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Our Team

As we emerged from seemingly endless lockdowns, the QAC adapted to the changing needs of the community Our team grew and evolved to reflect the new artistic landscape we found ourselves in.

Fiona Campbell moved on from the QAC, but two new faces entered onto our stage: Kodie Trahan-Guay as our Communications & Media Director and Lin Parkin as the Umbrella Editor.

Lin, formerly a writer for Umbrella, took on the task of the Fall/Winter Umbrella magazine Kodie runs our social media, events app and our brand new podcast, which launched in mid 2022!

Thank you to our volunteers of 2022:

Carol Bauer, Carol Lennox, Anissa Nielsen, Judy Bridle, Sandra Randle, Daniel Fobert, and Lorraine Huebner

Briana Godden, Ruth Hatton, Janet Cameron, Iryna Molodecky and Mervin Patey (Frank Gielen Luke Hendry and Adrienne Carter not pictured)