Natural Foods Buyer's Guide 天然食品採購指南 2018 (Bilingual 中英文對照)

Page 59

富。選 生素。

is lean, tibiotic grains.

障,口 蘇格蘭

of the flavor, cuisine Global

精 選 產 品 分 類 Products Showcase

HOBBS 澳洲有機認證走地雞 Australian Certified Organic Chicken

PADAQUE 西班牙有機雞蛋 Spanish Organic Eggs

原 產 地 C o u n t r y o f Or ig in : 澳洲 Au str a lia 供 應 商 S u p p l i e r : Na tu r e ’s Pa r lo u r

原產地 C ountry of Ori gi n: 西班牙 Spai n 供應商 Suppl i er: N ature’s P arl our

澳洲Hobbs農場是當地著名的有機農場,在嚴格的有機認證下飼養 雞隻。雞肉肉質細嫩,脂肪低但肉汁豐富。只選用有機穀物飼養,

Padeque有機雞蛋農場悉心打造健康環境,雞隻可以按自己的天性 自由走動,農場內百分百環保,而且亦以有機飼料餵飼雞隻。雞蛋 品質高,合乎歐盟標準。

絕不使用生長促進劑、化學肥料、化學農藥或基因改造飼料。 The leading producer of organic free-range chicken is dedicated to rearing premium quality chicken using strict certified organic farming methods. The taste and texture is superior, the meat is lean and translucent. Feed on organic growth grain, no growth promotants, no chemical fertilizers and pesticides, no GMO grain.

The owner of the Padeque has turned his profession in growing happy hens to get the best organic eggs. The hens are roamed freely. Every aspect of the farm is 100% eco-friendly and hens are feed on organic cereals. All Padeque eggs are of the highest quality and strictly follow the EU Standards.

ROIA 西班牙有機牛肉 Spanish Organic Beef

URGASA 西班牙走地黃油春雞 Spanish Free Range Poussin

原 產 地 C o u n t r y o f Or ig in : 西班牙 Sp a in 供 應 商 S u p p l i e r : Na tu r e ’s Pa r lo u r

原產地 C ountry of Ori gi n: 西班牙 Spai n 供應商 Suppl i er: N ature’s P arl our

ROIA 專營100%有機產品,從不添加賀爾蒙、抗生素及生長促進劑, 無機因改造,確保合乎動物權益。所有產品均符合歐盟標準。

西班牙走地黃油春雞,純植物飼料餵養,而春雞以大概是33天的天然 速度生長,無添加賀爾蒙和絕不使用抗生素。使用高成本冷凍技術, 避免春雞縮水又能保持原有風味。

ROIA works exclusively with 100% organic product. No added hormones, growth promotants & antibiotic to foster growth. Non GMO. Animal welfare guarantee at ROIA. All organic products are certifed by EU.

Truly free range Spanish poussins, fed on a purely vegetable diet. Naturally slow-growing of about 33 days, with no hormones added and no antibiotic. Air Chill is used to keep the original flavor and size.


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