Natural Foods Buyer's Guide 天然食品採購指南 2018 (Bilingual 中英文對照)

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APPLE SWEET 蘋果蜜 Apple Honey

ARATAKI 蜂花粉顆粒 Bee Pollen Granules

原 產 地 Co u n tr y o f Or ig in : 香港Ho n g Ko n g 供 應 商 Su p p lie r : Ap p le Swe e t

原產地 C ountry of Ori gi n: 新西蘭 N ew Zeal and 供應商 Suppl i er: Sw i ss Internati onal (H ong K ong) Ltd

蘋果屬薔薇科多年生樹木。一般的花一次能出幾十斤花蜜,但蘋果 花只能出三四斤,所以產量十分稀有。有潤腸作用,其中的單糖容 易被人體吸收更適合老人和消化不良者。鎮靜功能可助緩解神經緊 張,幫助促進睡眠。營養皮膚,幫助減少皺紋、清熱解毒之妙效。

蜂花粉被廣泛認為是必需維他命、礦物質、氨基酸和酶的來源,有 助養顏抗衰老、改善腸胃功能、紓緩失眠及更年期不適,亦可用作 减肥代餐之營養補充品。本草綱目中亦記載蜂花粉有益氣祛風和潤 心肝等功効。成分:來自混合花卉源的新西蘭蜂花粉顆粒。


Bee Pollen is often referred to as a superfood because it is rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins, enzymes and amino acids. Bee Pollen has been shown to support the immune system, enhance resistance to allergies and provide a general boost in energy and vitality.

ARATAKI 純天然蜂巢 Kamahi Comb Honey

KIWI MANUKA UMF®20+級麥蘆卡蜂蜜 Manuka Honey UMF® 20+

原 產 地 Co u n tr y o f Or ig in : 新西蘭 Ne w Z e al and 供 應 商 Su p p lie r : Swiss In te r n a tio n a l ( Ho ng Kong) Ltd

原產地 C ountry of Ori gi n: 新西蘭 N ew Zeal and 供應商 Suppl i er: Ki w i Manuka Group

封存純天然新鮮蜂蜜,不經人手過濾,保存著全部營養成份,蜜味 更香更純,比一般蜂蜜更具食療價值,含豐富生物酶、多種微量元 素、花粉、蜂蠟及蜂膠等成份,是頂級蜂蜜保健食品。把一小塊蜂 巢蜜,咀嚼一會後吐出蜂蠟、有助紓緩喉部不適;亦可加於飲品、 雪榚、餅食使用。

100% 天然、紐西蘭麥蘆卡蜂蜜,經認證標定為 UMF®20+。麥蘆 卡蜂蜜以豐富的口感著稱,它的蜜源取自歷史悠久、被用作傳統藥

Arataki Comb Honey is pure and unprocessed. Truly honey as the bees have made it. The delicate flower of New Zealand native Kamahi tree produces this delicious, distinctly aromatic honey with a buttery aftertaste. Comb Honey has a delightful aroma and subtle flavours which have been sealed in the wax cells just as the bees made it. Honey in its most natural form!

材的當地特有植物。方形PET塑料樽設計,配有防竊螺旋樽蓋。 100% Natural, New Zealand Mānuka Honey with certified UMF®20+ Rating. Mānuka Honey is rich flavour and comes from a native plant with a long heritage of traditional healthcare use. Square PET jar with tamper-evident screw cap.


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