Natural Foods Buyer's Guide 天然食品採購指南 2018 (Bilingual 中英文對照)

Page 55

克超營 瘦身排 富植物

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精 選 產 品 分 類 Products Showcase

其他健 康 食 品 OTH ER H EA LTH P R O DU C T S

CERES ORGANIC 有機車前子粉 Organic Psyllium Husk

INUFIB 龍舌蘭 菊寡糖 Agave Inulin

原 產 地 C o u n t ry o f Or ig in : 新西蘭Ne w Z e a la n d 供 應 商 S u p p l i er : Wise Gr o u p ( Ho n g Ko n g ) L td

原產地 C ountry of Ori gi n: 墨西哥 Mexi co 供應商 S uppl i er: Ii dea H ong K ong Ltd

車前子含有豐富的膳食纖維,與主要提供非溶性「粗飼料」類型的穀 物相比,提供了大量80% 非水溶性纖維,成為你內臟的清道夫!可 於冰沙、果汁、穀物或烘焙食品加入一茶匙有機車前子粉,可增加纖 維的攝入量。

菊寡糖是膳食纖維,亦是一種天然果聚糖,更是益生元,激活益菌 增生,強化腸道屏障,削減由腸道入侵的致病原。促進消化及新陳 代謝,協助毒素及廢棄物順利排出。兒童食用,有助營養吸收,增 強免疫力及抗感染。適合少年人、老年人、孕婦及因壓力引致便秘

Psyllium is revered for its impressive dietary fibre content – providing a massive 80% soluble to insoluble fibre, compared to grains which provide mainly the insoluble‘roughage’ kind. It absorbs liquid, expanding to a gel-like consistency in our bodies, essentially becoming a broom for your insides!

人士。 Extracted from the Blue Agave plant, the low-Glycemic-Index Inulin is a dietary fiber (also as natural fructan) that its prebiotics activates the formation of beneficial bacteria, strengthens the intestinal barrier and reduces pathogens entering intestines. Good for detox. For children, it helps nutrition absorption, enhances immunity and anti-infection. Suitable for young people, elderly, pregnant women.

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卷、葡 質和纖 的天然

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KAV ENCORE 營養代餐 Nutrition Shake 原 產 地 C o u n t ry o f Or ig in : 美國 USA 供 應 商 S u p p l i er : Civil Sm a r t L td 纖體營養代餐採用非基因改造,無麩質及全天然成分製成,能有助控制體重,降低脂肪比例,提升體能及提供超過23種人體每日所需的維他命 與礦物質及所需營養,並含有助促進腸道健康的益生元和益生菌。有五種不同口味:香茶、朱古力、咖啡、抹茶及雲呢拿。 份量選擇: 50克獨立包裝可供1次代餐份量、500克密封袋包裝可供10次代餐的份量、1公斤桶裝可供20次代餐的份量。 I50gm Single Sachet. It’s an effective and a powerful formula designed to enhance nutrition, invigorate health and boost strength with a low calories profile for weight management. KAV enCore made with Non-GMO, gluten free and natural ingredients and contains 23+ Essential vitamins and minerals, Probiotics and Prebiotics. Available flavors - Chai, Chocolate, Coffee, Matcha and Vanilla. Available Sizes: 50gm Single Sachet; 500gm Ziplog Bag and 1kg Tub 55

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