Natural Foods Buyer's Guide 天然食品採購指南 2018 (Bilingual 中英文對照)

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冷藏肉類、家禽及魚 F ROZ EN ME AT, P O U LT RY AN D F IS H

BORROWDALES 澳洲走地豬肉 Australian Free-Range Pork

CAMPOS 西班牙有機認證走地雞 Spanish Certified Organic Chicken

原 產 地 Co u n tr y o f Or ig in : 澳洲 Au str a lia 供 應 商 Su p p lie r : Na tu r e ’s Pa r lo u r

原產地 C ountry of Ori gi n: 西班牙 Spai n 供應商 Suppl i er: N ature’s P arl our

澳洲對肉食產品是有嚴格的規定,而Borrowdale是其中一家擁有政 府走地豬認證的一家豬肉供應商。農場在嚴格的標準下用心飼養豬 隻,澳洲達令港空氣清新,陽光燦爛,豬隻一生可自由散步覓食, 肉質細緻,脂肪含量平均而肉汁豐富,定能滿足你的需要。

聞名西班牙有機走地雞品牌,雞肉味香濃,脂肪低但肉汁豐富。選 用有機穀物飼養,絕不使用生長促進劑、不添加賀爾蒙及抗生素。 有機雞肉品質高,合乎歐盟標準。

Borrowdale is a leading producer of certified organic free-range pork in the Darling Downs of Australia. The standards also ensure water and foods is always accessible and that environmental welfare is also maintained. The taste and texture of the pork is superior, the meat is lean and succulent.

A famous organic free-range chicken farm in Spain. The meat is lean, great flavour with superior texture. No added hormones, antibiotic and growth promotants. The hens are also feed on organic grains. All organic meat products are certified by EU.

HERGOSAN 西班牙伊比利亞黑毛豬肉 Spanish Iberico Pork

HIGHLAND SALMON 急凍蘇格蘭有機三文魚 Frozen Scottish Organic Smoked Salmon

原 產 地 Co u n tr y o f Or ig in : 西班牙 Sp a in 供 應 商 Su p p lie r : Na tu r e ’s Pa r lo u r

原產地 C ountry of Ori gi n: 蘇格蘭 Scotl and 供應商 Suppl i er: N ature’s P arl our

在西班牙美食享譽的伊比利亞黑毛豬,有著「會走動的橄欖油」的 封號。美食關鍵在於其罕有品種、自由放養及其生長環境。黑毛豬 肉油花飽滿、色澤紅潤、肉嫩和軟滑多汁,含豐富單一不飽和脂肪 酸。Hergosan 黑毛豬肉不添加賀爾蒙、抗生素及生長促進劑。

蘇格蘭Highland煙三文魚以選材優質三文魚馳名,品質有保障,口 感肥美,用來做西餐或派對小食,都非常適合。產品亦符合蘇格蘭 BRC食物及衞生的國際標準。

Iberico pigs has gained the nick name of the “Olive oil on four legs”, the reasons are due to their rare breed, the free range rearing methods and their living environment. The meats are beautifully marbled, dark colour, so moist and tender with high content of mono unsaturated fatty acid. No added hormones, growth promotants & antibiotic to foster growth with Hergosan.

Scotland Smoked Salmon is famous for their selection of the finest salmon. With their high quality and wonderful rich flavor, Hightland Smoked Salmon is very suitable for western cuisine and party finger food. Products all adhere with to BRC Global Standards of Food Safety.


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