1 minute read

Your 1095 Journey




The finishing line is in sight as the end is near and it is time for the final push. Some rough edges need to be polished while anxiety might start to creep in. Let us be with you during this finishing lap.

Questions to ask yourselves: • How do I crystallise all that I have achieved during my time here? • Where can I build a network? • Am I doing it right or is there a “blind spot” that I should be aware of? • Where can I find opportunities? • Is there a strategy in job hunting?

The key to growth lies in the discovery stage. Discovery encompasses a blend of self-discovery as well as awareness of the market. Build on your strengths and navigate your weaknesses.

As you learn more about yourself and the world around you, you will be better equipped to find your footing and have confidence in pursuing your aspirations. Discovery

Questions to ask yourselves: • Who am I through the lens of others? • What are the career choices out there? • Which careers are suitable for me? • Where do I fit in? • How do I find my “sweet spot”? • How do I get there?


Now that you have good knowledge about yourself, and feeling the pulse of the industries, it is time to identify the areas of development to answer to the requirements of the working world. Learn a new skill and develop strong attributes in yourself.

Questions to ask yourselves: • What are the skills required for my aspired career choice? • What are employers looking for? • How do I make myself known? • How do I hone and develop these skills?

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