Kilvonian Yearbook 2022

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2022 Kilvington Yearbook
for our own, but others’ good
Contents KILVONIAN 2022 3 Principal’s Message 5 Student Leadership Reflections 6 Early Learning Centre 8 Reports from Junior School Student Leaders Sustainability 12 Sport 13 Music 14 Digital Technologies 15 Library 16 Languages 17 Community Services 18 Art 19 Barrett House 20 Burman House 21 Fethers House 22 Fysh House 23 Junior School Year-Level Highlights Prep 24 Year 1 25 Year 2 28 Year 3 29 Year 4 30 Year 5 31 Year 6 32 Reports from Senior School Student Leaders English 33 French 34 Japanese 35 Science 36 Visual Arts 37 Senior School Artwork Designs 39 Dance 40 Music 41 Production 42 Robotics 43 Digital Technologies 44 Sustainability 45 Sport 46 Christian Reflection 48 Student Mentor Reflection 49 Barrett House 50 Burman House 52 Fethers House 54 Fysh House 56 School Highlights Kilvington Reads 58 Tournament of Minds 59 ‘Go Girl, Go for IT’ Technology Conference 60 Year 9 Impact Program – ‘It’s Everyone’s Business’ Showcase Evening 61 2022 Quill Awards for Excellence in Victorian Journalism 62 Press Club Lunch 63 This Year in Mathematics 64 Outdoor Education 66 Community Services 76 Kilvonian Alumni 78 Student Awards 80 Parents & Friends Association 82 Thank You to Our Donors and Supporters 85

My first year as Principal at Kilvington has truly been wonderful. At the start of 2022, we had some concerns that we would once again face interruptions to the school year due to COVID-19. However, we also saw a determination from all government levels to keep schools open. And so it has been great to see students back onsite fully participating in curricular and co-curricular activities, enjoying a range of programs that foster teamwork and creativity, and challenging comfort zones in a safe and supported manner.


We’ve had a successful year on the sports field. Several of our sporting teams have won grand finals in the EISM competition, including table tennis, volleyball, soccer, ultimate frisbee and basketball. We’ve also witnessed some outstanding results in the combined-schools events, where we claimed fifth place in swimming, sixth in athletics and seventh in cross-country.

On the stage, it has been wonderful to see students given the opportunity to shine once again in front of live audiences. The Senior School production of Mamma Mia, the Years 5 and 6 production of Frozen JR., the inaugural Concerto Concert at Federation Square, the Annual Concert at Robert Blackwood Hall, and a range of other ensemble and orchestra concerts have all proven to be thoroughly entertaining. They have also played a pivotal role in bringing the community together again.

The School’s Camp program also made a welcome return, with students from Years 3 to 12 enjoying stints in the outdoors. Year 9 students benefited enormously from working in remote communities in Cape York and experiencing Victoria’s western district. Again, such experiences are essential for our students’ personal growth and skill development.


Our students were also involved in cocurricular clubs for debating, chess, robotics, languages, and much more. These activities assist students in developing key skills and attributes away from the traditional classroom and provide some of their most cherished school memories.

Not only that, it’s through participation in a range of activities that students are able to develop many of the skills required for the 21st century workplace, including collaboration, creativity and communication.


Throughout the year, I have frequently been asked about my first impressions of Kilvington. Overwhelmingly, I respond that the first thing that struck me about the School was its amazing sense of community. This community spirit is evident in the manner in which our students support each other and respect individual differences. It is also evident in the quality of relationships between students and their teachers and demonstrated in the way that the community comes together to support a wide range of causes.

Students and staff alike embrace special days such as Diversity Day and Harmony Day and give generously of their time outside of school hours to participate in charity events. This community spirit has been forged over generations, and I salute all past Kilvonians for the role they have played in fostering this during their time at Kilvington.

As my first year draws to a close, I hold many memories of experiences in 2022, from large-scale events such as the Annual Concert to day-to-day interactions with our amazing students. These include telling stories in the ELC, playing Connect 4 with the Year 1s, watching a magical Year 2 group sing to their classmates each Friday afternoon, supervising study sessions with Years 11 and 12 in the Tree House, and taking classes across the School. I‘ve constantly been impressed by the calibre of Kilvington students throughout all my experiences. And I thank them for making this such a great community to be a part of.


To our Year 12 students – thank you for your wonderful contribution to the School and I congratulate you on your resilience, care for one another and optimism during your final years at Kilvington.

wish you all the best with your results and future endeavours. You are an outstanding group of young people of whom your parents, teachers and the Kilvington community are most proud.

To the entire Kilvington community –thank you for your generous contributions and for making my first year at Kilvington a truly unforgettable one.

Principal’s Message

David Overton, Senior School Co-Captain, Year 12

From the beginning of 2022, it was evident to me that this year would be culturally formative for Kilvington. We had a brilliant team of leaders to enact the great ideas that students were coming up with. also felt uniquely fortunate to be working with Shreya, Charlie and Sarah. The camaraderie and shared vision of our team of four was integral in what came to be a worthwhile and memorable experience.

This year went by so extremely quickly, but I feel I succeeded in my efforts to make the most of every opportunity. tried not only to face the year as a School leader, but also to bring forth qualities of my ‘Year 7 self’, wide-eyed and full of wonder. It was so exciting to see our plans for Harmony Day, Dancing with the Staff and Year 12 jumpers come to fruition.

Overall, my days at Kilvington have been marked with a unique feeling of home that I’ve never felt anywhere else. As a leader, I hope I’ve conveyed this feeling to other students and have helped in showing how wonderful our School can be.

Shreya Jain, Senior School Co-Captain, Year 12

It has been an honour representing my peers alongside David Overton as 2022 Senior School Co-Captains and supported by Co-Vice Captains Sarah Yeo and Charlie Clancy. At the beginning of the year, our leadership team agreed that our sense of community is one of the things that makes Kilvington so special. Thus, one of our first aims as School leaders was to focus on rebuilding our community connection after the two challenging years of being apart.

I couldn’t be prouder of our efforts and initiatives this year to achieve this goal. The successful revival of ‘Dancing with the Staff’ was a major highlight for all, bringing together the Senior School and allowing us to have a laugh in the midst of a hectic Term 3. Undertaking the role of School CoCaptain this year has been fulfilling, to say the least. My bond with Kilvington began many years ago when I first started at the ELC, but getting to serve the School as a School Co-Captain has strengthened this connection tenfold. My experiences in this role have allowed me to appreciate our community and the diverse range of people who make Kilvington so special.

I’m so thankful to my peers who supported us throughout the year. Mr French and Mr Brinson were integral to our leadership experience, always encouraging us and helping us put our plans into action.

Finally, thank you to all the wonderful staff and students who make Kilvington such an extraordinary place. I’m so grateful for the incredible experiences we’ve had together as a community this year and I’m looking forward to Kilvington’s bright future.

Year 12

As the 2022 Senior School Co-Vice Captains, we are both immensely grateful to have been given the opportunity to further the Kilvington Community Service Program this year. We were incredibly lucky to see many of our initiatives implemented, including the Sleepout for a Cause and Diversity Day.

During the Sleepout for a Cause, we Year 12s slept in the Sport Centre on kindly donated cardboard pieces to raise funds for our fundraising partner, the Lighthouse Foundation.

It was great to have the opportunity to learn more about the Lighthouse Foundation (which provides homeless youth who come from backgrounds of long-term neglect and abuse with a home, a sense of family and therapeutic care) as well as hear from the President of 300 Blankets. Overall, we raised over $5000! Watching our ideas come to fruition was extremely gratifying, and we are beyond thankful to have had the opportunity to make an impact.

Another vision we were lucky enough to actualise this year was Diversity Day in May. This is an initiative which focuses on bridging the gap between cultures, beliefs and identity. All the proceeds from Diversity Day went towards the Indigenous Literacy Foundation, an organisation which works to address the educational disadvantages faced by Indigenous Australian youth. We also supported Harmony Day, which includes the ‘Cut for a Cause’ initiative. This has always been one of our favourite days on the Kilvington Calendar. Every year, brave students from each year level have the opportunity to volunteer to cut off or to shave their beloved hair to raise money for the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC). This year was another huge success, with 24 wonderful students putting their hands up to contribute.

As a school, we were able to raise $15,000 for the ASRC. We had a lot of fun along the way, and it was so rewarding to see both students and staff enthusiastically getting involved to make this event memorable!

The final event of the year was Connor’s Run, which aims to raise funds and awareness for children battling brain cancer. 70 courageous students and staff

members dedicated their Sunday morning to completing a 10km run/walk along the foreshore of the bay, smiles beaming from ear to ear despite the harsh weather conditions this year. This was also the first time in two years where we were able to come together as a cohort and cheer each other on, which made it extra special.

Kilvington finished on top of the Schools’ Fundraising Leaderboard for the Robert Connor Dawes Foundation, which is an absolutely outstanding effort and one we are so proud of.

We would like to express our unending gratitude to Ms Goldenberg and our School Co-Captains, Shreya and David, for supporting our plethora of ideas and helping us fulfil them to their fullest potential.

This past year has also made me realise that being a leader isn’t about telling other people what to do; instead, it’s about communicating, listening to others and pointing them in the right direction.

I’ve loved my leadership role this year and I hope that the incoming Year 6 students get to learn and enjoy their leadership year as much as I did.

would like to finish with a quote from an inspiration person – Michael Jordan – who said, ‘Earn your leadership everyday’. This is what I have aimed to do throughout this year. thank Kilvington for the helping me achieve everything that I hoped for. I will always remember the wonderful experiences and wish the future Co-Captains a great year ahead!

Alexander Moore, Junior School Co-Captain, Year 6

It has been an incredible journey being Junior School Captain for the School that I love. While coming out of 2021 was a challenge, we’ve pushed through together as a community and come out even stronger and more resilient. It has been fun getting to spend more time face-to-face this year.

Nina Seuret-Batterham, Junior School Co-Captain, Year 6

I’ve enjoyed a wonderful year as Junior School Co-Captain. It has been great to work side-by-side with Alex Moore, my fellow Junior School Co-Captain.

am also grateful I had so many fantastic events to take part in over the course of this year. Alex and I were able to attend the Leader’s Conference at Firbank, run assemblies, lead Open Mornings, and help contribute to the Junior School in many other ways!

2021 was a tricky year, filled with lockdowns, but this year we were able to experience an amazing variety of activities. Personally, my favourite activity was the Years 5 to 6 Camp. I felt very nervous before going on camp, but ended up having heaps of fun with my friends. This has taught me that going outside my comfort zone can definitely be worth it!

Sophie Nation and Adam Sheridan, Junior School Co-Vice Captains, Year 6

Being Junior School Co-Vice Captains this year was an amazing experience! From the moment we found out about our leadership roles, we started brainstorming ways to make Kilvington a better place for the whole community.

I have learnt many things in my leadership role this year, including teamwork and bravery skills. Working so closely with my peers encouraged me to stand up and share more of my thoughts and ideas with others. feel that this has helped me become a better student, classmate and leader, and also to become more confident within myself.

2022 has definitely been a year to celebrate. It has been my privilege to help lead the Junior School alongside Nina, my fellow Co-Captain. am today, as much as was at our Captaincy presentation, honoured to have held this role at School.

We are so impressed with the amount of work our fellow students put in this year to make our School a safe place where everyone can express themselves.

We have enjoyed leading the assemblies, running the tours and helping to make decisions that affect the whole School. It has been especially fun to work with all the other leaders to create initiatives that impact the School, such as providing sports equipment for each class and painting the new foursquare courts.

We have had a blast being Co-Vice Captains, and we hope that whoever is in our position next year will do their very best to make the Kilvington community the best it can be.

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Leadership Reflections

Early Learning Centre

Lyn Pewtress, ELC Director

2022 has been an extraordinary year of recovery, which is a credit to the resilience of our educators, families, children and the greater School community. As a team of educators, we began the year with renewed energy and enthusiasm, ever hopeful that the lockdowns and extreme restrictions were behind us. With this restored optimism, we began the year by focusing on ‘passion’, the new character word of the semester. This whole ELC inquiry led to a recognition of how passion can inspire motivation and lead to a love of learning and education. Our resulting ‘passion trees’ can still be viewed in rooms within our Centre.


Each year, the ELC engages in a variety of special activities, some of which are annual traditions. Mother’s, Father’s and Special Friends’ Mornings continued to be popular this year, and provided families the opportunity to re-enter the Centre and celebrate their child’s learning.

The annual School Art Exhibition for students from ELC to Year 12 was another special occasion. This year, our contributions were also the backdrop for the annual ELC Concert. Congratulations to Magnolia Group whose piece was nominated for Independent Schools Victoria’s annual art exhibition.

Our ELC Concert, Home is Where the Heart Is, proved to be our biggest project to date. With the help of our educators,

the children created their own script and designed the background, props and costumes – a magnificent unified effort by our teachers, students and parents! End-of-term celebrations also returned, including Easter activities and the annual Footy Day. Throughout the year, Indigenous education was embedded in our curriculum through song, story and art. Learning about First Nations people is an important component of our Early Childhood program. We continued to collaborate with our resident Indigenous educator, Aunty Karan. She was a regular visitor to our Centre; and shared her knowledge and culture with the children. In addition, we finally completed our Acknowledgement Tree, which can be viewed in the ELC entrance.



Community activities with the rest of the School are very much a part of our Program. This year, four-year-old groups enjoyed the return of the Year 5 Buddy program. Other experiences included whole School celebratory events such as Harmony Day, Science Week activities with Years 8 and 9 students, weekly specialist music sessions with Ms Radford, library sessions with Vanessa, and Perceptual Motor Program (PMP) sessions with MaryAnn.

In addition, this year we introduced a pilot initiative with French educator Amandine Joalland who provided a weekly French immersion program for both four-year-old groups.


To provoke young children’s thinking and consolidate their learning, our excursions and incursions are built around inquiry-based investigations.

Incursions this year included visits from Drama Toolbox, in which the children re-enacted stories related to their study on sustainability and on the Dreamtime legend, Tiddelick. Visits from Aussie Wildlife were also popular, with the three-year-old children enjoying learning about and cuddling various marsupials, snakes and small animals.

Excursions included visits to Chesterfield Farm and Scienceworks. A new activity initiated this year was the ‘Bring-Your-Own Bike/Scooter’ week. This was introduced to support the Government’s ‘Thingle Toodle’ incursion program, which teaches young children about road and car safety. This proved to be so popular that we can expect to participate in it again next year.

Thanks to the dedication and spirit of our ELC community, we were able to return to our wonderful and full ELC program, and to providing our youngest students an excellent platform to flourish and reach their highest potential in education and learning.

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Reports from Junior School Student Leaders



At the beginning of the year, we were delighted to hear the news that we’d achieved the role of Sustainability CoLeaders! It was a long and difficult journey to reach this position, and the decision was so close in the end that we both got the job! Both of us were united in our determination to bring the School forward into a much eco-friendlier future.

This year, we implemented new sustainability initiatives such as the introduction of the ‘golden lunchbox’

competition and the use of eco-friendly co-mingled recycling bins. The golden lunchbox was a way to encourage the Junior School students to limit their use of rubbish in their lunchbox. Each Wednesday, students had to try their best not to bring in any waste with their lunches that would need to go to landfill.

The end goal was to achieve a totally ‘waste-free’ lunch. Students scored points that would go towards their class total and the golden lunchbox was awarded to the class with the most eco-friendly lunchboxes.

We hope we’ve inspired more Junior School students to care about sustainability and to recognise its importance for the future of our planet. We have both truly enjoyed this amazing journey as Sustainability Leaders and can’t wait to see the fun ideas that have been planned for next year!

When look back on 2022, will always remember it as the year we got back into Sport! After two years of disruptions, our sporting events were back in full swing at Junior School. It was incredible to see all students getting involved and giving it their all. Whether they represented the School, the region or the state, or just ran that killer cross-country distance and made it to the finish line, all participants were champions! One of the things I love most about sport is that it doesn’t always matter where you place; you can always be winning by improving your physical and mental wellbeing each and every time you get outside and get moving.

We were fortunate enough to hold all of our regular sporting events in 2022 and produced many high-performing champions to represent the School, especially in swimming and athletics. It was also fun getting introduced to several different team sports through Years 5 and 6 Round Robins. We all had a blast competing against the district! On behalf of all Junior School students, I would like to thank all PE staff and teachers who took time out of their busy schedules to coach and support us along the way. A special thanks to Ms Burns for taking such great care of us and giving us such awesome sporting opportunities this year. It was a wonderful year to be a Sport Leader in 2022 and I’m grateful had this chance!

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Reports from Junior School Student Leaders


Charley Johnston, Music Leader, Year 6

As the Junior School Music Leader, it was an honour to work alongside Mr Collins, Miss Radford and the rest of the School leaders this year. As soon as heard the news that I was Music Leader, I vowed to myself I’d encourage more kids across the Junior School this year to find and express a love for music.

To meet this goal, at the beginning of the year, Nirvi (the Digital Technologies Leader) and I started the Composer’s Competition. We asked students to create a short song on GarageBand which they could do either on their own or with a team. At the end of this competition, the two winners got to share their song with the rest of the Junior School at assembly!

Later on in the year, we had the Years 5 and 6 production of Frozen JR. Junior School students had lots of different opportunities and ways of contributing, and all of the Years 5 and 6 students did an amazing job of performing the show for their families and friends!

We continued to enjoy the Performing Arts at Years 5 and 6 Camp, where we learnt a ‘flash-mob’ style dance to the song ‘Firework’ by Katy Perry! We also had fun performing this dance as a group for our Junior School assembly the next week.

wish the best of luck to next year’s Music Leader and I hope that they will work hard to make the School as great as it can possibly be.

Digital Technologies

Nirvi Bijwal, Digital Technologies Leader, Year 6

I’ve loved this year as Digital Technologies Leader and feel amazed by how much we all achieved across the Junior School. This year was a wonderful learning experience for me. I learnt a great deal about the roles and responsibilities of a leader. One of my favourite experiences was helping to create the Composer’s Competition, where we asked Junior School students to make up their own songs. I had a wonderful time working with the Years 3 to 5 students and learning how to lead younger students.

Another time learnt a lot was when had to try and reach out to the Australian Space Agency for a Year 6 incursion. faced some challenges along the way and things didn’t go the way expected. But eventually we had a great outcome and got to use VRs and look out into space! I learnt that there isn’t one place to get information, and when things don’t turn out the way you expect, you just have to keep hunting and try to find something else.

also enjoyed running the Powerpoint presentations at assemblies. I was able to learn more about the ‘behind the scenes’ of big events and how everything works in the sound and lighting booth.

I’m so happy I had the chance to learn so many new and interesting things as the 2022 Digital Technology Leader. wish the upcoming leader all the best for their new role!

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Reports from Junior School Student Leaders


Milana Skrypnyk, French Language Leader, Year 6

When I heard the news that was the 2022 Languages Leader, couldn’t believe it! I remember looking up to the Year 6s back when I was in Prep and thinking, ‘When get to Year 6, will become a leader and even if I don’t, will still act like one!’ And, today, here am!

My year in this role has been amazing. I had a blast creating the lunchtime French Club with Madame Mullins. We did a lot of fun activities as part of French Club, including the Easter Scavenger Hunt in Term 1 which was a hit! I also enjoyed participating in the Alliance Francaise Berthe Mouchette competition, where we had to memorise a French poem. This was fun and tested how well we could memorise the French language.


Louisa Tesch, Library Leader, Year 6

I have thoroughly enjoyed my time this year as Library Leader. Walt Disney said, ‘There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island’. This year, I hope I’ve encouraged others to love reading and find the ‘treasure’ in books.

Our lunchtime Book Club was one of my highlights of the year. We all enjoyed discussing interesting books such as: Exit

Through the Gift Shop by Maryam Master (about a girl with cancer who wants to live her life to the fullest); Here in the Real World by Sara Pennypacker (about a boy discovering that good things don’t always happen even to those who wait, but that life can still turn out well); and The Colour of Hope by Ross MacKenzie (about a girl who has the mission to return colour to a black-and-white world and save many lives).

Thank you to Miss Drazic for organising the Book Club for us as well as to Ms Grosso and Mrs Schravemade for supporting us. hope one day to write a novel that will be read at the Kilvington Junior School Book Club!

Another highlight was getting to meet author Danielle Binks, the author of the book The Year the Maps Changed. We’ve been studying this book in Year 6 and it was so interesting to hear Danielle explain her inspiration behind it.

Early in Term 4, we celebrated the Kilvington Reads Festival. Over the course of a week, Junior School students had the chance to meet with several authors and illustrators. It was fascinating to hear how they created their books. It makes me realise definitely want to be a writer! On one of

the days of Kilvington Reads, students (and teachers) got dressed up as their favourite book characters. There were some amazing costumes and we all had lots of fun.

Along with being the home of stories and information, our library has always been a welcoming place. In fact, it’s one of my favourite places at School! am sure that, like me, everyone is looking forward to seeing the new library in the STEM Centre next year. A special thank you to our Library teacher, Mrs Burdon, for her awesome lessons. My best wishes go out to the next Library Leader. Just as 2022 was for me, hope your year will be an interesting and enjoyable adventure. See you in the library!

My favourite French celebration this year was Bastille Day. On the day, some of the activities we enjoyed were karaoke, making bracelets, French flags and friendship pins, and running an Eiffel Tower building competition. The highlight for many students was the photobooth station and having the delicious crepes!

Personally, it was such a highlight getting to lead the assembly. It felt like a huge achievement for me as I’ve been wanting to lead School assemblies since I was in Prep! I felt so proud to be able to stand on the stage in Dalton Hall and speak my heart out.

Thank you to Madame Mullins and Madame Dickens for helping me succeed in my leadership role. For anyone who wants to become any type of leader, know that there are always ways to lead, even if you don’t have a leadership badge. All in all, I loved my year as the Junior School Languages Leader!

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Junior School Student Leaders

Community Service

When we found out we were the Junior School Community Service Co-Leaders, we were immediately filled with joy and lots of new ideas! We then had to put our minds to work as we were going to be the first student leaders to run the assembly. This was an exciting, but also slightly daunting, opportunity as we’d only just received our leadership badges! On the day of the assembly, we were thrilled to be able to talk about International Women’s Day and Harmony Day. Our first big responsibility in this role was Harmony Day. As part of this event, we asked everyone to get dressed up in orangethemed outfits. We also asked Junior School students to bring in non-perishable food or items for donation to asylum seekers. On the day, everyone was in great outfits and had lots of fun! We are very thankful to those who participated in donating; there were so many cans of food and items!

Diversity Day was another exciting event. This time, the dress-up colour for the day was rainbow. We had a bookstore where Year 6s helped to sell low-cost secondhand books that had been donated by our Junior School peers. There was also a cupcake stand with yummy cupcakes that sold out almost instantly! We loved seeing all the great costumes, especially some of the Year 6s who dressed up as rainbow unicorns. This was a great day and we thank everyone who participated.

There was lots of success in Community Service this year and we managed to offer some great donations to our different charities. We hope next year’s Community Service leaders will also have a great year ahead!

‘I can’t believe it!’ That’s the first thing thought when found out was the Art Leader for the Junior School! Never in a billion years had thought I’d get to have such an amazing role. Back as a Prep student, remember looking up at our Year 6 buddies and thinking how grown-up and extremely tall they looked. It’s crazy to realise that I’m now one of them! At the start of the year I had no idea what to expect as Art Leader, but I was excited and ready for anything coming my way. There were lots of fun events that I was proud to be a part of this year. One of them was this year’s ELC to Year 10 Art Show, during which I was able to do an amazing

speech with Georgia Volakakis, the Senior School Visual Arts Captain. I also led an assembly with Milana Skrypnyk, the Junior School Languages Leader. This year was filled with creative ideas and thrilling events, and had the chance to contribute in many interesting ways along the way. Being the 2022 Art Leader has been fantastic. It has opened me up to so many new ideas and hobbies and hope I’ve had a positive influence on others during my time. I am now ready to hand my badge over and take the next leap forward into Senior School. I’m sure that next year’s Art Leader will do a great job and wish everyone a wonderful 2023!

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Reports from Junior School Student Leaders

Barrett House Neve Padgett, Barrett House Captain, Year 6

At the start of Year 5, I could never have imagined I’d be a House Captain the following year! was so surprised, but also excited when Mr Barr told us was one of the Junior School student leaders for 2022.

This year, we had many opportunities to participate together in sport events, such as Cross Country and Athletics. I especially loved the Athletics Carnival. We had so much fun running a race between all of the Houses after we’d finished with the other races. Barrett House came third. felt so proud of our House members for trying hard and giving things a go!

It was great to get involved and take part in all the fun and different activities we had over this year. I’m so grateful had the chance to be Barrett House Captain and I look forward to seeing what next year’s leaders get up to!

Burman House

Henry Song, Burman House Captain, Year 6

As the Junior School House Captain for Burman, found this year to be absolutely fabulous. I enjoyed and cherished all the events I got to do with my House. We didn’t have a single lockdown this year, and seeing everyone in person was fantastic!

Throughout the year, one of the things I enjoyed most was collaborating with my fellow House Captains. Working together for events like Cross Country and Athletics was really fun. Burman did well at both events and I’m so glad got to work with my House toward our common goals.

As a School leader, had the chance to meet new people and have opportunities

and experiences I’ve never had before. learnt much more about what it means to have leadership responsibilities. I feel like I’ve grown in so many ways that would not have been possible if I’d not had this role. While also feel like I should have accomplished more, I believe that the future House Captains will be able to take on the things couldn’t do this year.

I am so proud of my House and appreciate everyone who was supportive of me. All the memories of this year will be with me for my entire life. Thank you Kilvington for letting me have this incredible experience; it has been an honour. Go Burman!

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Reports from Junior School Student Leaders

Fysh House

Armin Gill, Fysh House Captain, Year 6

I was thrilled to be picked as the House Captain for Fysh this year. From the start of 2022, I couldn’t wait for all our House events to begin!

Fysh had a great start to the year with Cross Country. Despite our strong efforts to win, we ended up coming in second by a narrow margin. didn’t care so much about our end result. What truly amazed and impressed me was how everyone in our House tried their hardest and also showed plenty of sportsmanship toward everyone else. My favourite part of that day was cheering and congratulating everyone in all the races.

Another thing I enjoyed doing as House Captain was running the assemblies with the other House Captains. I really loved getting to speak in front of a great Junior School audience and introducing them to new happenings at School.

Fethers House

Isla Steiner, Fethers House Captain, Year 6

This year has been incredible in many different ways. Our sporting events were especially amazing! We loved working together in Fethers and I believe this led us to winning the Cross Country and Athletics. am so proud of everyone in Fethers House for putting in so much love and energy into our events!

I tried my very best to make sure that everyone would have a great time at our events. Together with the other House Captains and the Sport Captain, went to all the classrooms to see what everyone wanted to do for House activities. We received lots of great ideas that weren’t just about sport, such as dancing, reading, drama and more!

We introduced a new Sport Equipment program where each class got to have their own sporting gear to play with during recess

and lunchtimes. We all thought this was a great idea because students like playing with all different types of equipment! It was very organised and everyone had a chance to play with a ball.

enjoyed playing ‘Games on the Green’ with the younger kids during our Friday lunchtimes and hope they had just as much fun as did! Another thing loved doing as House Captain was running an assembly and sharing the latest House ‘news’ with the rest of the Junior School.

feel truly blessed and grateful to have been this year’s Fethers Captain. I could not be more proud and happy of the way we’ve worked together in the House. I hope that next year there will be as much love and passion for the House as there was this year!

I also enjoyed going around to each classroom and asking Junior School students what new activities they wanted to do. This was a great opportunity for many of the students because even if they didn’t like sport, they could still suggest something else they’d enjoy, like music, drama or anything else. We were able to gather some great ideas for the future.

After two years of disappointments due to lockdowns, we finally had a regular year of sports and activities in the Junior School. It makes me feel really great to know how much everyone in the Junior School loved and appreciated these events. I couldn’t be more proud of Fysh House!

My role as a leader was so amazing this year and I’m thankful to my friends, teachers and family for helping me to be the best leader I could be. Good luck to next year’s House Captains. hope they enjoy the experience as much as did. Go Fysh!

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Junior School Year-Level Highlights


What a wonderful year Prep L and C have had together!

We’ve engaged in so many exciting adventures and learning journeys throughout the year, including 100 Days of Prep, Athletics Day, Scienceworks, Fire Fighters Visit, Swimming Lessons, Cyber Safety, Kilvington Reads Dress-Up Day, and so much more!

Let’s take a look back at some of our favourite highlights over the year!



have loved getting to know each of the Preps. It has been wonderful helping our students develop into strong, independent students who have a passion and thirst to learn about the world around them. am so proud of all their individual achievements, no matter how big or small.

Mrs Linivker, Prep L Teacher

liked doing Art lessons because like playing with clay. We made owls!

Sahana Shah

Art lessons, because like to create new things. My favourite was the primary colour pictures. Mia Sathianathan liked celebrating 100 Days of Prep because it was also Bastille Day! I liked eating crepes and playing lots of games! We made crowns and I liked putting 100 stickers on the light bulb.


My favourite part of Prep was watching new friendships form, seeing heartwarming acts of kindness from each student, and seeing these amazing people find their place in the school community.

Ms Crellin, Prep C Teacher

The best thing this year was making graphs with Smarties. We got to eat the Smarties afterwards! Phoenix Catherina

I liked learning phonics. We sounded out the letters and learnt about diagraphs. We learnt new words for the first time and we wrote out some of them. But the best thing in phonics was learning the ‘word of the week’. Annie

I loved Athletics Day because that’s where I do actual athletics! liked doing the 100m race, discus and shot put. I think my House team won!

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Junior School Year-Level Highlights

Year 1

The Year 1s revelled in returning to onsite learning in 2022. It was wonderful seeing the corridors once again filled with students’ enthusiasm, energy and laughter.

This year, Year 1s spent time learning to identify their emotions and understanding how these emotions impact their behaviour, as well as how to make good choices and make the most of their learning. They enjoyed varied learning opportunities and embraced the challenges of Year 1.



liked meeting my teachers and our excursion to Scienceworks.

Sophia Zhang liked going to Scienceworks, especially when Tyco found the robot because it was interesting. William Lyng liked Scienceworks, especially Tyco Goes to Mars. The movie was displayed on the roof and we sat back in chairs to watch it.

Savannah Anderson liked going to Scienceworks because we got to watch a movie about Mars and then we made up our own book about it.


I liked to make things with clay in Art class. have been making a ghost and I am going to glaze it.

Mia Naqebullah

I enjoyed Art lessons because we sewed treasure maps. sewed buttons and an X marks the spot. Shourya Shah

I liked developmental play because I got to create things with Lego. Charlie Ward

I enjoyed playing with my toy puppet ‘Setty the Frog’. I made it in HASS class (Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences).

Ned Tucker

I felt excited when we made the park because it was very fun and challenging.

Arya Choksi

Josh Leighton liked going to Scienceworks because learnt facts about Mars.

We watched a movie at Scienceworks about a dog flying to Mars. We learnt facts about Mars.

Erika Xu

Ryan Sun

I have learned lots of things and I am happy in my life. Aryan Ramsurrun


I liked writing narratives because got to make up my own ideas. Oliver Prakoso

I loved writing my own stories because I could make them funny and interesting.

Jayden Lin

I liked writing procedural texts because they tell people how to do things.

James Huang

I liked narrative writing because I got to make up my own stories. I got lots of ideas from the books borrowed from the library.

Kiri Vinton

I liked reading groups because I like listening to stories. Lucas Antonoff

I enjoyed gathering facts about animals and writing an information report. Violet Lin


have lots of friends in Year 1. liked playing ‘Pop the Pig’. Parker Goodwin liked making new friends. My friends at Kilvington are very kind.

Meenakshi Ashok Varadhan

am grateful I have friends at School and I like my teachers. Daisy Gu like Teamwork Friday because I can play with my friends and make new friends.

Jayden Lin

Having friends to play with and going to Scienceworks for our first excursion.

Kari D’Aulerio


I loved doing violin classes on Tuesdays with Vanessa. Lucy Canobie

In Maths, I liked learning to tell the time on the analogue and digital clock. Lucas Speechley

We finally learnt about multiplication and a bit of division in Maths, as well as arrays.

Raymond Ma

Doing Maths problems like turnaround facts and fact families made me feel happy. Elise McGloughlin

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Junior School Year-Level Highlights

Year 2

2022 was a wonderful and jam-packed year for the Year 2s. We did many fun learning activities. Here are a few of our highlights from this year.


The Strings Program was a particular highlight. Each Tuesday, the Year 2s were able to learn a new instrument and participate in their first-ever strings concert.

The Strings Program was really fun and I learnt lots of songs! Mona Bachmann

I loved listening to people play and learning a new skill. Yao Yao


We went on our first excursion on a cold Tuesday in June. Scienceworks was a favorite experience for many students. In further exploration of their History unit ‘Changing Technology Through Time’, the Year 2s explored the evolution of phones, computers, televisions, and even electricity. Scienceworks had a lot of cool things to do and see. Daniel Ma

Our excursion was really fun because parents could come with us and we got to go around in small groups.

Zachary Ma

loved the excursion because I got picked to be at the front, and my hair went crazy on the electrical ball.


The Year 2s also read a number of class novels this year. A favourite was Roald Dahl’s classic James and the Giant Peach They thoroughly enjoyed engaging with the characters and the rich vocabulary and humour throughout the novel. Year 2s then created their own posters with persuasive language encouraging people to visit the ‘Giant Peach’.

Year 3

Year 3s have had an amazing time this year. Here are some of our highlights.


Bastille Day was so epic! My crepe tasted like sugar and sugar! It was delicious.

Aliyah Naqebullah

One of my highlights was Bastille Day because we got to eat crepes and take photos with props!

Rayaan Gupta

Bastille Day, because we got to take crazy photos in cool costumes and play fun games. Another highlight was the sport activities and cheering my friends on. The thing loved doing in class was writing fun and creative stories.

Mia Nation Science Day was the best day ever!

Grace Linklater

I liked Harmony Day because we got to buy books for $2.00. We also got to buy and eat cupcakes. can’t wait to do it again next year.

Sebastian Braganza

enjoyed all the sport events like Cross County and Athletics. I love sport and found the activities fun and exciting!

Jasper Laughton

This year I really liked all the fun days such as Footy Day, Bastille Day, Diversity Day, Athletics, Cross Country, and more!

Luca Charalambous


My highlight was our novel Wandi because it was really adventurous. Wandi, the main character, was really friendly.

Harriet Lin loved drawing and colouring my own ‘feelings-monster’ from our class novel, Polly and Buster. I also loved how we talked about our monsters.

Le Khanh Trinh enjoyed playing with new students because they are funny! They taught me so much like origami, craft and drawing.

Amelie Sanderson


Camp was so fun and really enjoyed experiencing new things each day. I also loved our Maths projects, especially the one on shapes. Rory Guo

I enjoyed the Year 3 Camp. I loved the cabin because it had a kitchen and most importantly, cooling! Bodhi Roberts

I liked Camp because we did lots of fun activities like bush skills, canoeing and the bouldering wall. Rowan Wright

We have had a great time this year and can’t wait for Year 4!

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Junior School Year-Level Highlights

Year 4

In Year 4, one of our highlights was learning about character. We focused each term on a different character strength including social intelligence in Term 1, love of learning in Term 2, resilience in Term 3 and gratitude in Term 4.

To help us build social intelligence, in Term 1 during GEM Time, we talked about how to solve arguments and stop bullying.

In Term 2, our focus was love of learning. Personally, I was very curious to learn more about Africa as we had also been covering this topic in Geography. We all loved doing research on our persuasive text topics.

Our focus for Term 3 was resilience. We really needed resilience with the construction going on and half the playground being blocked off! We had to find other games to play.

Finally, in Term 4 we focused on gratitude. We looked at what’s good in our life and how to be thankful for the things we have and the things we often take for granted, such as: having a place to live, food, clean water, friends, family, and even access to devices.

Another highlight was the Year 4 Camp where we did lots of fun activities. One of the favourites was Photo Rally, where we had to go on an adventure to find clues with a group of our choice.

In the classroom, an activity we really enjoyed was making First Fleet video recordings. For this activity, we had to get into groups of three or four and act as characters on the First Fleet. Then we had to add text telling the watchers and readers what was happening, as we were not supposed to talk during the video clips and just act instead. Everyone loved making these videos and learning new skills on their iPads!

Year 4s were also chosen to take visitors on tours for Open Morning. We had fun socialising with new people and going around the School without a teacher. We also liked talking about what happens in our homeroom and telling the adults where to go.

All the students think this has been their best year so far at Kilvington and can’t wait for next year!

Ava Cheong-See, Year 4

Year 5

This year, the Year 5s participated in many enjoyable activities. Here are some of their highlights.


Year 5s kicked off Term 4 with an amazing trip to Kinglake for the Years 5 and 6 Camp! We started the first day with some fun activities such as Free Fall, Gaga Ball and climbing. We also did an activity called ‘Hunger Games’ where groups competed with each other for fun. On the last day, we celebrated two birthdays. We also did an activity called ‘Wildergaining’, where we had to collect ten blocks in order to win. The winning group ended up being ‘Little AK’!

Evelyn Zhou


This year, we’ve been trying out and playing many different kinds of sports, including basketball, volleyball, and even lacrosse! At the end of each term, we competed in a Round Robin event. My personal favourite was basketball, where it was important for us to work as a team and communicate with each other on the court. We had the chance to practice various types of drills and get better over time. It was tremendous fun and Mr Cirillo was a great coach!

Toby Sanos


This year, we were extremely excited to hear that our production was going to be Frozen JR.! We rehearsed so much in the lead up to the event. The hair, makeup and costumes were a highlight for many of us. Some of us felt anxious before opening night, but then we got out there and did our best. There were a few mistakes, but we just moved on and had the best time ever. Singing our final song felt amazing. In the finale, we all got soaked from bubbles. It was all incredibly awesome!


In October, Year 5s went on an outstanding trip to Sovereign Hill. This excursion was linked to our History unit on the Australian Gold Rush. We walked up the rocky road to our first activity, where a teacher brought us into a worn-down classroom and taught us what it was like to live in the 1850s. We then all dressed up as people who were in the Eureka Stockade and took photos together.

After the fun of dressing up, we went down to a river and tried our luck at panning for gold. Down at the river, there was a wooden gift shop where many of us bought things relevant to the gold mining times. Then we went to an antique lolly shop and bought boiled lollies.

We also did my favourite activity of all –dipping white candles to make colourful candles! Overall, Sovereign Hill was a fantastic day for everyone.

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Junior School Year-Level Highlights


Diya Matthew and Amber Johnston, English Co-Leaders, Year 11

We’ve been very grateful for the chance to be English Co-Leaders this year. After two years of disruptions, we have thoroughly enjoyed implementing new initiatives. The role of English Leader has been a great way to engage our passions for reading, writing, and for creating activities which enable other students to get involved in English.

Another highlight was the Kilvington Writers Festival (KWF). The theme for this year was ‘perfectionism’, based on an excerpt of Ellen Van Neervan’s poem ‘Queens’. Over the course of the Festival, we held several events and activities that helped our students celebrate and engage with both writers and writing.

Year 6

Throughout the year, Year 6s have been focusing on building different character strengths. Below are some of their highlights and experiences of 2022!


I showed my character strength of love of learning when at Balaclava sports. I gave all I had to get better at shooting the ball into the hoop during basketball.

On the day of Round Robin netball, I demonstrated my strength in communication. I helped the team by letting everyone have an equal go on and off the court.

Balaclava Sports was an awesome opportunity to connect and play against other schools in the bayside district. The sport selections were always unique and interesting and in Term 4, we had the opportunity to try fairly niche sports from around the world!


Thanks to my strength of bravery, I finally built up the courage to go on stage as Hans which was very much out of my comfort zone! Henry Bath developed the character strength of love during Frozen JR. During afterschool and Sunday practices, I was very kind and loving toward the Year 5s.

As the curtains flew open, all eyes were on us. The months of hard work was finally worth it and we felt like superstars twirling and leaping across the stage. The crowd applauded as we took our bows. This was a moment I will never forget.


At Camp, I used the character strengths of independence, courage and openmindedness. I packed and selected the right clothes and tried out foods which normally wouldn’t eat.

While was climbing to the top of one of the tallest trees, I felt like stopping and dropping down. But I used the strength of persistence and got to the top!

Earlier this year, we attended the Quill Awards for Journalistic Excellence, a prestigious Melbourne awards ceremony for journalism. David Overton, Year 12, and Diya Matthew, Year 11, had the chance to present awards to recipients alongside Channel 7 newsreader Jacqui Felgate, which was a real privilege and honour. We also had the exciting opportunity of meeting the Lord Mayor of Melbourne, Sally Capp, and hearing about the significance of journalists and journalism in society today.

At Camp, I developed the character strength of bravery when went on the wobbly bridge and the zipline even though I was terrified! Developing this strength made me feel proud and happy.

Our bags were packed, our shoes were on, and it was time to jump onto the bus. After an hour-and-a-half bus drive, we turned into the camp grounds with excitement buzzing in the air. All 78 of us jumped off the bus to begin our adventure. As the week progressed, we enjoyed activities such as Zipline, Freefall, feeding wallabies, a giant see-saw and a favourite of many, Gaga Ball! We participated in activities requiring teamwork and leadership. At the end of the week, we said goodbye to an amazing camp experience.

One of our highlights of this year was creating and participating in a fortnightly Senior Book Club for Years 10 to 12. Our aim was to read and discuss a book each term. With 12 members and Ms Roncevic’s assistance, we were able to create a forum for English discussion and literature analysis. Throughout the year we read All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr, Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn and the Paris Apartment by Lucy Foley. We were also able to enjoy a variety of snacks during our Book Club meetings, including Ronny’s beloved hummus!

Students had the chance to hear guest speaker Roz Bellamy, a writer, researcher and editor, at the KWF Competition Award Ceremony for shortlisted writers. Furthermore, Year 11s and some Year 12s had the opportunity to meet with and do a Q & A with writer, director and designer Christy Dena. Year 10s attended an all-day excursion to the CBD for the esteemed Melbourne Writers Festival. To finish off the week, we ran a reflective mindfulness journaling session where students had the chance to explore their writing skills.

We’ve had a great year as English Co-Leaders. We thank the English Department for all their help and assistance especially the Dean of English, Mr Thiel!

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Reports from Senior School Student Leaders

Reports from Senior School Student Leaders

Japanese Helen Gu, Japanese Language Leader, Year 11

French Charlotte Westaway, French Language Leader, Year 11

As the French Language Leader for this year, had the pleasure of working alongside Kilvington’s Language Department and participating in various languages-related cultural activities. Over the year, have loved sharing experiences with other French students and enjoying ‘little tastes’ of France!

To celebrate Bastille Day in July, we organised a pop-up patisserie which featured pains au chocolat and croissants galore, tricolore decorations, quiz cards and ambient French music. Senior School students and staff were able to feast on some iconic delicacies and support the Indigenous Literacy Foundation with their purchases.

Another highlight was the Annual Cultural Lunch, for which groups of Year 8 French students designed a menu, prepared a three-course meal and decorated their own table settings. I had the chance to try homecooked classic dishes and discover how younger students interact with French at School and at home. The immense amount of thought and care each group poured into their project was heart-warming to see, and everyone was able to enjoy a lunch akin to France’s extravagant mealtimes.

Fundamentally, an all-encompassing exposure to the French language was at heart of all the 2022 excursions, celebrations and lunches. Immersion not only played a key role in helping us develop core comprehension and conversation skills, it also allowed us to discover a vibrant culture, make world-wide connections and engage with another ‘mode de vie’. Alongside our wonderful Languages staff, I’ve been incredibly fortunate to help highlight and share the joys of the French Languages program throughout the year.

Undeniably, learning a new language is a daunting challenge to take on at any age, but the experience, knowledge and lifelong skills we gain over time are invaluable assets. With so many opportunities and engaging activities, it’s been truly gratifying to be able to support Kilvington learners in their journey and progression towards French language fluency.

It has been my absolute honour to be the 2022 Japanese Language Leader. This year has been very eventful and fun for our Japanese Languages students. We have run a range of cultural activities, excursions and workshops to help students understand and improve their language skills.

At the beginning of Term 3, Year 8 students experienced Japanese culture through the Year 8 Cultural Day. Working in groups, students had the chance to design their own Japanese menus, prepare their own meals and decorate their own tables. It was delightful to see so many of our students wearing a traditional Japanese kimono on the day. It was also a pleasure to join them and get to try many of the delicious meals!

Another highlight was the Japanese Club, which met every Tuesday during lunchtime. Not only was this a space where language

support was provided, but also where cultural activities were run. All students were welcome to join in on the fun.

Language learning at Kilvington is not only limited to the classroom. We are also encouraged to discover the beauty of different cultures and languages through participating in activities outside the classroom. While learning a new language is undoubtedly challenging, the experience brings many advantages into our lives. With the help of our wonderful teachers the learning process is always full of excitement! Overall, am truly delighted to be a part of it all, and am very grateful for the opportunities we’ve had for learning languages at School.

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Reports from Senior School Student Leaders

Visual Arts

Georgia Volakakis, Visual Arts Leader, Year 11


Abbey Huynh, Jess Bonham, Renae Bekas, Science Leaders, Year 11

This year, students from ELC to Year 12 have had great opportunities to connect with their peers through the exploration of Science. Each fortnight on a Thursday, we held Science Club for Years 5 and 6, where students had the chance to immerse themselves in exciting experiments using materials such as liquid nitrogen, slime and even flames! These experiments weren’t just enjoyable, they were also great ways to learn about scientific concepts and get an introduction to Science at Senior School.

The Year 7s participated in Toy Time, a project in which they used their creativity and problem-solving skills to engineer a toy that demonstrated a scientific concept which they’d been taught about in class. The project allowed students to combine their skills from Science, Digital Technology, Art and Maths. The students truly blew us away with such creations as the pinball machine and the basketball catapult contraption! Science Week had been cancelled last year due to the pandemic, so we were all extremely excited to celebrate it this year. It turned out to be the highlight of the year for many of us! We held a variety of activities and events including the beloved Pizza Trivia Lunch, the making of liquid nitrogen icecream and the Reptile Encounters workshop.

We also held various workshops for Years 9 to 12, with visits from professors such as Odilia Wijburg (from the University of Melbourne) who taught the Year 12s about the immune system.

In addition to the Senior School Science Week activities (which were an enormous success), the Junior School also had opportunities to delve into Science. One of these activities included the Science Fair, a competition which allowed students to explore a scientific concept via a home experiment. We also had the ‘best-dressed’ competition, which allowed students to show off their science-related fashion skills!

During the year, Senior School students also had many chances to participate in Science competitions such as the Biology Olympiad, the Big Science Competition and the Science Talent Research. These competitions give students the opportunity to improve their scientific skills outside of the classroom.

We had overwhelming support and participation in all activities that were run this year. We sincerely thank the teachers and lab technicians for their support and commitment, as without them none of this would have been possible. We are sure 2023 will be another great year in Science!

As the Visual Arts Leader, I’ve had the amazing opportunity this year of leading Kilvington’s Art community. This remarkably unique journey has enabled me to showcase the many wonderful works of both our Junior and Senior School students. Early in the year, we introduced a photography competition for all year levels, preparing us for what would be a busy year ahead.

A personal highlight was opening the Art Club each Tuesday lunchtime to collaborate with other students who also shared the same passion for Art. This structured time allowed us to collectively contribute ideas or to work on our individual projects. I also had the honour of creating murals for various events and spaces such as the Wellbeing Centre. With the help of friends and classmates, these opportunities offered me a new insight into how to build connections and work as part of a team.

Students also thoroughly enjoyed various arts-related excursions throughout the year.

Our VCE students were able to visit both the Top Arts and Top Design showcases, the Picasso Century exhibition at the NGV, and an exclusive Patricia Piccinini exhibition held in the Ballroom of Flinders Street Station. We discovered so much from these experiences, from gaining insight into the artistic world outside of School to simply being blown away by the absolute talent of our fellow classmates.

After two years of remote learning and continuous lockdowns, we were all delighted to hear of the re-opening of both the ELC to Year 10 Art Show (Term 3) and the VCE Art Exhibition (Term 4). These spectacular events gave each Art/Design student from ELC to Year 12 a chance to express, stage and share their brilliant classwork innovations with their peers, parents and the broader Kilvington community.

The official opening night of the VCE Art exhibition saw a packed Dalton Hall, with many proud students, parents and teachers in attendance! Opening the show was former student Christa Hill (Kilvington alumna from

2016), who provided us with a very inspiring and motivational speech about her journey in the arts.

Each year, awards are also presented on the opening night of the show to students from each Visual Arts subject. The awards go to students who meet and/or exceed learning standards such as ‘using feedback to improve’ and ‘striving to develop their knowledge and skills throughout each task’. Congratulations to the award winners!

Overall, 2022 was a great opportunity to bring back the pure talent of the Kilvington Art, Design and Media students. I’m so glad I had the chance to be part of it all.

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Reports from Senior School Student Leaders

Senior School Artwork Designs

Two of our Senior School Art students designed an artwork piece especially for the 2022 Yearbook. Their artwork represents their main impressions and experiences from this year. Thank you to the students for their amazing creative efforts and to teacher Rosie Busuttil.

Maria Wang, Year 10

I was inspired to create this piece from my brother’s (Peter Wang 2022) graduation. It was a marking of a new chapter of his life and an opening into a whole new universe, and I wanted to capture these feelings of relief and freedom in my work.

Georgia Volakakis, Year 11

My design is representative of aspects within a school student’s life at Kilvington. was inspired to create this artwork to express the many passionate and talented students of the Kilvington community through the subjects and pathways they choose.



Prep Visual Arts

● Bayan Gornall

● Daniel Wu

Year 1 Visual Arts

● Savannah Anderson

● Elise McGloughlin

Year 2 Visual Arts

● Zoe Blackmore

● Ashlee Chau

Year 3 Visual Arts

● Rayaan Gupta

Year 4 Visual Arts

● Ethan Shi

● Chelsey Li

Year 5 Visual Arts

● Luke Munnerley

● Stella Frangoulis

Year 6 Visual Arts

● Milana Skrypnyk

● Charley Johnston

Year 7 Visual Arts

● Emma Gracey

● Hugo Blair

● Julia Lane

● Sasha Molnar

Year 8 Visual Arts

● Sam Kanellopoulos

● Simon Huang

● Loretta Pietrosanto

● Alyvia Liew

Year 9 Creative Studio

● Charlotte Oswald

● Alycia Liew

Year 10 Studio Arts

● Maria Wang


Unit 1/2 Visual Communication Design

● Zaija Du Preez

Unit 3/4 Visual Communication Design

● Georgia McKerral

Unit 1/2 Studio Arts

● Georgia Volakakis

Unit 3/4 Studio Arts

● Grace Kiosoglous

Unit 1/2 Media

● Hugo Della Bosca

Unit 3/4 Media

● Hamish Bruce

Year 10 Visual Communication Design

● Teagan Strachan

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Reports from Senior School Student Leaders


Sara Dorne and Kaitlyn Connolly, Dance Co-Leaders, Year 12

What a great year it’s been as the 2022 Dance Co-Leaders for Kilvington! It’s been so enjoyable to spend time choreographing, rehearsing, dancing and getting to know each other.

Throughout the year, we have taken part in multiple dance performances, bringing together students from all year levels to connect with each other through a shared love of dance and performing.

One of our main highlights this year was performing in the School Jazz Cabaret at the Glen Eira Town Hall. For this performance, we prepared and performed a jazz number to ‘Feeling Good’ by Michael Bublė and ‘A Little Party’ by Fergie. We also performed the same number at a school assembly to share with the teachers and students. Our whole team particularly enjoyed organising the costumes and finalising the dance!

Around mid-year, we began to prepare our performance for the Annual Concert. We were going to accompany the Kilvington

Kadence Girls’ Choir while they sang ‘A Thousand Years’. Former Kilvington student, Filip Borsaru, came to help us with the choreographing process and became a close mentor to the team. We all really cherished our time working with him. Our final dance performance was at Celebration Night at the end of the year. It was a highly memorable experience for both of us, especially since it was our last contribution to the Kilvington Dance Team. It felt very special to dance with our team members who we had grown so close to throughout the year.

We have thoroughly enjoyed our time as the 2022 Kilvington Dance Captains. Thank you to Ms Bull for guiding us throughout our journey and for helping us organise all the details of our rehearsals and performances. We have massively appreciated your support. With the high talent of Kilvington students, we are sure that the Dance team will continue to grow and succeed beyond our time!


As Music Co-Leaders, we were thrilled to represent the Music Department and work with many passionate teachers and talented Music students. After two years of the pandemic, it was a privilege to once again host live concerts and provide more opportunities for musicians to perform.

Our challenge this year was to increase the participation rate of our Music students by developing closer connections with them and inspiring them through live performances. Students had opportunities to play music for assemblies as well as form their own mini-bands to accompany fundraising events such as Cut for a Cause, where even teachers got involved!

One of the highlights of being a part of large musical ensembles such as Concert Band, Orchestra or Contemporary Choir is the opportunity to collaborate with students from various year levels. We not only developed new connections, but shared our knowledge of Music. Regardless of skill level, we would highly recommend all Music students to take part in these groups as they are often such valuable learning experiences.

One of our most memorable moments this year was the Concerto Concert in Federation Square where alumni and students united to perform for the first time in two years. It was a highly entertaining experience where instrumental soloists and vocalists who studied VCE performance were accompanied by various ensemble groups.

The Annual Concert was also a significant moment where parents were entertained with many ensembles and choirs from both Junior and Senior School. In particular, the massed singing item, which combined all-time favourites such as ‘Country Roads’, ‘From Now On’, ‘Better Be Home Soon’ and ‘Sweet Home Alabama’, was also quite a spectacle.

We would like to personally acknowledge Ms Bull for her dedication to the Music program. We were very fortunate in being able to hold all the concerts planned for this year. Also, a special mention to the Music staff for supporting students and enabling them to fulfil their musical potential.

We wish every success to next year’s Music Captains and hope that more students will be able to display their passion for Music and recognise the joy of being a musician, part of an ensemble or choir group at School.

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Reports from Senior School Student Leaders


Renae Bekas, Production Leader, Year 11

Here we go again! Another year, and another fantastic Kilvington production! This year’s choice of Mamma Mia certainly had us all excited.

As Production Leader, had the privilege of being involved in many of the early preparations for the show. Nothing put a bigger smile on my face than seeing a younger student practising for their audition, or seeing keen students working together in pairs or groups to prepare for their scenes.

Before we knew it, the show had been cast and rehearsals were underway!

It is easy to overlook the amount of behind-the-scenes work that goes into a show and how important it is to work as a team. The Kilvington team worked together seamlessly to get everything ready before the show. Our directors, Ms Kosky and Ms Bull, worked tirelessly to ensure all our scenes would look and sound amazing. Our set designers got busy turning the Dalton Hall stage into a Greek island. And the costume designers put together wonderful costumes for us so we could all look superb and sparkly on stage.

After months of hard work, May finally arrived and the Opening Night of Mamma Mia was upon us! The energy, beaming faces, hugs and high-fives, supportive words of encouragement and electric vibes are

all things money can’t buy, and something I’ll never forget. All three performances were packed with enthusiasm, gusto and pure magic, and were met with incredible words of congratulations from those who came to watch. The actors played their parts with skill, purpose and clarity and are to be congratulated for their efforts and contributions, no matter how small or large the role.

One of my favourite things as Production Leader was getting the opportunity to mentor and guide my fellow cast members to their best performance and helping them to always view setbacks as a learning experience. In turn, was met with some challenging moments during the rehearsal process that challenged me as a leader. However, with the help of fellow cast members, felt we were able to jump through the hurdles and put on a great show. We truly appreciate the hard work of our teachers and other assistants. Performing in the show was not only an incredibly uplifting and rewarding experience for all involved, but one that’s taught us countless new performance skills. To all the cast and crew, I say: Thank You For The Music and for making Mamma Mia an experience that will stay with me forever!


After two years of relatively little robotics activity due to the pandemic, I was eagerly looking forward to 2022 and the recommencement of the Robotics program.

Mr Alexander, who had headed up our Robotics team for a number of years, departed Kilvington at the end of 2021. The Club was very fortunate to have Ms Low, Mr Thompson and Mrs Watts, and later on in the year Mr Frantz, step in to fill the void and kickstart the program.

The start of the year saw many new faces interested in the Robotics Club, with a number of Year 7s both eager to learn and to show us ‘old hands’ what they were capable of. The number of participants fluctuated a bit over the year and settled at around 10 or so students as regulars. A fairly relaxed atmosphere saw Club members working hard to build and program robots, explore their creative potential, collaborate in teams, and most importantly, have fun in the process!

The ‘Senior’ robotics team, consisting of James Zuk, Seb Keet, Noah Emons and myself, elaborated on our robot designs of previous years and competed in Regional and State competitions in the ‘Rescue’ category. In this category, the robots needed to autonomously follow a painted line around corners and up and down ramps and avoid obstacles before locating and ‘rescuing’ a can by picking it up, removing it, and then retreating to safety.

The competition days are fun and are a great way to see what all the teams from other schools are up to. While we didn’t reach the dizzying heights of past years, we had a great day at the state competition, with our team placing 4th. We are now planning next year’s robot to take on the competition!

The Robotics Club is a great introduction to the world of robotics and mechatronics, and encourage all interested students from Years 7 and above to join!

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Reports from Senior School Student Leaders

Digital Technologies

Sebastian Keet, Digital Technologies Leader, Year 11

As the 2022 Digital Technologies Leader, it’s been amazing to see students from all year levels involving themselves in the digital environment over the course of the year. Information technology has been a clear segment of interest for each year level at Kilvington. Some examples include the structured lessons of Digital Technologies for Years 8 and below; Forensic Technologies, Rise of the Drones and Screen and Media electives for Year 9; and the VCE IT course of Applied Computing and Data Analytics Information Technology for Years 10 to 12. Students excelled when given the opportunity to show their interest in digital technologies outside of the classroom. Extracurricular activities such as the Robotics Club (led by Charlie Hammond alongside Ms Low, Mr Thompson, Mrs Watts and Mr Frantz) and the Media Club (run by


Sophi Gardiner, Sustainability Leader, Year 12

Ms Low) saw exceptional success from all year levels. In the Robotics Club, Years 7 and 8 students built and programmed some impressive robots, incorporating skills learnt from their Digital Technologies classes. We also saw an excellent display of talent from the Media Club.

The transition from online learning back to in-person schooling has been an interesting experience for all students. However, invaluable skills learnt via online learning have proven exceedingly useful in uncovering the capabilities of Digital Technologies in all subjects.

Excitement is now building for the new STEAM Centre (expected to open sometime next year) which will provide Digital Technologies, Science, Robotics, Systems Engineering and Media students dedicated learning spaces. The STEAM Centre will also provide a new site for the Kilvington Library, doubling as a casual space for enhanced collaboration and focused activities. It’s been a great year for Digital Technologies and I’m sure next year will be even better!

‘We think of climate change as slow, but it is unnervingly fast. We think of the technological change necessary to avert it as fast-changing, but it is deceptively slow,’ says David Benattar from the Sustainability Council of Australia. With sea levels rising faster than ever in human history and the highest temperature on record in the past decade, environmental management has to be a vital part of our everyday lives.

As the 2022 Sustainability Captain, I’ve had the opportunity this year to promote environmental initiatives for our School, including the addition of plastic-waste recycling bins, and encouraging students and teachers alike to turn off lights, turn down heaters and recycle our waste correctly.

We also had a ‘Walk-to-School’ Day, where students were encouraged to use the most sustainable method of transport possible. This was a great day with many students riding their bike to School instead of driving or taking public transport, in an effort to utilise more carbon-neutral methods of transportation.

We also had a fierce Mentor ‘Clean-Up’ competition! Different mentors cleaned up our School grounds and the surrounding local area to help ensure our rubbish was being responsibly disposed of. Our Food Technology classes and canteen also transitioned to reusable and bamboo utensils to help reduce the use of plastic at Kilvington. Furthermore, the implementation of ‘Trashfree Thursdays’ started to encourage students to re-think our excessive use of plastic for school lunches by choosing non-plastic food packaging once a week.

Thank you to everyone who implemented any of these sustainability activities. Kilvington has made some great progress this year for our environment, and look forward to further changes in the future. Thank you to Mr McGinley and Mr Schmidt for helping with the initiatives throughout the year.

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Reports from Senior School Student Leaders


Will Blair, Sport Leader, Year 12

Kilvington has had some fantastic Sport programs this year, bouncing back to full activity after the slower years of COVID.

EISM interschool sport was a highlight this year. It was great getting to play weekly against other EISM schools, and we were able to experience success across many sports, including hockey, basketball, netball, soccer, indoor cricket, badminton, football, volleyball and table tennis.

House Netball was another great activity. Fethers were Champions after a dominating run, taking a win in every match they played!

Years 7 to 9 Mixed Basketball was run throughout Term 2 with some great games –a shoutout to Thomas Williamson and Darcy Swifte for their great refereeing performances!

Lunchtime activities were back this year, including Scorpion Soccer which ran throughout Term 3. The Grand Final was held in the Sport Centre with a thrilling 3-3 game between Mouna FC and Jose’s Five-a-Side, with Mouna FC winning in an intense penalty shootout! ‘Teacher versus Student’ Netball was a great way to finish off Term 3, with the

students taking a comfortable win. It must have been the youthful legs!

Although cut slightly short due to the weather, House Swimming was a great day at GESAC, with many Kilvington students progressing through to EISM champions held at MSAC. House Athletics was won by Burman: go, Burman!

Kilvington was one of only four schools in the EISM to be in all Division 1 Carnivals (Swimming, Athletics and Cross Country). Our performances at these carnivals were once again very strong, highlighted by some tremendous performances from Liam Molloy, Greta Saville, Annie Steele, Gemma Craddock, Owen Nguyen and Archie Fifoot, just to name a few.

Due to a knee reconstruction, I was disappointed not to be able to personally participate in any of these sports. However, the process of setting up, running and helping with these programs was extremely rewarding. am immensely grateful for the opportunity I’ve had this year as Sport Leader.

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Reports from Senior School Student Leaders

Christian Reflection

This year has been great for our Christian ministry at Kilvington. At the start of this year, we concluded our Senior Mustard lunchtime group with faith-based philosophical discussions around the purpose and meaning of life as both Christians and non-Christians.

We then started the Three16 group, led by Murray Campbell from Mentone Baptist Church, with a series focusing on the gospel of Mark – forming a weekly community around the faith and work of Jesus. We also started a new outreach program. Youth worker and Chaplain Liam Beasy ran games and activities with younger students at lunchtime, with lots of fun and prizes for the win!

We have both enjoyed our time as Christian Co-Leaders in 2022 and look forward to seeing these initiatives grow next year.

Student Mentor Reflection

Emily Phillips and Deepthi Vasudevan, Student Mentor Co-Leaders,

As the 2022 Student Mentor Co-Leaders, we focused on helping to build connections between Year 7s and their Year 10 Mentors. Starting Senior School can be an intimidating experience, so the aim of the Student Mentor Program was to help Year 7s feel comfortable and ease into their first year!

At the beginning of 2022, Year 10s were challenged to step up and become role models for their Year 7 buddies. As Student Mentor Co-Leaders, we encouraged them to develop their leadership skills by taking the lead within their small groups. Throughout the year, we also encouraged them to build stronger connections with their Year 7 buddies by regularly reaching out and checking in with them.

While the role of Student Mentor CoLeader has had its challenges, it has also been the absolute highlight of our year. Getting to know many of the Year 10s and making new connections and friends has been incredible. Witnessing buddy groups bonding together in high-stakes ‘House versus House’ competitions is one of our most memorable experiences! Not only was this fun for each of the House groups, but also for us! It was great having this opportunity to interact with students from younger year levels. It was amazing to see Year 10s grow into their positions as Mentors to the Year 7s. We’re so proud of them for rising to the

challenge and for helping out with various activities over the year. Year 7s also showed bravery and really came through in their efforts to interact with others and make new friends. We know that making new friends can be tough, especially when we’re in brand new or unfamiliar environments, as was the case for some Year 7 students!

We are so thankful we had the chance to help build connections between the two year levels, having been online for the majority of the past two years. We were glad to bring this program back to its full glory and are so grateful for the opportunity to have helped lead it.

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Reports from Senior School Student Leaders

Barrett House

Elle Dickson, Barrett House Co-Captain, Year 12

Leading Barrett House this year has truly been a memorable experience. The opportunity to work with my hardworking peers, Sabrina, Kate and Hannah, has been amazing. I feel so lucky to have been surrounded by such great students and teachers over the course of this year. Our House Mentors created a safe and inclusive space for us all to enjoy a break throughout our busy terms and our House Dean, Mr Troitzky, once again went above and beyond in working for Barrett House’s happiness and success.

We could not have asked for more from our members in terms of the contribution to House activities. From having the highest participation at Cross County to filling our events at Athletics and Swimming, we’ve really appreciated the enthusiasm shown by everyone involved. Through small games and House Cheers, Barrett consistently worked together as a team and created wonderful outcomes.

Acting in the role of Barrett House’s CoCaptain also taught me some significant lessons about leadership. With the assistance of Mr Troitzky, was encouraged to strive for excellence, push myself out of my comfort zone and reflect on the processes and outcomes of my leadership decisions.

This year has been a journey will honestly never forget. I am eternally thankful that I got to spend the last six years of my schooling at Kilvington, supporting the House that has continually supported me over the years.

Sabrina Pietrosanto, Barrett House Co-Captain, Year 12

am immensely grateful for the opportunity to have been the Barrett House Co-Captain this year. Having looked up to all the previous leaders throughout my eight years at Kilvington, I hope I have made as great an impression on the members of Barrett as the previous Captains made on me.

I am so extremely proud of what we as a House achieved this year, from our win in House Cheers to achieving the largest number of participating students at Cross Country. It really just shows the enthusiasm and tight-knit nature of Barrett House.

Many thanks are owed to the House CoVice Captains, Hannah Johnston and Kate May, for all their support with House events. Whether it was decorating shirts for House Cheers or choreographing various dances for House Arts and ‘Dancing with the Staff’, their hard work outmatched any task that was put before them.

Elle and I have also been so lucky to have had the assistance of Mr Troitzky throughout the year in his role as House Dean. We are so grateful to him for always pushing us to reflect back on House events and assemblies on what went well and how we could improve. cannot thank him enough for the life lessons and skills he has taught me, lessons I will now take into my future endeavours.

There are no words to describe how much I have loved my time in Barrett House. wish both Barrett House and next year’s House Captains the very best of luck for 2023!

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Reports from Senior School Student Leaders

Burman House

Kate McCorquodale and Liv Poda, Burman House Co-Captains, Year 12

This year, we have had the amazing opportunity of leading Burman House. We both feel extremely fortunate to have had such a supportive and enthusiastic team of leaders around us, which in turn enabled us to be the best leaders possible.

Despite lingering uncertainties from the pandemic, the Burman House spirit prevailed, and we were fortunate enough to get to experience all of our House events this year.

Winning House Arts (for the sixth year in a row) was an exciting way to start our year and showcase the many talents of Burman! House Swimming and House Cheers highlighted our dedication, while House Athletics was a testament to Burman’s engagement and camaraderie, resulting in us coming home with the trophy! Through commitment and passionate House chants, these events exhibited our extensive House

spirit, making them so enjoyable for us as leaders and for the House as a whole. We can’t express enough gratitude to our House Dean, Mrs Whitfield. Her endless support, guidance and natural leadership skills provided us with an environment in which we could grow and learn. It was an honour and an inspiration to work alongside such an experienced leader.

Also, thank you to our Year 11 Leaders

Tilly Gason and Felix McShane, who were incredibly supportive in helping us to manage the many responsibilities of the House. We wish them all the best as they take on their respective leadership roles next year. We also want to thank the many members who took on helpful roles during House events. Finally, a huge thank you to the whole Burman community for making 2022 a year to remember!

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Reports from Senior School Student Leaders

Fethers House

Isabel Croker, Fethers House Co-Captain, Year 12

I am so thankful to have spent my last year of School as the House Co-Captain for Fethers. Having been in Fethers House for seven years, have grown extremely close to my Fethers family.

For our first event as House Co-Captains, James and I were faced with House Arts. Even though Fethers didn’t end up winning, I was so proud of how our House and the Year 12s came together to produce such an incredible version of Hercules House Swimming and House Cheers were a challenge because I’d never before had to manage such a large group of people at once! The Fethers community came proudly together to represent the House. Next up were House Athletics and Cross Country, where great enthusiasm and spirit was shown by the entire House.

‘Dancing with The Staff’ was a great way to end my Fethers journey. The whole House was involved and worked hard, and we pulled off a win with our ‘rock’ dance moves!

am so proud of Fethers House and what we have achieved in 2022. I would like to thank the entire leadership team for their continued support across the year. wish every success to the Fethers House Captains for 2023 and trust they will do great things.

James Cooper, Fethers House Co-Captain, Year 12

The opportunity to lead Fethers in 2022 was such a privilege. Following my entry into the awesome Fethers community back in 2017, leadership has always been a goal of mine. am grateful had the chance to take on this opportunity this year.

After the lockdowns of 2020 and 2021, coming back to a regular School year was refreshing, and Izzy and took on the challenge of making up for any lost connections over the past two years. The extended Fethers team made for a smooth year. Fethers Co-Vice Captains, Nikia Tucker and Diya Matthew, were a massive help to us. Mr Wood, our House Dean, led from the front with his wise words, thrilling ideas and dazzling dance moves! The year was also made memorable by our great Year 12 Fethers cohort.

Participation is key to making an environment successful and I can say without doubt that in 2022 there was more participation and enthusiasm in Fethers than ever before! Whether it was our confident swimmers or our first-time dancers, most students had a smile on their face which was such a joy to see! There were many great events this year, and although we didn’t necessarily win them all, we had fun experiencing it all as a House!

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Reports from Senior School Student Leaders

Fysh House

It’s been so enjoyable to lead Fysh House this year. We are extremely grateful for the opportunity to have done so! It was a huge privilege to be on location, and a lot of amazing Fysh memories would not be possible if it weren’t for that.

We commenced our House events with House Arts. It was so great to be a part of a team that works so well together and it was thrilling to see the enthusiasm and collaboration within the House. We also really appreciated the help of the leadership team as we were still learning how to be leaders ourselves. This event was a great way to kickstart the year and we will always remember Fysh’s hilarious media video and scoring the win for acting!

House Swimming came next, and we started preparing our House Cheers. We applaud the entire Fysh House for giving it their all and for being ready to laugh at themselves with some questionable dance moves! We are incredibly proud of everyone’s efforts across the year, especially for the turnout at House Swimming and Cross Country.

Our amazing Years 7 to 9 students won the Junior Cup at House Swimming, with another victory at Athletics. It was great to take home the trophies and to see the stigma around our name change! We couldn’t have done it without the enthusiasm of each and every one of our House members’ participation, especially those who initially didn’t want to jump in the pool or run the laps, but made it work for the House. With the influx of COVID cases, we’d had many last-minute event changes so we can’t thank everyone enough for stepping up and competing in races outside of their comfort zones!

It was wonderful to end this year with ‘Dancing with the Staff’. This proved to be an excellent way to finish our journey as House Co-Captains and to connect one more time with Fysh students and staff. We will never forget Mr Cavalin’s outrageous dance moves and our crafty flower-power costumes! We would like to express our endless gratitude to our House Dean, Mr Williams. We are so grateful for your guidance and really appreciate all you’ve done for us and the House this year. Thank you to our two Co-Vice Captains, Charlotte Westaway and Izzy Hayes – you were the first to step up and assist at House assemblies; we cannot thank you enough for that and wish you the best for next year! Thank you also to our Year 9 Leaders, Tia Perera and Calista Yap – you came to each meeting with such enthusiasm and were always looking for ways for us to grow as a House; we are so immensely grateful for your contributions. Finally, thank you to the entire Fysh House for your support and for giving us such a great year!

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School Highlights

Kilvington Reads


Digital Resourcing

‘A book is a gift you can open again and again.’ – Garrison Keilor

From 10 to 14 October, we celebrated Kilvington Reads in the Junior School.

Over the course of the week, we had author workshops for ELC to Year 6. Years 3 and 4 students had a wonderful Kilvington Reads session with author Alice Pung and illustrator Sher Rill Ng on their book Be Careful, Xiao Xin on 10 October.

Then on 11 October, author Jane Godwin conducted reading and writing workshops with the ELC and Prep students around her numerous picture story books. Jane also ran a writing workshop with the Years 5 and 6 Enrichment students on finding ideas as inspiration for their writing.

Students and staff dressed up as their favourite book characters for Book Character Day on 12 October. Everyone put in a lot of effort into dressing up and looked amazing in their costumes! Students also had the chance to get creative and hands-on while making collages and scenes from their favourite books.

All in all, we had a wonderful week at School celebrating the joy of reading!

Tournament of Minds

Tania Whitehead, Dean of Junior School Operations

This year, select Kilvington students from Years 5 and 6 participated in the Junior School Tournament of Minds (TOMs) program.

TOMs is an international educational problem-solving program for primary and secondary school students. Challenges are set in the disciplines of the Arts, Languages, Literature, Social Sciences and STEM. This year, the Kilvington Team was made up of the following Years 5 and 6 students: Nirvi Bijwal, Riya Konkepudi, Milta Lu, Marcus McGloughlin, Ginger Shen, Akshayini Pritam Wadhwani and Myrah Bhargava.

The Kilvington Team elected to participate in the Social Sciences Long-Term Challenge, which asked students to explore social issues and aspects of human society.

During the first Tournament (at the Metropolitan Central Finals) students were given six weeks to work on creating a solution to this challenge.

The Kilvington TOMs Team chose to perform a play as a response, where they focused on how researchers can learn from ancient sites. They concluded their play with the song, ‘I am, you are, we are Australian’ and also used sign-language to relate the song.

Kilvington was awarded first place at the Metropolitan Central Finals and made it into the Victorian State Finals! At the State Finals, students had three hours to prepare a response to the scenario they were given in the morning. This meant brainstorming,

writing a script, creating props, choreographing and performing! During the three-hour preparation time, they also had to participate in a ‘Spontaneous Challenge’, which added to their final score. While the Kilvington Team narrowly missed out on selection for the International Final in Canberra, they were awarded an Honours Prize, coming second in the State!

I am very proud of the Team for their enormous dedication, hard work and effort. What a fantastic achievement! Special thanks to staff members Angela Sharp and Margie Luxford who acted as facilitators and mentors.

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‘Go Girl, Go for IT’ Technology Conference

In Term 3, Kilvington girls from Years 5 and 6, and a few from Years 7 to 10, had the chance to attend the technology conference, ‘Go Girl, Go for IT’. The one-day event was focused on opening up the students’ perspectives on what the technology field looks like.

Students attended a trade show where they spoke to people in industry and different representatives from universities about the future of technology. They also underwent a series of puzzles and challenges and won a number of prizes while at the show. In addition, they attended different workshops and listened to a panel of women speak about their experiences in the world of IT. The conference gave the students an opportunity to open up to career possibilities in a variety of fields including analysis, user design, development and data science.


Addison Hammond, Year 9

After only having participated in the ‘Go Girls’ conference online (during lockdowns), it was so exciting getting to experience it in person! We had the chance to hear women talk about their various tech jobs and experiences. We were also able to ask them lots of questions and learn about the range of opportunities available in this sector.

Some of my favourite things at the expo were the 3D printer at work, the robot that could follow us around, and seeing a robot, twice as tall as a human, wave at us! I know we all really enjoyed this amazing day and were grateful to be given the opportunity to attend!

Year 9 Impact Program – ‘It’s Everyone’s Business’ Showcase Evening

Year 9 Impact Team

Each Friday during Term 2, Year 9 students took part in the ‘It’s Everyone’s Business’ Program with Monash University. Students collaborated in small groups to create a real-life social enterprise business to address a current social issue, culminating in a Showcase Evening at Monash University’s Clayton Campus.

Prior to the Showcase Evening, six groups were decided as finalists. They presented their businesses to the entire audience and all remaining groups presented their businesses in an expo format.

Congratulations to Kai Hart, Charlie Sherman, Callan O’Connor and Elijah Slavinskis for their winning presentation at the Showcase Evening. Well done to all Year 9 students for the exceptional standard of presentations across the whole year level. The Year 9 Impact Team could not be more proud!


Owen Moy, Year 9

Honestly speaking, at the beginning of Year 9, never thought I’d have the confidence to speak in front of an audience this size! But that’s been one of the benefits of a program like this.

When starting the Impact Program, I didn’t foresee it really having any lasting impact on me.

However, during the last two days of Lift-Off Week, way back in February, something changed. We were asked to actually look at ourselves in the mirror and identify what we stood for and why. was instantly intrigued and excited by this.

As a result, I began to put more effort into all components of the program. My confidence and independence levels grew through experiences such as train travel to and from the city and then navigating the streets. The connections I made with my peers became stronger than ever. This was possible because of the broad range of activities we’ve experienced.


Suzana Bishop, Year 9 Parent

Thank you to the Year 9 Impact Team for this program. As a leader of a civic space, a woman and an immigrant, I was incredibly touched to see young minds being shaped around the complex understanding of social issues and the realisation that privilege comes with responsibility.

Lynda Slavinskis, Year 9 Parent

What impressed me the most was the students’ passion, their deep connection to their chosen social issues, and their ability to identify and be driven by their values. personally loved reading everyone’s Expo Boards and listening to the finalists’ pitches. The mentorship and trust from the Year 9 teaching team and from the Monash team propelled the students to reach even greater heights.

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School Highlights

2022 Quill Awards for Excellence in

Victorian Journalism

Iva Roncevic and Ashleigh Cavalin, Senior English Teachers

On Friday 18 March, a few Kilvington students from Years 11 and 12 and their teachers had the opportunity to attend the Quill Awards for Excellence in Victorian Journalism at the Palladium at Crown in the city.

The awards are held by the Melbourne Press Club which has a long-standing relationship with the School. They celebrate the best work in media in over 30 categories including print, television, radio, photography and social media.

Our English Captains, Amber Johnston and Diya Matthew, as well as School Captain David Overton and keen English student, Hunter Lee, had the wonderful opportunity of attending the awards. Alongside Channel 7 Sports Commentator Jacqui Felgate, both Diya and David also had the honour of presenting the prizes to the winners on the night.

The students were also lucky to meet Melbourne Lord Mayor Sally Capp, who took great interest in their views on issues that are currently at the forefront of the minds of young adults in our city.

The highlight of the night included witnessing trailblazing female sports journalist Caroline Wilson being honoured for her work with a lifetime achievement award. She ended her speech with the following advice for other young aspiring journalists: ‘The best stories are always the ones you don’t want to write.’

The Melbourne Press Club CEO, Cathy Bryson, was very welcoming and supportive of the students and organised a wonderful evening for Kilvington Grammar.

Press Club Lunch

James Cooper, Year 12

On Wednesday 24 August, Charlie Clancy, Kate McCorquodale and were granted the opportunity to attend the Melbourne Press Club Lunch event with Principal Rob French. The event was hosted by sports journalist Caroline Wilson and featured former Essendon and Richmond Football Clubs player Bachar Houli as the guest speaker. Listening to Bachar gave me an insight into the highs and lows of becoming a premiership player in the AFL, and more significantly, doing so as a Muslim player. His presentation was broken down into ‘Four Fs’: Family, Faith, Football and Foundation. Bachar spoke about the key role family has played in his career – from his brothers helping him to get into football and his reluctant parents becoming his biggest fans, to his extended family community alone consisting of over 100 Richmond memberships!

He also shared insights into his Muslim faith and, of course, discussed his football career. He expressed how football has led to the work he is doing now with the Bachar Houli Foundation. The Foundation aims to provide a pathway for young Muslim talent to enhance their AFL skills while staying true to their faith.

Hearing Bachar’s perspective on life was insightful, and I felt that his expression of humility and care was a great reflection of his character. Overall, I’m glad had the chance to listen to Bachar’s remarkable story and thankful for the opportunity to attend this memorable event.

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This Year in Mathematics

Helen Cole, Academic Dean of Mathematics

This year, we particularly appreciated maintaining face-to-face learning and interacting more with each other. It was also easier for students to grasp certain concepts and receive extra help. In addition, we were able to hold all mathematical activities.

We are grateful to the nine Year 12 students who volunteered to assist a Years 7, 8 or 9 class each fortnight. Some could only help in Term 1 while others continued throughout Terms 2 and 3. Following student feedback, Years 7 to 9 Maths Support was moved to Wednesday before School and now more students are utilising this opportunity to receive extra Maths assistance.


Elise Song, Year 7

In May of this year, a few students from Years 7 and 8 participated in a four-week Maths Challenge. The Challenge consisted of six questions, which steadily increased in difficulty. We had the chance to complete the Challenge independently or with a partner. My partner and thought the questions were tough and sometimes felt like giving up. But once we’d experienced the feeling of excitement coming from figuring out a problem, all the hard work began to feel worth it!

Overall, the Maths Challenge was a great opportunity for us to challenge our thinking. Thank you to our teachers for encouraging us along the way!


Sally Goncalves Hickman, Year 8

On Wednesday 3 August, Years 7 to 12 students took part in the Australian Mathematics Competition (AMC). The AMC is a 30-problem (mostly multiple-choice) competition.

It was an engaging and fun experience where we got to delve into some real-world questions. The questions stretched our brains to the limit and it was really satisfying when we arrived at the solution. Overall, it was a very beneficial experience for all students who participated.


Caleb Mendez, Year 9

On Wednesday 4 May, approximately a dozen students from Years 7 to 10 participated in the University of Melbourne School Mathematics Competition.

In the intermediate division, we were given three hours to complete just seven measly questions. At first I wondered, ‘How hard can this be?’ Especially, since the first question ‘How many zeroes are in factorial 50?’ was deceptively short.

However, as began to delve more deeply into this question, realised the real difficulty in it … especially since points were awarded for elegant answers! Scanning the other questions, I saw they were based on many bizarre aspects of mathematics. This competition wasn’t as simple as I thought it’d be!

All in all, the University of Melbourne Mathematics Competition was a great challenge and one I look forward to participating in next year!


Jude Teo, Year 10

On 8 September, Caleb Mendez and participated in the Australian Intermediate Mathematics Olympiad (AIMO), a four-hour competition comprising of ten questions. The questions were all demanding, but the satisfaction of finding a solution to each unique question was the highlight of the Competition.

While the Competition was lengthy, we were able to stretch and take short breaks. Then, after having had a chance to rest and reset, we were able to potentially take a different approach to a difficult question, one of my favourite aspects of the Competition.

Given my love of mathematics, really enjoyed taking part in this year’s AIMO!


Peter Wang, Year 12

This year, Year 12 students were given the opportunity to help a younger Mathematics class on a voluntary basis once a fortnight, an opportunity I chose to take up. While initially I thought many of the Years 7 to 9 concepts were easy, they were actually difficult to explain in a way that was both intuitive and practical.

Assisting a younger Mathematics class was challenging, but found the experience to be greatly rewarding. enjoy teaching and ultimately want to make it my career. Overall, was able to recognise and empathise with the younger students’ struggle to understand something new or challenging, and I’m grateful I had the chance to help out.


Avah Quinn, Year 9

I started going to Years 7 to 9 Maths Support because I wanted to improve my understanding of certain concepts being taught in my Maths class, as well as to retain the information better. Attending has helped me to become more confident in my mathematical abilities!

Oli McKerral, Year 11

Maths Support is a very enjoyable place, with great teachers who help us with our homework or revision for Maths tests. I go there to make sure I’m on top of all my work and prepared for the next test!

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Outdoor Education

Each year, Years 3 to 12 students go on camps to various locations. It’s a fantastic way for them to develop new skills, character, friendships and interests. Here are some of their reflections.

Years 3 and 4 Camp to Marysville

Luca Charalambous, Year 3

In Term 3, Years 3 and 4 were super excited because we were going away to Camp Marysville for three days and two nights!

On the first day at Camp, my group (also known as Madame’s Minions) went on the low ropes course and the bouldering wall. As I was going up the big rock climbing wall, our leader encouraged me by saying I could definitely make it to the top!

On our second day, we went to climb the humongous climbing wall – it was 22m! After a few people, it was finally my turn. got put into a very tight harness and was ready to go! In a few minutes, I was already up to 10m. By then, started getting a bit tired but I still kept on going. heard people cheering me on from the ground, and suddenly realised I’d made it to the top! Woohoo! I was so proud of myself as was everyone else.

It was Friday before knew it! We started the day with bush skills. First, we played a game where we ordered items from most-to-least needed for survival. Then, we lit fires with flint and steel. was the first one in my group to light a fire!

Our next activity was canoeing. I sat in the front of the canoe and Harry sat in the back. We started by turning the canoe around and then left, but suddenly we found ourselves spinning around in circles! Thankfully, our leader Lucie saw us and came to the rescue. We held onto her canoe and eventually got back on dry land. We were saved!

Finally, we went to pick up our luggage and jumped on the bus to head back to School. I had a brilliant time at Camp and can’t wait to go back next year.

Timothy Anastasiadis, Year 4

We were all so excited for our trip down to Marysville for the Years 3 and 4 Camp! When we got there, was happy to learn I’d be in a cabin with my friends. The only downside … we were going to be right next to two teacher cabins! But being so close to the teachers meant we were always on time for each meal.

Our days were filled with a variety of activities to participate in such as canoeing, rock climbing and bouldering. kept on feeling nervous, as if something would go wrong. But nothing did. I learnt how to tie a figure-8 knot and to use flint and steel to make FIRE! This would help us if we ever got lost or if we were climbing a tall mountain. I found this fun to learn, and even Mrs Thomas got it working!

GaGa Ball was a fun game which we played in a pit of mud during our free time. A lot of people enjoyed it. After the game, everyone who’d played was muddy from head to toe!

We were so tired and exhausted by the end of the day, but there was no chance of sleep. Someone was snoring all night!

Overall, Camp was an awesome time and didn’t want it to end. learnt so much and hope all my friends and teachers enjoyed it as much as did. But have to say, do like my warm bed better. Thank you to all the teachers and staff for making this trip possible!

Years 5 and 6 Kinglake Camp Adventures

Lorenzo Wright and Jiawei Chen, Year 5

The Years 5 and 6 Camp to Kinglake was held in the first week of Term 4. During this week, we had the opportunity to embark on many challenges, ranging from tree climbing to Head-to-Head Survivor Challenges!

The Camp was based around the topic of leadership and character strengths. We had the chance to learn about the types of leadership, how to be a leader, and the importance of leadership. We also learnt how a leader can positively influence those around them and inspire others to expand their comfort zone.

Each morning, we sat on wooden logs to practice mindfulness. We then talked about our own character strengths and recognised the character strengths of others.

The Hunger Games was one of the main highlights of the series of head-tohead challenges. We were split up into our ‘districts’ and were given nothing but a set of instructions and a map. We had to complete as many tasks as possible in the given time limit. The top three would make it to the finals. In the end, District 1 would receive ‘eternal glory’.

During our free times (when it wasn’t raining) many of us would head down to the GaGa Arena to play (or spectate) GaGa Ball. The rules were relatively straightforward: the competitors would have to hit the ball with their hands (similar to volleyball), to try and tag the oppositions’ legs (only below the knees would count).

One of the most relaxing activities of Camp was a nice hike through the forest. During this hike, we learnt about different aspects of nature and stopped midway to enjoy a nice, warm cup of Milo. We also learnt how to remove leeches from our shoes. (They weren’t that big.) Another thing we challenged ourselves with was conquering climbing obstacles. We had the choice between four levels: easy, medium, hard and extreme. Each one of them was difficult in its own way.

Overall, Years 5 and 6 Camp was a great experience and taught us many important life skills.

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Outdoor Education

Year 8 Camp to Wilson’s Promontory

Diya James, Year 8

The Year 8 Camp to Tidal River in Wilson’s Promontory was a great experience. We had the opportunity to embrace new challenges, practice resilience and overcome obstacles, with plenty of support along the way.

Upon arrival at the camp, our first activity was pitching up our own tents, a challenge many of us hadn’t faced before! Without much of a break, we then jumped into our first group endeavour. This involved playing beach games and doing ice-breaker activities, after which we enjoyed our meal together as a group.

Year 7 Lorne Beach Camp

Emma Gracey, Year 7

The aims of the Year 7 Camp are for students to make new friends, further develop their existing friendship connections and push themselves outside their comfort zones.

I went on the Year 7 Camp to Lorne Beach Surf Club from 26 to 29 April. This was one of the most amazing experiences of my life! I learnt so much: how to hike, how to surf (well, kind of) and how to play different games; and I was able to do it all with my friends!

The first day was a big one for my group. We were going to hike for three-to-four hours to a campsite where we’d spend the night! This sounded like a long time at first but it actually flew by, especially with all the beautiful scenery around us. After a full dinner, we sat around a lantern in the cabin on the campsite and had fun playing Mafia and eating marshmallows.

The next few days were busy. will never forget the first time lay down on my surfboard and got pushed along by a wave. It was exhilarating. will also never forget the first time I stood up on my board! I managed to do this a few times, before falling off again.

Along with surfing, one of the most memorable activities for me was the walk along the beach and up the pier. There was a shell competition going on, so everyone was scrambling to find pretty-looking shells to win. Some of my friends even found lots of coloured glass. We also saw two (dead) blue jellyfish and a couple of (living) crabs. Another thing I enjoyed immensely was getting to see the lifeguard vehicles. (The ones you usually see on TV!) It was really cool to see the vehicles and be taken through the different methods and the tools you need to use for rescuing.

One evening we had movie night where we watched one of my favourite shows, Is It Cake? Another night, we had a bush dance. Unfortunately, couldn’t participate as I’d hurt my knee surfing. But there was an excellent drummer and guitarist and it was fun watching my friends dance. even did a bit of sitting-down dancing (which is harder than it sounds!).

Overall, Year 7 Camp was an incredible experience and one I’ll never forget. I didn’t just learn how to surf, also learnt how to connect with others. It was an opportunity to make friends and learn new skills, so I am forever grateful for my experiences there.

After the meal, we were given some downtime to settle in and embrace the beautiful surroundings around us. This was all lovely, until a group of uninvited wombats decided to crash our party! During the entirety of the camp, we were also surrounded by a variety of birds (such as lorikeets and ducks) as well as some less desirable tent guests of the creepy-crawly family!

We had to prepare and cook our own meals, which we did with varying levels of success! Personally, my favourite meal was the spaghetti. The casserole cooked on the last night of camp definitely reflected our fatigue following the days of intense activity!

The canoeing was a highlight, especially watching Mr Williams capsize his boat and frantically swim for safety! I also really enjoyed surfing, hiking up Mount Bishop and the beautiful night walks taking in the stunning sights of the stars unhindered by the city haze. I loved getting to know a wider range of people from my cohort. It was wonderful interacting with and forming new connections with people we hadn’t known as well before camp. There were also some interesting bumps on the road. Sleeping in a small tent while cramped up and fearing another attack from a wombat was definitely one of my more challenging experiences!

Overall, Year 8 Camp was fun and rewarding, allowing us to step out of our comfort zones and create closer connections with the whole year level. Thank you to all the teachers and staff members who made it such a memorable time for us!

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Year 9 Expeditions to Cape York and the Great South West

The Year 9 Impact Team


As part of the Year 9 Impact program, a large group of students travelled to Cape York from September 29 to October 7 to complete a ten-day journey through several Indigenous homelands, immersing themselves into Indigenous culture.

The group first met at Tullamarine Airport for their early morning flight to Cairns and then took a bus trip into remote areas of Queensland. Throughout the ensuing 10 days, students impressed us with their resilience, determination and ability to enjoy all aspects of the expedition, including hiking, camping and being away from home. They displayed an open mind and a strong sense of curiosity, a big achievement since many were outside their comfort zones.

There was much laughter and the perfect balance of challenge and fun each day! We left with a lasting appreciation of Indigenous culture and an understanding of the particular challenges of Australians living in remote areas.

Quotes from the Year 9s about their Cape York experience:

Jasmine Ptok

wish we could be on this Expedition forever! was wonderful to have the opportunity to go to Cape York and learn about the lives of our Indigenous Australians while connecting more with nature.

Avah Quinn

We built the foundations of a new kitchen area. This was such a powerful and meaningful experience because I knew was positively impacting the people within this community.

Scarlett Robison

This was really a once-in-a-lifetime experience. I’m extremely grateful I was able to connect with new people while also learning about the local Aboriginal culture and history! will never forget this opportunity and will continue to educate myself and others on Aboriginal culture.

Kai Hart

The Cape York Expedition was lifechanging. I felt nervous and insecure in the beginning, but the trip gave me the opportunity to gain the confidence I needed to feel supported and fully embrace everything. I talked to people would never usually talk to. I felt like I was part of a community which made me feel at home.


As part of The Great South West Victoria expedition, students worked with the Glenelg Trust to plant over 550 trees to help with the conservation of the unique environment and help bring animals and birds back to the area.

It saw 43 Year 9 students journey away for a total of six nights to Port Fairy, the Grampians and Princetown.

The first stop was the historic coastal town of Port Fairy. Students had selfcatered meals in small groups over the two nights of their stay. They took guided walks around the town and out along beaches to the lighthouse. They also learnt about the historical significance of the area (particularly in regards to shipwrecks) as well as in relation to the ‘Nine Factor’ talent show.

Quotes from the Year 9s about their Great South West experience:

Grace Charlesworth

The Great South West Victoria expedition was a wonderful experience. Learning about First Nations culture and art was particularly enjoyable and informative. was able to spend time outdoors and not be distracted by technology. Interacting with my peers and teachers in an environment outside of the classroom was a nice change of pace. Overall, this camp was a challenging and enriching experience.

Liam Anstee

The second stop was Dunkeld in the Grampians. Students took a group hike to the top of The Piccaninny and did some adventure activities, including abseiling, giant swing and the flying fox! They also did an Indigenous Art workshop. In the evening, students enjoyed a campfire and downtime in the games room.

The final leg at Princetown began with a picturesque hike in beautiful sunshine from the 12 Apostles to the accommodation. Other highlights at Kangaroobi included outdoor adventure games, canoeing, bush dancing and a farm visit!

The entire group was exceptional in their approach to the expedition from start to finish, with each student stepping outside their comfort zone at different times and in different ways.

This expedition was an incredible experience, not only because of the wonderful scenery around us, but also because we were given flexibility and independence, which made it much easier to make new friends. All of us were fully able to interact with the teachers which made it very easy to have deep conversations about how we’ve been doing. The activities were also amazing because you always had to give 110% of yourself to enjoy what you were doing.

Zach McDonald

The Great South West Victoria expedition has been my greatest camp experience so far. thoroughly enjoyed the wide range of places and activities on the camp. I enjoyed the social component of getting time and opportunity to speak with more people. I also enjoyed the physical component and the fitness side of it all.

Henry Kiosoglous

This experience has definitely deepened my relationship with my teachers and peers. Seeing them outside of School has made them feel a lot more human and relatable.

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Anthea Diplaris, Year 10

Year 10 Camp to Lake Eildon Jun Yang Oon, Year 10

In April, Year 10s piled into buses and made their way to Lake Eildon and the Goulburn river. We felt a mixture of excitement, eagerness and nerves as we were about to embark on our first School Camp in two years!

Once we arrived, our Year level was split into six ‘tribes’ across two different campsites. My group (the Blue tribe) stayed at the first site for two nights before rafting down the Goulburn river to get to the second site, where we stayed for the last night. For the duration of the camp, we mostly took part in activities with our own groups except for certain activities such as orienteering, bush walks, rafting and the high ropes. particularly enjoyed the nights, when our tribe would huddle together around a fire, chat and drink hot chocolate together. Accompanied by our group leader, we also walked up the mountain trail each evening to watch the sunset together. I found the scenery to be beyond spectacular: we could see the whole city and an infinite number of stars, unlike anything we can view in Melbourne! The star-gazing was an especially enthralling and unforgettable experience.

We were filled with excitement on our long drive to Lake Eildon for Year 10 Camp. After we arrived and got settled in, our group collectively had the ingenious idea of making a fire!

Using a pile of branches, a piece of toilet paper and a lighter, our fire sprung to life, remaining with us for the entirety of the night. While listening to the melody of ‘Country Road’ (to the joy of some and annoyance of others), we sat around the campfire, tossing around marshmallows and sipping hot chocolate. The next day began with group challenges and a competition between the Blue and the Yellow tribe (which I was in). We displayed our determination to conquer our fears and complete the zipline. This was followed by lunch which was a choice between fried rice and gnocchi. We were so hungry, we devoured it all!

The next day, Auntie (an Indigenous Elder) demonstrated the best of Australia’s outback to us. Then it was time for rafting on Lake Eildon. We spotted lots of native greenery around us as we navigated through the currents and had fun splashing each other while attempting to paddle. Jumping into the freezing waters was definitely a highlight!

Our final night was spent gazing up at the beauty of the stars and storytelling, with a lot of laughter amidst us all. This was a great camp experience and the best pause from the rapid hustle and bustle of School.

Year 11 Camp Jungai

Angus Leonard, Year 11

Camp Jungai, held in the Rubicon Valley, was honestly a completely unique experience for me and one which I enjoyed thoroughly.

Throughout Camp, had the opportunity to experience a multitude of different activities which challenged me in some way, whether physically or mentally.

One of my highlights was the Bush Tucker with Auntie and learning more about Australian Aboriginal culture. The experience was awe-inspiring and gave me a new appreciation for the world that supports us. Going on a hike and doing the high ropes was both physically strenuous and confidence-building – especially the high ropes as we had to trust each other not to let go!

We also went canoeing and had a raftbuilding competition. Even though the raft ended up sinking, we still had a lot of fun building it. We got to test our ingenuity and ability to use resources. also found the task of building our own cover and shelter both enjoyable and rewarding.

Our Outdoor Education Group guide (Guenther) was great. He managed to keep us all in check, entertain us and create a genuine connection with the whole group in only three days – a truly admirable feat! He taught us a number of useful new skills such as how to treat stings with tea tree leaves, how to avoid leeches (we were pretty bad at that one), and how to sit still and reflect (which we did for an hour and a half). While challenging at times, I found these experiences to be genuinely rewarding. Overall, Camp Jungai was wonderful and I will always cherish the memories made there.

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Year 11 Cycling Camp

It was great to swap the classroom for the outdoors for four days of Cycling Camp in north-east Victoria. We were surrounded by falling autumn leaves and stunning landscapes as we rode through the towns of Beechworth, Myrtleford and Bright.

The Bright to Beechworth trail on our third day was a challenging one. We had to travel a total of 100km, including doing a considerable uphill hike. Despite the challenge, there were lots of laughs along the way. Our group exhibited the usual Kilvington spirit and supported everyone, regardless of experience level.

We had endless chances for fun and team building, including lots of opportunities for chatting along the trail while riding and during our self-catered dinners (with the edible and not-so-edible food that came out as a result!). Some notable moments and experiences include the infamous Brazilian BBQ Pringles tossed around from tent-totent at night, our reflective conversations and receiving anonymous compliments from each other.

We worked effectively as a team throughout the journey. We were able to practise at Bright before riding to a pump track to try our hand at working together on a dirt track. Once we’d finished the majority of riding, we were given the opportunity to walk through Beechworth and enter a few shops, where most of us elected to go to an IGA and restock on necessary food or treats.

The whole Camp was a memorable and amazing experience, worth the pain and soreness of our muscles. We’re so grateful for this opportunity. We thoroughly enjoyed our change of routine and left Camp as a more connected group of people.

Year 12 Camp

The closer we got to the beginning of Term 2, the more our anticipation grew for the Year 12 Camp to Anglesea. It was to be our last-ever School Camp, and we were looking forward to the fun activities we’d heard were part of the Year 12 Camp such as cycling, archery, cooking and, of course, Ms Cole’s renowned Trivia Night!

The first day began with a fantastic, inspirational speech from a Paralympian who shared his remarkable and courageous story with us. This set the tone for what would be a great week ahead!

Year 12s had a variety of different activities to pick from and students had the choice to take part in what appealed to them. One

of these options included spending time canoeing or surfing in the water. Standing up on the board for more than a few seconds was the best feeling! As many of us found out, this is much harder than it looks! We could also do more relaxing activities such as drawing, dancing or just simply going for a walk to the town. There was something for everyone to enjoy! The nights were also filled with fun activities. We could relax and watch a movie, play the classic career’s game or try to outsmart all the other teams in Ms Cole’s famous trivia! Our evenings were well spent, with everyone laughing and joking around.

think Year 12 Camp turned out to be our favourite School Camp yet! It was great having this time to relax, spend quality time with friends, learn new skills, and try activities that pushed us out of our comfort zones. We were able to make some precious memories of Year 12. Without a doubt, this is a Camp we will never forget.

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Community Service

H.O.P.E – Humans of Purpose and Empathy

In 2022, we once again showed that Kilvington students truly are ‘Humans of Purpose and Empathy’. H.O.P.E, our Community Service program, continued to actively fulfil its aims. We ran lots of great events and activities this year for and with our partner charities.

To foster awareness and connection with our partner charities, early in the year Senior School students had speakers from their respective partner charities come and speak with them.


A highlight of Term 1 was Harmony Day. The Junior School created a wonderful mandala for the event, and on the day the School was awash with the colour orange (a symbol of Harmony Day). We collected over 80 bags of food for the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre’s (ASRC) foodbank. Over 20 courageous students had their long hair and crazy mullets cut to the sounds of Kilvington’s ‘Battle of the Bands’. We managed to raise $15,835 for the ASRC –an outstanding achievement!

School Co-Captain David Overton commented, ‘This year, my favourite Community Service event was Harmony Day. Not only was the hair-cutting segment a hit with everyone but the inaugural ‘Battle of the Bands’ brought great energy to the day!’


In Term 2, we celebrated Diversity Day with a rainbow-dress theme. We held a Lunchtime Carnival, a Bumper Cupcake Stall and a Junior School Book Swap to celebrate the event. All funds raised, including from Bastille Day and Sports Team Colours Day, went to the Indigenous Literacy Foundation – a combined total of $3500.

Charlie Clancy, School Co-Vice Captain My favourite Community Service event this year was Diversity Day because we were able to celebrate each other’s individuality and understand the importance of embracing our separate beliefs.


Not all fundraisers need to be big to be meaningful, as was the case with our Biggest Morning Tea. As part of their Character Day in Term 3, Year 8 students baked, decorated and made yummy treats for the rest of the School to enjoy. The event raised $500 for the Cancer Council.


It’s always exciting to form bonds with a new charity partner. This year, our Year 12s jumped on board with the Lighthouse Foundation, which is a charity focused on youth homelessness. We ran two inaugural events – the Staff 26-Hour Marathon and the Year 12 Sleepout for a Cause. During Sleepout for a Cause, we collated 100 craft boxes for Next Gen Philanthropy, with 20 of these donated to the Lighthouse Foundation. Both events were resounding successes and managed to raise $12,000!


Year 10 students and staff participated once again in Connor’s Run and this year we had a turnout of 100 participants! We also had the founder of the Robert Connor Dawes Foundation, Liz Dawes, share her personal story with the Year 10s. With the help of the PE department and some encouraging words from Australian athlete Tamsyn Lewis Manou, all our students managed to complete the 10km run, raising over $14,000.


To raise funds for their inaugural Cape York expedition, our Year 9 students walked from Kilvington to the CBD. As part of this effort, the students concreted, painted, cut down trees, put up shelves and built the foundations of a camp kitchen.


Year 7s ran their first staff sandwich-making session for their partner charity, Eat Up. On World Kindness Day, we supported all our charities with an essential Food Drive, as well as a Christmas Gift Drive for the Lighthouse Foundation.

As Martin Lurther King Jr once said, ‘Life’s persistent and most urgent question is, “What are you doing for others?”’ At Kilvington, we can confidently answer that we are busy living out our School motto, Not for our own, but others’ good.

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Kilvonian Alumni

After two years of disruptions and cancelled events, it was wonderful to bring our alumni together again with a full schedule of reunions and networking events throughout 2022. We hosted two Walsh Club Luncheons for former students who left Kilvington 50 or more years ago. Both events were very well attended, with guests reconnecting and sharing many wonderful memories.

On International Women’s Day, our current Year 11 and 12 students and staff enjoyed a keynote address by Adjunct Professor Shelly Penn AM (Class of 1982) about gender equality and how to ‘break the bias’.

The guest speaker at our all-peer Kilvonian Konnections event was Julia Banks (nee Lolatgis, Class of 1980), a former Member of the Federal Parliament of Australia. Julia shared her experiences of life in federal politics and spoke about the need for equal access to resources and opportunities, regardless of gender. Our other six reunions attracted over 250 Kilvonians, with guests enjoying the opportunity to connect and catch up with their cohorts and enjoy tours of School. Many thanks to our student ambassadors for their time assisting at the reunions and for helping to make the events a great success.

Sarah Lim (Class of 2003) took over as President of the Kilvonian Alumni Committee from Sarah McSwiney (Class of 1999), who

stepped down to take the position of Chair of the Kilvington Board. Sarah will remain as a member of the Committee.

In Semester two, the Committee conducted a Mentor Matching Program Pilot with current Year 11 students matched with alumni to explore issues such as how to navigate life beyond the school environment. The pilot was a great success and will be rolled out as a permanent program in 2023 and beyond.

A big thank you to all committee members: Sarah Lim, Class of 2003; Sarah McSwiney, Class of 1999; Ann Cleghorn, Class of 1977; Julie Scott, Class of 1982; Rebecca Zolotareva, Class of 1992; Rachel Cetrola, Class of 2018; Mitchell Cole, Class of 2019; Charan Naidoo, Class of 2017; Elisabeth Yeo, Class of 2019 and Peter Yu, Class of 2017 for their time and efforts in delivering a rich and engaging alumni program.

We have many exciting events and activities planned for our centenary year in 2023, and we encourage as many Kilvonians as possible to come along and join in the festivities!

To the Class of 2022 – congratulations on reaching the end of your secondary schooling. As you forge new paths and start to pursue your dreams, we wish you all the very best. We warmly welcome you as Kilvington alumni and look forward to reconnecting with you in the future.


The new school facilities are outstanding and the young ladies who were our guides for the tour are a testament to the excellent ethos of the School. It was lovely meeting the new staff including the new Principal. It was also such a joy to hear stories from other alumni.

Cassie De Nardis (Class of 2015)

I wanted to thank you for organising the reunion event! It was so lovely catching up with previous teachers and old school mates. Thanks so much.

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Crosby (nee Whitelock, Class of 1977)

Student Awards

Celebrating Outstanding Achievements


Year 4 Nico Ho

Holly Krischock

Jacob Le-Phan

Jeremy Sun

Jasmine Zhang


Studio Arts Maria Wang

Contemporary Criticism Through Cinema Matthew Yang

English James Zhi-Liang Lee

English as an Additional Language Yuhan (Tina) Qi

Food Technology Madeleine Hosmer

Year 5

Farees Huda-Rahman

Olivia Luo

Massimo Mammone

Leo Mufic

Lorenzo Wright

Year 6 Nirvi Bijwal

Yueling (Milta) Lu

Adam Sheridan

Henry Song

Hao Kun Sun

French Yuhan (Tina) Qi

General Mathematics Akeisha O’Neill

Geography: Exploitation and Conservation Jude Teo

Geographies of Human Wellbeing Sofia Semechko

Health Jude Teo

History: Racism, Rights and Globalisation Maria Wang

History: Rise and Fall of Nazi Germany Madeleine Hosmer

Japanese Jude Teo

English as an Additional Language

Food Studies


General Mathematics


Health & Human Development


Legal Studies


Mathematical Methods


Modern History

Music Performance

Physical Education


Year 7

Lydia Allison

Aarav Amara

Liam Eliav

Archibald Fifoot

Aanika Kumar

Julia Lane

Eleanor Lloyd

Sasha Molnar

Elise Song

Mainstream Mathematics Caleb Mendez

Making Choices Sanya Bhatt


Alexander Tang

Physical Education Jude Teo

Science Yuhan (Tina) Qi

Tightrope of Trade Daniel Nazaretian

Visual Communication Design Isabella O’Brien

Linh (Alexia) Le

Isabel Hayes

Emily Chan

Kate May

Hilary Glazebrook

Mathilde Gason

Noah Emons

Luis Ballester

Letao (Michael) Li

Yuhan (Tina) Qi

Lucas Kallio

Felix McShane

Renae Bekas

Mathilde Gason

Jessica Bonham

Long Tan Leadership and Teamwork Award Year 10 Charlotte Fisher

Long Tan Leadership and Teamwork Award Year 12 Isobel Zuk

Martin Zheng Science Award

Ethan Gray

Monash Scholars Program Amelia Eyres

Victoria Hu

Maria Wang

Outstanding Contribution to Music Award David Overton

Outstanding Senior Musicianship Award Kiet Quoc (Kevin) Nguyen

Phyllis Fethers Memorial Award for Creative Writing Year 10 Lilla Lagiseti

The John Allin Young Writer

Encouragement Award

Owen Moy

The Natashia Scully Excellence in Sport Award Gemma Craddock

Year 8

Maxton Dillon-Shallard

Henry Hu

Simon Huang

Diya James

Calum Nathan Lee

Alexis Liew

Alyvia Liew

Angelina Zhang

Jiayi (Eva) Zhou

Year 9 Alessia Di Felice

Addison Hammond

Derek Yi Cheng Huang

Alycia Liew

Caleb Mendez

Alexander Xu

Calista Yap

Wenxuan (Stephanie) Ye

Yihang (Claire) Yu

Anna Zolotareva


Dux 2021 Benjamin Churilov

Jake Fitzgerald

School Co-Captain David Overton

School Co-Captain Shreya Jain

School Co-Vice-Captain Charles Clancy

School Co-Vice-Captain Sarah Yeo


Best A Grade Debater David Overton

Best B Grade Debater Letao (Michael) Li

Best C Grade Debater Maria Wang

Best D Grade Debater Owen Moy



Zaija Du Preez

Biology Maria Wang


Applied Computing



Charlton Hammond

Akeisha O’Neill

Luis Ballester

Charlotte Westaway



Specialist Mathematics

Studio Arts

Systems Engineering

Visual Communication Design


Aarushi Goyal Award for Personal Best Years 5 – 6

Ampol Best All Rounder Year 12

Australian Defence Force Future Innovators Award Year 12

Australian Defence Force

Future Innovators Award Year 10

Cleghorn Family Award for Personal Best Year 10

Douglas Memorial Debating/ Public Speaking Award

Goldstein Medal Year 11

John Arthur Barrett General Mathematics Award

Joyce Ball Drama Trophy for Outstanding Senior Drama Performance

Kilvington Past Teachers Award for Personal Best Year 12

Kwong Lee Dow Scholars Program

University of Melbourne

Lachlan Cook Award Year 12

Anthea Diplaris

Amber Johnston

Jude Teo

Georgia Volakakis

Tomoki Harvey

Georgia Volakakis

The Wymond Family Prize for Personal Best Year 11 Zaija Du Preez

University of Melbourne

Principal’s Scholarship Pia O’Reilly


YEARS 7 – 9

Year 7 Emma Gracey

Zadie Hatswell

Thien Hoang

Grace Anastasiadis

Olivia Poda

Grace Kiosoglous

Victoria Hu

Ethan Gray

Hamish Bruce

Nikia Tucker

Kate May

Amelia Shanks

Natasha Tsirelas

Jude Teo

Joseph Ashmore

Year 8

Lily Kennedy

Veronica Mufic

Joseph Nazaretian

Sasha Polikushin

Chrysanthi Volakakis

Henry Duncan

Max Jenkinson

Sam Kanellopoulos

Avery Liew

Toby Smith

Cameron Tritschler

Isla Tucker

Alex Verginis

Year 9

Matthew Coles

Marcel Krivonos

Peter Overton

Jasmine Ptok

Avah Quinn

Lana Tran

Chester Webb

Maya Wimalasundera

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Parents & Friends Association

PFA Message

What a fabulous year we’ve had! Within my first year as President of the PFA, had the pleasure of personally welcoming our Kilvington community back onsite. It was lovely to see the bricks and mortar buildings once again filled with the smiling faces of our wonderful teachers and students, as well as families reconnected face-to-face.

The PFA’s main focus is to build a sense of belonging and connectedness in our community. At the forefront of each of our decisions is the question, ‘Will this assist our community in building connectedness?’

With the fabulous support of our volunteers, we’ve been very fortunate to host all PFA events this year. thank you all for making our ideas come to life for our families and beautiful children.

All Kilvington families are members of the PFA, and I encourage each one of you to investigate how you may be able to get involved in PFA activities, programs and events. This year, new families found opportunities to contribute through the PFA. I had an absolute blast meeting and working with everyone, old and new! Personally, built many new and special relationships and know that there are many others within our community who did just the same!

It’s been great to see an increase in the number of dads assisting and joining our events this year and l look forward to seeing even more join in the fun in future. Thanks so much to everyone for all their contributions throughout the year. Life is busy, so every minute shared is truly a gift and appreciated by all. Without your help, all this magic would not happen. can’t wait to see what we can achieve in 2023! Such exciting times ahead in celebrating our centenary year together!


Over the past 15 years, our family has loved our connections with the Kilvington PFA. Volunteering has offered us many memorable experiences, including running the secondhand book stall at numerous Kilvington fairs, helping at Mother’s Day stalls and contributing to a range of other social events. Meeting and volunteering with families across all levels of the School has been a great way to keep in touch with our community, from ELC to Year 12!

Julie Connolly

After 10 years at Kilvington, this is our last year and we will be moving on. One of the many reasons we chose Kilvington was for its strong sense of community, of which the PFA is a shining example. While acting as PFA Treasurer, have made some wonderful friends and soaked up the good feelings you get from both giving your time and achieving special things as part of a team. I will miss this community.

love being part of the PFA at Kilvington. Being involved has given me the opportunity to build connections within the Kilvington community, both in and out of our immediate classroom group. was able to keep informed about what was going on at School and also had the chance to make new friends. Everyone’s contributions can differ, and the CSR role can be as large or small as you make it. But there is never any pressure when life gets busy. It is Kilvington’s strong community spirit that makes it such an exceptional school and love being part of this amazing community.

George Lane

Having just joined Kilvington this year, volunteering has been a great way to get to know the community and get involved with the other parents and teachers. But secretly, I love getting a sneak peak into the lives of our kids when we’re not there!

I love my involvement and time spent with the PFA, and truly believe each tiny contribution makes our world a better place. Mostly, I am thankful to have the opportunity to see first-hand how simply amazing the Kilvington volunteer army is and how each individual contributes in making our school community so great. The opportunities to learn new skills, meet new people and gain some friendships along the way has been fabulous!

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Annaliese Allen Marnie Turner

We would like to acknowledge and thank those people who have made generous donations to Kilvington in 2022 (up to 31 October).

Ms Abela & Ms Periorelis

Mr & Mrs Albon

Mr & Mrs Anderson

Dr & Mrs Bala

Mr & Mrs Barnes

Mr Bath & Dr Hubber

Mr Batterham & Mrs Seuret-Batterham

Mr & Dr Bernard

Mr Bernardi & Ms Bowman

Mr & Mrs Bishop

Mr & Mrs Blackmore

Mr & Mrs Blair

Mr & Mrs Bowman

Mr & Mrs Brown

Mr Bryan & Ms Hollinger

Mr & Mrs Cetrola

Mr Chandler & Mrs Watson

Mr Chen & Mrs Han

Mr Chen & Mrs Zhai

Mr Chen & Ms Wang

Mr Chen & Ms Zhang

Mr Chen & Ms Zhao

Mr Cheong-See & Ms Zaitman

Mr Cheung & Ms Lin

Mr & Mrs Chiba

Mr Chong & Ms Soo

Mr & Mrs Chow

Mr & Mrs Cliffe

Mr & Mrs Connolly

Mr & Ms Connolly

Dr Cooksey

Mr Cox & Ms Russo

Mr & Mrs Croker

Mr Cruickshank & Ms Kwee

Mr Cypriotis & Ms Kouroulis

Mr Dai & Mrs Gui

Ms Dang & Mr Kham

Mr Dang & Mrs Nguyen

Mr & Mrs Dean

Mr De Gabrielle & Ms Vellis

Mr Dehne & Ms Dempsey

Mr & Mrs Dickson

Mr Dillon-Shallard & Ms Elliott

Mr & Mrs Driver

Mr & Mrs Dymos

Mr & Mrs Fernhout

Mr & Mrs Fifoot

Mr Fishman & Mrs Hamilton-Ritchie

Mr & Mrs Frangoulis

Mr & Mrs Gastevich

Mr Genziuk

Mr & Mrs Geremia

Professor & Mrs Glazebrook

Mr Goodwin & Ms Chan

Mr Grenfell & Mrs Manikam

Mr Guo & Mrs Luo

Mr Gupta & Mrs Singhal

Mr Ha & Mrs Trinh

Mr Haldezos & Mrs Layhe-Haldezos

Mr Hall & Ms Lleonart

Dr Halpern & Dr Barkley

Mrs Handwerk

Mr Hardy & Mrs Wang

Mr & Mrs Harran

Mr & Mrs Harrison

Mr He & Mrs Li

Ms He & Mr Wang

Mr He & Ms Xu

Thank you to the following generous individuals and organisations for their time and donations of goods and services to support our fundraising efforts and community events.


Bob Stewart Uniforms

Happy Little Bites Catering

Lizzy’s Chocolate Creations

My Little Tribe Photography

The Glasshouse Caulfield

Three Little Bakers

Urban Development Landscapes Group

Mr Heine

Mr & Mrs Heggie

Mr Hickman

Mr & Dr Hinsley

Mr Hoang & Mrs Le

Mr & Mrs Hoban

Mr Hodgson & Ms Giles

Mr Hoerner & Ms Dwork

Mr Hu & Ms Zhao

Mr Huang & Mrs Kong

Mr Huang & Ms Wang

Mr Huang & Ms Young

Mr & Mrs Huynh

Mr Jackson-Lyng & Ms McNamara

Mr & Mrs Jansen

Mr Jia & Mrs Fan

Mr Jia & Ms Li

Mr Jiang & Mrs Wen

Mr Jin & Ms Hui

Mr Johns

Mr Johnson & Ms McMahon

Mr & Mrs Johnston

Mr & Mrs Jorgovic

Mr & Mrs Kanapathippillai

Mr Kennedy

Mr Kiosoglous & Ms Simpson

Mr Klarin & Ms Kloeden

Mr & Mrs Knight

Mr Knowles & Ms Honey

Mr & Mrs Kokosoulis

Mr Krischock

Mr Kumar & Ms Gonsalvez

Mr Kwan & Dr Chung

Dr & Mrs Lagiseti

Mr & Mrs Lane

Mr & Ms Lane

Ms & Dr Langenberg

Mr Laughton & Ms Hatz

Mr Le & Mrs Dang

Dr Le & Mrs Khor

Mr Lee & Ms Leow

Mr Lee & Ms Leung

Mr Leholat & Mrs Nemirovsky

Mr & Mrs Le Merle

Mr & Mrs Leicester

Mr & Mrs Leighton

Mr & Mrs Lewis

Mr Li & Ms Tai

Mr Li & Ms Zhang

Amy Chan

Sen Young Chi

Ann Cleghorn

Mitchell Cole

Julie Connolly

Lou Cooper

Barbara Cornelius

Leto Cui

Simone Dehne

Georgia Denisenko

Chelsie Dickson

Jo Duke

Tania Duncan

Michelle Dunstone

Karin Elliott

Annie Fitzgibbon

Carrie Fowler

Fiona Godfrey

Mr Lin & Miss Liang

Mr Lin & Ms Gong

Mr Lin & Ms Lay

Mr Lin & Ms Shi

Mr Lin & Ms Xie

Mr & Mrs Linklater

Mr Little & Ms Samuel

Mr & Mrs Litvin

Mr Liu & Mrs Jin

Mr Liu & Ms Ding

Mr Loft & Ms Baker

Ms Louis & Mr Kulgavin

Mr & Mrs Love

Mr & Mrs Lowe

Mr & Mrs Lyng

Mr & Mrs Lyons

Ms Macgowan

Mr & Mrs Maglis

Mr Manley

Dr Mammen & Dr Lal

Dr Mathew & Dr Thomas

Mr & Mrs McClimont

Mrs & Mr McDonald

Mr McGrath & Ms Sabo

Mr & Mrs McGregor

Mr & Mrs McKenzie

Mr McKinnon & Ms White

Mr & Mrs McLennan

Mr & Mrs McMillan

Mr Michaelson & Miss Fujiwara

Ms Middleton

Mr & Mrs Moy

Mr Mufic & Ms Tusia

Ms Mulligan

Mr & Mrs Munnerley

Ms Nair & Mr Uthayakumar

Mr Naffine

Mr Nation

Mr & Mrs Nation

Mr & Mrs Nazaretian

Mr Ng & Ms Tang

Ms Nguyen

Mr & Mrs Nguyen

Mr Nguyen & Ms Aung

Mr Northey & Ms Spry

Mr & Mrs Nuth

Mr & Mrs O’Brien

Mr & Mrs O’Connor

Mr & Mrs Okamoto

Mr Oon & Ms Loo

Mr Pan & Ms Huang

Magdalen Khoo

Jacinta Knight

Sakhee Kotecha

Leanne Land

George Lane

Serena Lane

Laura Lear

Lynda Leighton

Felicity Lewis

Annie Lidell

Sarah Lim

Lisa Liu

Martine Lleonart

Natasha Lowe

Lisa Liu

Briohny Marshall

Lyndal Matthews

Mandy McDonald

Mr Papadopoulos & Ms Van der Geest

Mr & Mrs Parker

Mr & Mrs Parry

Mr & Mrs Perry

Mr Pramudya & Mrs Siahaan

Dr Pearce

Mr Prentice

Ms Pun & Dr Chen

Mr Qiu & Mrs Zuo

Mr Qu & Ms Sun

Ms & Mr Quinn

Mr & Mrs Ransom

Mr Ren & Dr Wang

Dr & Dr Rendall

Mr & Mrs Russell

Mrs Sajahan & Mr Mohamed Buhari

Mr & Mrs Scicluna

Mr & Mrs Sellar

Mr & Mrs Shah

Mr & Mrs Shah

Mr Shao & Ms Sun

Dr & Dr Sheahan

Mr & Mrs Sheridan

Mr Shen & Ms Liu

Mr & Mrs Sherman

Ms Shi

Mr Shi & Ms Mao

Mr & Mrs Short

Mr Skinner & Ms Jemali

Mr Song & Mrs Fang

Mr Song & Ms Ma

Mr Speechley

Mr Speechley & Ms Liew

Mr Stanley & Ms Wu

Mr & Mrs Stamenos

Mr & Mrs Starr

Mr Steele

Mr & Mrs Steele

Mr & Mrs Steiner

Mr & Mrs Stephens

Mr & Mrs Stevens

Mr & Mrs Strachan

Mr Stuckey & Ms Garcia de la Banda

Mr Subbiah Paneer Velu & Ms Kamaraj

Mr Sun & Mrs Huang

Dr & Mrs Tatford

Mr Teegala & Mrs Hatti Vijay Kumar

Paul Munnerley

Charan Naidoo

Lanka Nammuni

Sasha Osowicki

Evan Perry

Helen Perry

Nadine Power

Jacomi du Preez

OiYi Pun

Gerri Redgwell

Tony O’Reilly

Wendy Ren

Tiffany Rudik

Rosetta Scicluna

Julie Scott

Nadia Seifen

Nicole Seuret-Batterham

Alan Shanks

Mr Tian & Mrs Cui

Mr Trinh & Mrs Nghiem

Mr Tritschler & Ms Duke

Mr & Ms Tucker

Mr & Mrs Ueda

Mr & Mrs Vergers

Mr & Mrs Verginis

Mr & Mrs Volakakis

Dr Walker & Ms Araki

Mr Wang & Mrs Liu

Mr Wang & Mrs Mochizuki

Mr Wang & Ms Lu

Mr & Mrs Ward

Ms Weir

Mr Wen & Ms Bin

Mr Weng & Miss Zhang

Mr Westaway & Ms Denisenko

Mr Willim & Ms Simon

Dr Wimalasundera & Mrs Nammuni

Mr Wong & Ms Wan

Mr & Mrs Williamson

Mr & Mrs Wotherspoon

Dr Xi & Dr Tang

Mr Xia & Mrs Jiang

Mr Xu & Mrs Han

Mr Xu & Mrs Hua

Mr Xu & Ms Huang

Mr Xu & Ms Yuan

Ms Xueyan

Mr Yan & Mrs Li

Mr & Mrs Yatsuzuka

Mr Ye & Mrs Zhu

Mr & Miss Yeo

Mr Yin & Ms Wang

Mr Yu & Mrs Zhao

Ms Yu

Ms Yu & Mr Wei

Ms Zarbos

Mr Zhang & Mrs Yang

Mr Zhang & Mrs Zhu

Mr Zhang & Ms Jiang

Mr Zhang & Ms Yu

Mr Zhang & Ms Zhou

Mr Zhao & Ms Li

Mr Zhao & Ms Shi

Mr Zheng & Mrs Han

Mr Zheng & Ms Xiao

Mr Zhou & Mrs Gao

Mr Zhu & Ms He

Mr Zhu & Ms Xia

Mr Zhu & Ms Zhang

Michelle Tatford

Shruthi Teegala

Danita Tucker

Marnie Turner

Ilana Tusia

Sally Vanston

Treasure Vellis

Helen Vouros

Girija Wadhwani

Kitty Wang

Ying Wei

Angela Williams

Janelle Williers

Elena Wilson

Karen Wynter

Ivy Xiao

Elisabeth Yeo

Peter Yu


Chelsea Arnold

Rachael Baker

Nicole Seuret-Batterham

Janet Bowman

Anna Bowring

Carolyn Bruce

Rachel Cetrola

Yvette Gray

Serena Gray

Shruthi Hatti

Fiona Hinsley

Janine Honey

Alex Hopley

Andree Hubber

Neelu Kapoor

Wendy McManamny

Wendy McMillan

Sarah McSwiney

Liz Michelini

Marianne Misso

Dan Moore

Megan Moore

Emily Munnerely

Anouk Sherman

Ada Shi

Susan Short Meikhaela Spooner

Kerin von Steigler

Belinda Steiner

Eleri Stephens

Melinda Tassone

Dina Zaitman

Li Zhang

June Zhang

Maisie Zhang

Raymond Zheng

Rebecca Zolotareva

KILVONIAN 2022 /85
Thank You to Our Donors & Supporters
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