SUN-MAID 有機無核葡萄乾 Organic Seedless Raisins

FARMER’S SNACK 杏脯乾 Apricots Sulphured

原 產 地 Co u n tr y o f Or ig in : 美國 USA 供 應 商 Su p p lie r : Assu r e Co m p a n y L im ite d

原產地 C ountry of Ori gi n: 土耳其 Turkey 供應商 Suppl i er: Impex Qual i ty Products Ltd

Sun-Maid於1912年在美國加州成立,全球知名的葡萄乾品牌,市 場所佔份額為全球領先。產自美國加州青葡萄,天然生曬而成。獲 USDA有機認證,只選用由Sun-Maid California認證的有機種植者種 植的葡萄,含豐富鉀質及膳食纖維,健康有益。獨立小盒設計,方便 隨時享用。

來自陽光普照的土耳其南部生長的金色杏子 。水果脫水後雖能保持 一定濕度,為了讓我們的果實重拾「生命的氣息」,我們以獨特配 方,根據每種品種的特定程序分別進行單獨和的水分補充,保留更 多果汁。

Sun-Maid was launched in 1915 with over 90-year long until now. Made from premium Californian grapes under sunshine drying process and rich in potassium and fiber. USDA certfied organic and only grown by Sun-Maid’s California certified organic growers. No added preservatives. Individual mini-box design for convenient consumption.

烏頭 Grey

長於鹹 多。香

Our sweet, golden apricots grow in sun-kissed southern Turkey. After the dehydrating process, every fruit retains a certain amount of humidity. In order to “breathe the life” back into our fruit, they are carefully rehydrated individually and separately in a procedure that is specific to each variety, using an in-house recipe. In this way the fruits attain the perfect level of juiciness.


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