Natural Foods Buyer's Guide 天然食品採購指南 2018 (Bilingual 中英文對照)

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三本SUNPLAN 山茶油 Camellia Oil 原產地 Co u n tr y o f Or ig in : 中國 C hi na 供應商 Su p p lie r : AA1 2 1 8 Company Li mi ted 三本山茶油的原料采自高海拔,無污染的生態示範縣 - 柘榮有機油茶基地。全過程採用物理低溫壓榨和精煉方法,屬 純天然、有機、綠色。安全的木本食用植物油,長期食用可保護心血管 ,加強免疫力。 Sunplan Camellia Oil is made from 100% natural, organic ecological self-grown Camellia tea seeds. The complete processing adopts a strict physical method to extract 100% cold pressed Camellia oil. It contains rich Protein and Vitamins A,B, D & E etc. to improve our digestive system, reduces joint inflammation, boosts immune system etc.


欖油 CERES ORGANICS 有機紅菜頭粉 Organic Beetroot Powder


原產地 Co u n tr y o f Or ig in : 新西蘭 N ew Zeal and 供應商 Su p p lie r : Wise Gr oup (H ong Kong) Ltd

的初榨 保與環

使用新西蘭種植的有機紅菜頭,不使用化學農藥、除草劑或人造肥料。它們在低溫(低於47°C)下風乾,以保持整個新 鮮紅菜頭的營養。以濃縮方法保持營養,其中一份相當於約50g的新鮮紅菜頭。可用於冰沙、果汁和各式甜點。

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They’re gently dried at low temperatures (below 47°C), to preserve the wonderful benefits of the whole fresh beetroot. What makes this beetroot powder super valuable is that its nutritional properties are offered up in concentrated form, with one serve equivalent to approximately 50g of fresh beetroot. Add a teaspoon of this organic plant superfood to just about anything – smoothies, juices, desserts.

PRISTINE LIVING 簡約養生 養生鮮菇粉 Premium Mushroom Seasoning Powder

KAI’S GOURMET 野生牛肝菌粉 Porcini Mushroom Powder

原 產 地 C o u n t r y o f Or ig in : 台灣 T a iwa n

原產地 C ountry of Ori gi n: 德國 Germany

供 應 商 S u p p l i e r : Pr istin e L ivin g

供應商 Suppl i er: Kai run Food H K Ltd

簡約養生「養生鮮菇粉」採用9種珍貴菇類研製,天然純素,含有高 份子多醣體、蛋白質和食物纖維,無鹽、脂肪及防腐劑。烹調時使 用,可取代味精, 有助提升食物的鮮味,食用後不會口乾舌燥。產品 由ISO22000及HACCP認證食品廠製造,通過安全測試,是日常調 味養生的天然珍品。

榮獲2017年樂活最天然調味品獎的野生牛肝菌粉帶有一陣果木的 清香,有「天然味精」之稱,產品成份100%簡單天然,絕無味精/ 雞粉/化學成份等添加物,絕對是追求真天然和注重健康人士的 首

Made of a selection of mushrooms and fungi, Pristine Living “Premium Mushroom Seasoning Powder” promotes the flavor of food in a natural and healthy manner. This vegan product is rich in proteins and polysaccharides, and is free of salt, fats, gluten and preservatives. It complies with ISO22000 and HACCP standards, and has passed stringent safety tests.

選。 The Power of Powder -Dried porcini mushrooms into a powder is a great way to preserve their flavor and make them easy to use in the kitchen. 100% natural, GMO and Gluten Free. Use Porcini Mushroom Powder as a rub for meats, in a Rissoto rice, or casserole dishes. Other great applications include soups, sauces /pasta sauces. Ready to use as is, no preparation is necessary.


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