Natural Foods Buyer's Guide 天然食品採購指南 2018 (Bilingual 中英文對照)

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KALLO 有機芝麻海鹽米餅 Foods Organic Rice Cakes With Sesame Sea Salt

LUKE’S 白松露無麩質有機薯片 Gluten-Free Organic Chips - White Truffle

原 產 地 Co u n tr y o f Or ig in : 英國 UK 供 應 商 Su p p lie r : Or g a n ic T a ste

原產地 C ountry of Ori gi n: 美國U SA 供應商 Suppl i er: N ew A scent C orporati on Ltd

由100%天然成分製成,全麥糙米提供最好的口感。非常適合直接 吃或者配上喜歡的配料,做成健康美味的小吃或便餐。每半包裝也 只有27卡路里。無人工色素,香精,防腐劑等。適合素食者享用, 無麩質。

Luke 家族中不少成員都被診斷患有乳糜瀉或麩質過敏症,他們都厭 倦了其他無麩質但無味的零食,因此創立了 Luke’s Organic 有機零 食品牌,致力生產零過敏原的有機零食,無論大人或孩子們都一樣 喜愛!

Made from 100% natural ingredients and only organic wholegrain brown rice is used. Suitable for Vegetarians and vegans. Only 27 calories per slice, naturally gluten free, no artificial additives.

Quite a few members from the Luke’s family have been diagnosed with Celiac disease or gluten sensitivities. Rather than snacking on tasteless cardboard, they came up with the brand Luke’s Organic. What’s satisfying about that? Their snacks are organic, allergen-free and decidedly delicious for kids, grown-ups and those weird ones in between.

OLLY 有機薑糖 Organic Crystallized Ginger

ORCHARD GROWTH 焗黑糖核桃 Muscovado Sugar Walnuts

原 產 地 Co u n tr y o f Or ig in : 香港Ho n g Ko n g 供 應 商 Su p p lie r : fa r m fr e sh 3 3 0

原產地 C ountry of Ori gi n: 香港H ong K ong 供應商 Suppl i er: Green S tudi o C ompany Li mi ted

Olly品牌推出多款有機零食,有機薑糖是其王牌產品。其甜味和辛辣 的味道令口感更豐富。產品由新生精神康復會的服務使用者參與包 裝,包裝上載有他們的心聲,顧客惠顧時也能對他們加深了解,並支 持康復者工作及訓練。

從世界各地農場嚴選最優質果仁,再經過烘焙調味做成美味健康果 仁。不含防腐劑、添加劑及人造色素,是全素食品。以天然方法帶出 果仁最原始的美味。品牌優質果仁系列包括美國核桃、美國杏仁及印 度珍寶腰果。特別介紹黑糖核桃,以特級黑糖,低温烘培,絲絲香甜 獨特香味。

It’s the best seller among “Olly” organic snack series. The sweet and spicy flavor and chewy texture of crystallized ginger make it a delicious snack. The packing process was participated by service users of New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association, with their stories shown on the packaging. Customers buying Olly products can support the work training of people in recovery and know more about them.

Sourced premium nuts from around the world and bake them in a way to bring out their best aroma and taste. No preservatives, additives, colorings. They are vegan. The collection includes walnuts and almonds from USA, jumbo cashews from India. Introducing the Muscovado Sugar Walnuts, dry roasted and enhancing the tasty walnut with a touch of sweetness, so unique that you must try.


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