Spring 2016 [pt 2] - What If?

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Adriana Beddoe

. . . we all had Spirit Animals?

Victoria Porteous

What if... Emily Shields

...we were limited to just blacks and whites, unable to experience everything color has to offer? ...cats were people?

...money grew on some trees?

Autumn Haag

S. Thelander

“. . .playing with positive and negative space can alter what a person sees in an image.�

Emily Shields

Brittany DeFilippo

Kiley Wiggins

“In Them We Could Trust”

Christopher LaPierre

...the world was a fish bowl?

Green Lightning

This piece... “is actually quite racist...meant to be satire of current racial issues.�

What If

there was a space for your art in this magazine?

Nichole Hartley What if we relied solely on printing presses again?

yeltraH elohciN ?niaga sesserp gnitnirp no ylelos deiler ew fi tahW

Amanda Huffman

Kiara Ortiz

...we were one with nature?

Connor Steinbauer

Hybrid Form

Lillian Miller

S. Thelander

Nichole Hartley

Hailey Ardelean

Lily Bussineau

. . .Big Brother is actually watching us? Autumn Haag

. . .characters came to life? Ann Hosler

Green Lightning

...we could see our soulmates?

Autumn Haag

Halie Papcun

. . . we broke the chains of segregation?

Laura Hughes-Frantz

What if...

...we all dressed the same?

S. Thelander

Rashad Ward

Victoria Porteous

Mikayla Losey

Hybrid Elephant

Victoria Porteous

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