Year 7 Taster Day - Saturday 14 October

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Year 7 Taster Day, Saturday 14 October 2023

We are delighted to invite your child to join us at New Hall on Saturday 14 October 2023, to gain a taste of life in the Senior Divisions. A Taster Day provides an opportunity to enjoy a range of academic subjects, take part in sport and activities, and meet teachers, students and other children who are applying to join the School.

The New Hall Experience

New Hall has an enviable reputation for academic excellence and outstanding co-curricular provision, underpinned by unparalleled chaplaincy and pastoral care, where relationships are based on care, trust, and respect.

Following the diamond model, students are taught in co-educational classes up to age 11 and again at Sixth Form, while Years 7-11 are taught in separate classes. With the majority of our co-curricular provision being co-educational,

our students enjoy the best of both worlds.

What to Bring

Girls and boys arrive at the front of New Hall at 8.45am, wearing their own PE kit and trainers.

For boys, a mouth guard is recommended for rugby. For girls, a mouth guard and shin pads are recommended, and bringing a hockey stick is optional, though hockey sticks can be also be provided as required. On arrival, boys and girls will receive a New Hall school bag, pencil, pen and ruler.

After arrival at the front of New Hall at 8.45am, girls are then guided to the Chapel and boys are then guided to the Jubilee Hall.

Food & Drink

A popular part of the Taster Day is experiencing a New Hall lunch. Pupils can choose from a selection of hot and cold lunches, including vegetarian options. Pupils will also be provided with refreshments throughout the day. If your child has specific dietary requirements , please email admissions@ by 10 October. Please note that New Hall is a nut-free school.

Parent Information

During the day, parents of girls and boys are encouraged to attend a presentation given by a member of the Senior Leadership Team, Heads of Middle School and current Year 7 students.

The presentations will be held in the Walkfares Canopy at the following times.

• Parents of girls 9.15am - 9.40am

• Parents of boys 2.45pm - 3.10pm


Arrival at New Hall:


Girls are guided to the Chapel

Boys guided to Jubilee Hall

9.00am Student Welcome & Introduction 9.20am

Collection & Departure: Girls from Chapel

Boys from Walkfares Canopy

If you are unable to attend the relevant presentation for your child, you are very welcome to attend the other session.

10.10am Break 10.40am Lesson 2 11.35am Lesson 3 12.30pm Lunch

Emergency Contacts

New Hall staff will be on hand throughout the day, including our Admissions Department.

In the event of an emergency, you may contact New Hall at any point during the day on 01245 467 588.

For more information about New Hall, please visit . To register your child’s attendance at the Taster Day, please visit .

Upcoming Taster Days

Sports Taster Day, Tuesday 17 October

Music Taster Day, Friday 20 October

Please scan the relevant QR code to book your child’s place.


If you would like to arrange an individual visit at another time, there are opportunities to do so every week during term time. To arrange this, or if you have any other queries, please do not hesitate to contact our Admissions Department, on 01245 236 098 or email

Sports Taster
Music Taster Day
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