Natural Products Sourcing Yearbook 天然產品採購指南 2017 (Bilingual 中英文對照)

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推廣策略 Comprehensive Strategy to Raise Brand Awareness 全方位宣傳策略 提升品牌知名度 “We know that quality and safety are local consumers’ top concerns when it comes to their health. Holland & Barrett products are scrupulously tested for potency and purity, and we’re bringing their excellent staff training to Hong Kong, to make sure people get the right product for their needs, “said Ms Diane Cheung, the General Manager of Watsons Hong Kong” Watsons has invested approximately HK$5 million on online and offline marketing campaigns to promote Holland & Barrett in Hong Kong. The bus and tram advertising early this year was part of the overall campaign. “We have also introduced over 150 products from Holland & Barrett, featuring formulas for cardiovascular, bone & joints, immune system as well as skin & beauty. Among them, Omega 3 Fish Oil and Vitamin C & Zinc Effervescent are hot items. They are available in Watsons stores and estore”, said Cheung. 香港屈臣氏總經理張慧屏女士表示:「屈臣氏了解到本港消費者於 選擇保健產品時,會以品質及安全性為首要考慮因素。 Holland & Barrett 產品是經過嚴謹的產品效能及純淨度測試,我們亦引進其品 牌專業的員工培訓課程,使我們的健康顧問能為顧客提供詳細產品資 料,讓他們可因應不同的需要選擇合適的產品。」 香港屈臣氏已投資近五百萬港元透過線上線下的宣傳廣告強勢推出 Holland & Barrett,包括由今年初於本港巴士及電車車身進行大型廣 告宣傳。 「我們已引入 Holland & Barrett 逾一百五十款產品,包括針對三高、

骨骼關節、增強免疫力及健康美肌等方面,當中以奧米加3魚油丸及 維他命C加鋅水溶片最暢銷,相關產品已於各屈臣氏分店及電子商店 發售。」

Online - Wider Choice of Deals 線上:更多不同選擇 The online platform has been operating for 3 years where sales soared by 70 percent in 2016 from the previous fiscal year. A merchandise mix of approximately 5,000 products was sold online, including exclusive brands. In coming days, the online shop will offer a wider range of choice in different categories and Watsons also plans to extend its “click and collect” services to its branches in Macao. Not only do its online services provide customers with delivery services, but also allow them to opt for the “click and collect” service for a full spectrum of products. “Watsons offers a more diverse range of products online. Some customers tend to do purchases via its online platform. Among 40% of transactions, customers chose to collect their goods at physical stores. This in turn drives the sales growth of physical stores. We expect to have a double digit increase in the number of physical stores this year,” said Cheung. 發展了三年的網上銷售平台,去年香港網上保健產品類別銷售按年 增長70%,且銷售了約五千種產品,包括網上獨家商品。未來網購 服務將會增加更多不同種類的貨品,更計劃於今年內將網購店取服 務擴展至澳門分店。網購服務不但可以提供送貨上門,顧客還可以 選擇「線上買,線下取」,讓顧客享有多元化購物選擇。 張慧屏女士表示:「屈臣氏在網上提供的產品種類較線下更多,部 分香港消費者傾向於在屈臣氏網上平台購買,當中有四成的訂單會 選擇於店舖提取產品,這也從中拉動了實體店舖業績增長,並期望 今年目標實體店舖數目的淨增長可達雙位數字。」

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