Natural Foods Buyer's Guide 天然食品採購指南 2018 (Bilingual 中英文對照)

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YUMEARTH 有機熱帶雜果素食軟糖 Organic Tropical Fruit Snacks

YUMEARTH 有機維他命C糖 Organic Vitamin C Antioxidant Fruit Drops

原 產 地 Co u n tr y o f Or ig in : 美國USA 供 應 商 Su p p lie r : Wise Gr o u p ( Ho n g Ko n g) Ltd

原產地 C ountry of Ori gi n: 美國U SA 供應商 Suppl i er: Wi se Group (H ong K ong) Ltd

不含麩質、玉米成份、人工染料、香料、堅果及乳品,非基因改 造。有不同水果味,包括菠蘿、漿果和芒果等風味。

不含麩質、玉米成份、人工染料、香料、堅果及乳品,非基因改 造。有不同水果味,包括石榴、士多啤梨、藍莓、櫻桃等。

You’ll enjoy a taste of the tropics, no beach required. Available in Playful Pineapple, Razzmatazz Berry and Mango Tango flavors you’ll be transported to paradise in no time. Free from the top allergens, USDA Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified and Gluten Free, you can pack them for yourself or your kids. Enjoy a few and it’s like a vacation for your taste buds.

Pop one in for that extra boost that you can feel good about. They are free from most of the top allergens, are USDA Organic, Kosher, Non-GMO Project Verified, Gluten Free, Vegan, Nut Free and Dairy Free. Available in fruity flavors like Pomegranate Pucker, Strawberry Smash, Tooberry Blueberry, Very Very Cherry all flavored and colored with real fruit juice.

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HAPPY COW 椰子味雪糕 Coconut Ice Cream

BEYOND MEAT 未來漢堡 Beyond Burger

原 產 地 Co u n tr y o f Or ig in : 香港 Ho n g Ko n g 供 應 商 Su p p lie r : Ha p p y Co w L im ite d

原產地 C ountry of Ori gi n: 美國 U SA 供應商 S uppl i er: N ew A scent C orporati on Ltd

Happy Cow 椰子味雪糕以印尼椰漿製成,加入有機椰糖和椰絲, 濃濃椰子味香椰絲口感豐富有層次,老少咸宜。味道與小時候的椰 子糖相似,喜歡食椰子糖或想尋找童年回憶的朋友一定不能錯過!

Beyond Burger 由食物科技公司 Beyond Meat 研發,以100%植 物製造,主要成份為大豆和豌豆所提取的植物蛋白質,並特別加入 紅菜頭汁及椰子油,營造真肉質感。不但零動物成分、零膽固醇、 無激素、抗生素、基因改造,色香味及營養價值更猶勝傳統漢堡。

Coconut ice-cream is our top selling flavor which is made with coconut cream mixed with organic coconut sugar and coconut flakes - all sourced from Indonesia. The coconut flakes provide a unique chewy texture and ice-cream flavor is an intense coconut experience. It is so similar to coconut candy and that is a chance to recall some of our favourite childhood memories!

Made by Beyond Meat, the Beyond Burger is world’s first plantbased burger with a big mission: to revolutionize the future of food. It is made mainly from pea protein, beet juice and coconut oil. Not only does Beyond Burger look, cook and taste like fresh ground beef, this protein-packed vegan burger is cholesterolfree, antibiotic-free, hormone-free and GMO-free.


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