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Explore the World with AIESEC

AIESEC is the world’s largest youth-led organisation, currently present in more than 120 countries all across the globe.

AIESEC continuously strive to achieve peace and fulfilment of humankind’s potential by placing confidence in youth as the key to unlock a better future. In addition, AIESEC believes that leadership is the fundamental solution and it can be developed in anyone.

The organisation provides youths with the opportunity to embark on a cross-cultural exchange in the form of global volunteer or global talent. However, due to the coronavirus pandemic, AIESEC instead has shifted its focus to enhancing membership experiences through leadership opportunities to empower youth.

Here is what one of our current members as well as a previous Exchange Participant have to say about their AIESEC experiences.

For enquiries, email us at aiesec.sim@aiesec.net or aiesec@mymail.sim.edu.sg

Global Volunteer (GV) Programme is an opportunity for students to make a social impact through overseas volunteer projects based on the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. They involve working on diverse community projects and in different organisations. Projects include teaching, promoting HIV/ AIDS awareness, working in human rights, environmental sustainability, leadership development and more Global Talent (GT) and Global Entrepreneur (GE) Programme are overseas professional internships in established companies and startup firms respectively, for students aiming towards professional career development in a global setting. Working abroad also allows students to expand their network and develop themselves on a personal and professional level in a foreign environment.

Daryus Patel

BSc in Business Management, SIM-UOL Outgoing Global Exchange Team Leader

My motivation to participate in an AIESEC programme

I joined AIESEC to experience something new and unique, and because the values of the organisation matched with mine. I learned about the impact they have on youth across the world, and thought it would allow me to develop myself while helping those around me.

How did the pandemic impact your experience> How did you overcome this challenge?

With the pandemic halting our core operations, I initially believed that I would have nothing to do. However, several opportunities presented themselves every month, giving me the chance to engage in both local and international events. Through these events, I even managed to get an internship during the pandemic, which further helped me develop professionally!

What kind of skills were you able to develop while in AIESEC, and how can they be useful for your future?

I developed a large variety of skills throughout my experience, from learning how to lead a team to delivering projects, to pitching to a company. I believe these transferable skills will be useful in my future workplace.

Would you recommend your friends to join AIESEC, and why?

Yes, I would recommend that you and your friends join AIESEC due to the people, opportunities and impact the organisation has. AIESEC in SIM has a caring and nurturing community who put others needs above their own. Opportunities that directly impact youth are plentiful in AIESEC, and I strongly encourage others to try them out!

Jonas Ho Jia Hao

BSc Economics and Finance, SIM-UOL Destination: United States of America Global Talent Programme

My motivation to participate in an AIESEC programme

AIESEC has a global reach, so it provides a good opportunity to be involved in a global network. More importantly, AIESEC promotes the mobility of people around the world, which is especially valuable to students who are just experiencing adulthood.

My most memorable experiences and challenges

Travelling to many of the places that I have dreamt of seeing! I remember walking up the flight of stairs at a subway in New York and onto the streets, and thinking to myself: “This is it!”

However, living in a foreign country can be frustrating when dealing with official documents for the government. Some examples are the social security applications and taxes here; many of us had issues with our official names on government papers because of the mix up between middle and last names, and had problems filing taxes because the tax laws are complicated.

My takeaway

Having had interactions with many nationalities within AIESEC, at my job, and from travelling, I have come to appreciate that the world is vast and customs and traditions of another person from another country can be foreign – yet we are really all the same as humans. We have dreams, we love, we hate, we cry and we laugh the same way regardless of geography.

A word of advice

Work hard, be prepared and be kind to one another. Opportunities will come, and when they do, grab them!

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