Natural Foods Buyer's Guide 天然食品採購指南 2018 (Bilingual 中英文對照)

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CITY FARM 有機初榨橄欖油 Organic Olive Oil 原 產 地 Co u n tr y o f Or ig in : 土耳其 T u r ke y 供 應 商 Su p p lie r : Eve r yth in g Or g a n ic 有機初榨橄欖油含有維生素A,D和K,可加速兒童的骨骼發育。作 為健康食用的首選。 Organic Olive Oil contains vitamins A, D and K, it’s accelerates children’s bone development.

CASTILLO DE CANENA 西班牙特級二十一世紀 生物有機系列 初榨橄欖油 (皮夸爾) Spanish Extra Virgin Olive Oil Biodynamic of XXIS Centur y (Picual)


原產地 C ountry of Ori gi n: 西班牙 Spai n 供應商 Suppl i er: N ature’s P arl our Castillo de Canena 第一支推出有 Demeter 生物有機認証的初榨 橄欖油,認證確保生產過程遵從生物有機的種植步驟,是環保與環 境的和諧配合。此油入口芳香、青橄欖味道濃郁。 Castillo de Canena’s first extra virgin olive oil certified as BIODYNAMIC by Demeter! The certification that guarantees correct compliance with all of the biodynamic agricultural processes that seeks complete integration and harmony with the surrounding ecosystem. High intensity of green olive and fruity sensation.

L.I.F.E AMAZON 印加果油 Sacha Inchi oil

L.I.F.E. 有機冷壓初榨椰子油 Organic Cold-pressed Extra Virgin Coconut Oil

原 產 地 Co u n tr y o f Or ig in : 秘魯 Pe r u 供 應 商 Su p p lie r : L ife is fo r Exce lle n ce

原產地 C ountry of Ori gi n: 斯里蘭卡 S ri Lanka 供應商 Suppl i er: Li fe i s for E xcel l ence

印加果油奧米加-3(DHA+EPA)含量最高,獲巴黎世博會金獎, 消 炎及抗衰老能力地上最強。 冷壓下來的粉末,亦營養豐富,蛋白質 含量高達50%。亞洲首發(日本除外)。

不含任何膽固醇。其飽和脂肪屬於中鏈脂肪酸(MCFA)特性是不 容易被人體吸收,根據醫學研究,更可以被肝臟消化幫助釋出體內 能量,所以不會致肥,更是瘦身寶貝,每天食用不超過30ml有機冷 壓初榨椰子油或按營養師指示服用,作體重管理,效果更佳。

It is cold-pressed and has almost 50% of Omega-3 (EPA+ DHA) / alpha-linolenic acids (ALA), which is exceptionally antiinflammatory, antioxidant and anti-aging. Upon oil press, even the residual powder is nutrient-rich to have 50% protein.



It is cholesterol free and it is good at body trimming. Coconut fats is called medium chain fatty acids (MCFA). It has been shown that breaking down these types of healthy fats in the liver leads to efficient burning of energy and there are not going to be absorbed by our body.


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PRIST 養生鮮 Premi

1/5/2018 ��5:32

簡約養 份子多 用,可 由ISO2 味養生

Made “Premi food in protein preserv and ha

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