Celebrating 36 Years of Naval Service

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Rear Admiral Daniel “Dano” Fillion



Celebrating 36 years of service to Naval Aviation!

“Rear Adm. Daniel Fillion is a true leader, always ready with an infectious smile to engage Sailors. For ‘Dano,’ the Navy is a true commitment, a lifelong pursuit in which he’s inspired countless Sailors fortunate enough to cross paths with him. A standout leader and teacher, ‘Dano’ continued to regularly drop by Fleet Squadrons as a Flag Officer to log some flight hours and spend time with pilots, aircrew and maintainers. His interactions consistently made everyone feel valued while recognizing the importance of their work. I’m proud to call him my friend, and wish him and Bronwyn fair winds and following seas.” -ADM Bill Lescher, 41st Vice Chief of Naval Operations “I feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with and get to know Dano - he is who I would want beside me in combat (or anywhere) any day! He is that kind of leader! When he was the Commander of ESG 3 (the world's largest Strike Group - as he reminded all of us daily), I knew I could depend on him to make the right decisions whether it was a warfighting decision or a decision that was about people, their lives and their families. Dano will be missed by our Navy, but the world is a better place because Dano is in it! Be a pig!”

“Anyone who knows Dano, knows he’s a Pig! Extraordinary commitment to his family, the Navy, Naval Aviation and the men and women who had the privilege to serve with him. He had the best Blue Angel application package that never got beyond the top drawer of my desk at CNAF! Keep your knots up with Lauren and Danny, and never let go of Bronwyn’s hand!”

-VADM Nora Tyson, USN (Ret.)

-VADM Mike and Mrs. Peg

Shoemaker, USN (Ret.) “Forgot your morning cup of coffee at home? Just spend 5 minutes with ‘Dano’ Fillion and you will be energized enough to take down whatever lion of a problem is thrown your way. I have worked with many leaders over my 36 years in the Navy, but none quite like ‘Dano’. Not only does he have this larger than life personality that will have you rolling on the floor in laughter, but his expertise across so many mission areas vital to the Navy and his ability to care for his people, his family, and the Navy is truly unmatched.” -VADM John Nowell, Chief of

Naval Personnel

“Dano, thank you for your 36 years of COMMITTED service. I know many who believed you should have been ‘committed,’ but glad you defined it the other way. What a career! You were an awesome STRATCOM J-3 who left an amazing legacy. Laura and I are proud to know you and wish you and Bronwyn a happy retirement!” -Gen. John Hyten, Vice Chairman, Joint Chiefs

of Staff

“Dano, you are the consummate warfighter, teammate, neighbor, and friend. From our time as MA’s in the Navy Secretariat hoping we’d make Flag, to playing Marine at Camp Pendleton with Stretch Coffman, backyard BBQs, getting toys off roofs, and watching our kids enjoy all things Coronado, your commitment to people and positive spirit make a difference everywhere you go. From my family to yours, BRAVO ZULU and best wishes for an amazing next chapter in the journey!” -VADM Lisa Franchetti,


RADM Fillion’s Farewell Mat From the Ready Rooms and Wardrooms of RADM Fillion’s career

“I have known Admiral Fillion since he was CDR Fillion, and the CO who signed my HAC papers. He remarked to me over a flag football game, ‘if you hit me, you’ll be SDO for a month.’ I didn’t hit him. Laurie and I wish you, the Good CDR Fillion (Bronwyn), and your children Fair winds and following seas.”

-CAPT Ross “JR” Drenning, Commander,


“A mentor to all…Your unmatchable charisma and ability to own the room and connect with any audi-ence is inspiring to witness, and energized us to be the best versions of ourselves while taking care of one another. Your tireless approach in considering yourself a mentor to all of us made a lasting positive difference on many. You are leav -ing the house in better order than you found it.” -CAPT Jeffrey “JMel” Melody, Commander,


“I’ve had the distinct pleasure of working for Admiral Fillion through the years. He is absolutely an Icon! Down to earth, God…Family…HSM – always there for you when you need him. He and Bronwyn have shaped the helicopter community, and Naval Aviation! He is the reason HSM will be here for the NAE in the future, the way the NAE was there for the Navy in 1942. Fair winds and following seas Sir!”

-CAPT Richard “Chip” Whitfield, Commander, HSMWINGLANT

“As the lead “STUD” of all of his “All Stars”, Danno’s infectious enthusiasm, humor, and energy are constantly evident in his effort to grow the most skilled and lethal Naval Warriors out of everyone he ever worked with. His drive to constantly improve our Navy as an efficient warfighting organization is nothing short of inspirational! Consummate Leader, Mentor, Father, Husband, and Friend; he makes everyone around him better! It is impossible not to know when Danno enters the room, you can feel the pressure wave of positive energy. You epitomize what it is, and make us all want to be… PIGS! – Fully Committed!”

-CAPT Pete “Meat” Collins, Chief of Staff, NAVWAR FRD

“Dano is the most influential Navy Rotary Wing leader of our generation (late 80s until today). From holding court at the officers club on a Friday night regaling of his operational/ deployment exploits with great bravado, to turning the Warlords of HSL-51 into the “Varsity Squad,” to flying the first MH-60R to NAS North Island marking the official start of the HSM community, to winning numerous budget battles in the Pentagon or on the Hill, to serving as the best-ever NHA ringmaster/panel moderator, no one had greater influence on Big Navy or on each and every member of Navy Rotary Wing aviation than Dano. Dano led from the front at all ranks and no one fought harder to get Navy Rotary Wing aviation in the limelight. He has high standards and we had to earn it, but he was there to kick down the door and challenge the status quo. Never satisfied, he extended the stage and created the openings. There was no glass ceiling for Dano, just pursuit of what was rightfully earned. I was in the room when he challenged Naval Aviation Flag Leadership to make a Rotary Wing Air Boss. Many said there would never be a helicopter CAG, well there will be a Rotary Wing Air Boss and that officer will owe much to Dano for charting the course. All of us are better warriors, leaders and people because Dano showed us the way and actively helped us all to get there. “ -RADM Jeffrey “Huge” Hughes, Deputy Chief of Naval Personnel

“RADM Fillion is a LEGEND in our community. My generation of 60B/60R pilots grew up in the community hearing stories and urban legends about "Dano" Fillion, a larger than life figure. Even with the epic reputation, as a young officer one is always skeptical that perception/legend will actually meet reality. Well, in this case, it did. The first time I was in the same room with the Admiral, I instantly recognized his ability to light up a room, engage with someone, and make that someone feel like they were the only person in that room. His magnetic personality and energy are infectious - and that always made his Sailors (officers and enlisted alike) want to run through a wall for him. To an EXTRAORDINARY man, both as a Sailor AND family man - THANK YOU. For my generation of community warriors - you have been our mentor (both in profession AND life) and one of our biggest supports along this incredible journey - we APPRECIATE you, the example you have set, and for always BELIEVING in us. We will continue to live the lessons you have taught, and will continue to work hard to make you PROUD.” -CAPT Brent “Hollywood” Gaut, Commander, LPD-17

Life is too short not to know Rear Admiral Dan ‘Dano’ Fillion. When Dano enters the room, everyone knows the Alpha Leader has arrived. Admiral Fillion leads with passion, compassion, and the highest energy level I’ve encountered in my 35 year career. Dano is the consummate Naval Officer and Aviator. Once you meet him you want to serve with him. Of all his personal traits of professionalism, competence, courage, and physical presence, what I admire the most is his ability to love. He loves his Sailors and Marines, but most of all he loves his beautiful wife and their two amazing children with all his energy, compassion, and grounded faith. Bravo Zulu Admiral Fillion, you have made a tremendous positive difference in our Navy. With all this said, I finally forgive you for making fun of my trade school education at the United States Naval Academy. -RADM Gary E. Hall, USN (Ret.)

“Martin Luther king said “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in the moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands in times of challenge and controversy.” I served with DANO in the FDNF during 9/11, he was XO and I was the CO of <then> HSL 51. Challenge and controversy were the words of the day --- of many days. It would be impossible to convey the myriad challenges we faced as a command, rapid deployment of everyone, military personnel quarantined on base while families were free to travel about Japan, uncertainty, etc. There wasn’t a better person to have to take care of everyone, remain calm and caring, cut through the red tape, and ensure everything was done perfectly, while still keeping his ‘eyes downfield’ always anticipating what could come next. Congrats Dano - you always have done things the right way and I am proud to have you as a friend; more importantly the NAVY is a better place for your LEADERSHIP. “ -CAPT Matt McCloskey, USN (Ret.)

“I vividly remember LCDR Fillion conducting my first fleet NATOPS-X at HSL-44. I can still see him in the left seat laughing after he conducted an ‘unannounced overwater decent’…that I didn’t catch until we were 50 feet above the ocean. ‘Learn anything, Stud?’ Dano has been a mentor, friend, and confidant ever since and has immeasurably contributed to my professional and personal development. Thanks for bringing the rotary wing community into its proper place in Naval Aviation, both in the 21st century and beyond.”

-CAPT Jason “Badnews” Burns

“Best advice for Command: Know your business; build the team everyday and be part of the team; lead; never forget it is a privilege to lead sailors....Best advice for self: Stay true to yourself, never look back..I think of these tenets every day.... Thanks for your mentorship. Cheers, Jank” -CAPT Patrick “Jank” Jankowski

“Rear Admiral ‘Dano’ Fillion is a natural leader and one of the top five aviators I have ever flown with… He has been a true Rotary community advocate, ‘Committed and Not Just Involved’, to making a difference in the lives of Sailors around the world. Naval Aviation is better because he led with absolute conviction. Fair winds and following seas to you, Bronwyn and the kids!!” -RADM Alvin “AH” Holsey, Commander, Naval Air Forces

I first had the pleasure of meeting RADM Fillion when he was the CO of HSM-41 and I was the Training Officer of HSL-40. I had no idea then how many times our paths would cross in the years ahead, but Dano’s Committed Not Just Involved approach to leadership made a remarkable impression on me. It was inspiring to watch him invest in the future as we served together on numerous boards in Millington and I am fortunate to have personally benefited from his mentorship throughout the years. Dano’s energetic engagement during NHA Symposiums and Tailhook Association Reunions will certainly be missed, but his legacy of personal commitment will have a lasting impact on our community long after he shuts down the APU and secures the battery for the last time. Godspeed, Admiral! – Schnap

-CAPT Matt “Schnap” Schnappauf, Director, Navy LNO to the U.S. House of Representatives “A good egg, Dano is one of those talented chuckle heads that you hope to continually bump into throughout your life. His gift of gab coupled with a talent to lead has been a blessing to those you have had the good fortune to serve with him. Dan Fillion has had a very distinguished naval career with many impressive positions and titles. He was a great Naval Officer and leader because he is a great guy. While many know him as Admiral Fillion or by one of his command titles, the most important title to me will always be that of “friend”. Congratulations my brother on an awesome and distinguished career. You’ve come a long way since College of Charleston. I don’t think your parents would have been too disappointed on how you turned out. You should have been a Lamplighter, but I am proud to share Swamp Fox and Warlord history with you. You and Brony were the perfect fit for HSL-51; the Navy got that one right. Take care of that great family of yours. We are all looking forward to spending some with the Fillions again after your devoted family gets their fair share of your time. Lastly, thank you for running my detachment. As you have often told me, I didn’t have a chance of being successful without you. Game on.”

-CAPT Jeffrey M. Bocchicchio, USN (Ret.)

“Admiral Fillion! – thanks SO much all of your leadership and advice over the years. From our time together aboard WASP (remember Copenhagen?) to linking me up with the ‘Great Tuntini’ – I am forever in debt for your support and mentorship. Thank you, Sir, for everything. I sincerely wish you the best in retirement and beyond!”

-CAPT Andy “Big Tuna” Berner

“In 1998 at HSL-44 Dano was one of my Detachment OICs (as he would constantly remind me--my best OIC). Right before he flew aboard the FFG for long deployment I placed a note in his SV-2 survival vest. It said: ‘How bad do you want it?’ 3 weeks into his deployment he responded via message: ‘Watch This!’ Excusing his delinquent survival gear preflight-- I did watch and I have been watching him lead with integrity for 23 years making a difference in so many Sailors lives. Dano, the Chief and Capt Pope, USMC would be proud. Congrats to you and Bron and thank you both for your dedication and sacrifice. ‘The Great Tuntini.’” -CAPT Wayne “The Great Tuntini” Tunick, USN (Ret.)

“RADM Fillion is a once in a generation leader whose leadership will have lasting influence for years to come across the Naval Aviation Enterprise. To work for and alongside him has been the honor of a lifetime and has made me a better person and leader. Committed Not Just Involved” -CDR Jonathan “Shank” Lushenko, DEA “Many fond memories of Dano. He possessed a sincere Love of everything in squadron life with his constant tag line – ‘They are not doing this at IBM!’ I heard him exclaim after FOD walk down one morning. The most notable quality of him was/is how down to earth he was/is with everyone, including the even the youngest Airman, he never forgot his roots of being the son of Chief Petty Officer.”

-CDR Dennis Walsh, USN (Ret.) “Had the distinct privilege of working for Dano as young and inexperienced IP at HSM-41. I had heard his name many times during my fleet tour but hadn’t met him until I first checked-in. I specifically remember a few things about him. First, why is our Skipper asking us to read ‘Lincoln on Leadership?’ Next, his consistent ‘tail rotor’ references. It isn’t coincidence a Tail Rotor paddle was a retirement gift. Last, thinking how energetic and positive our Skipper is, and no one is older than our Skipper. His humility, devotion to God and family, good natured self-deprecating humor, endless enthusiasm for our community, and most importantly selfless service to each and every one of our Sailors is something for all of us to emulate. Sir, thank you so much for demonstrating what a true leader should be. You are, and will always be the class-act to follow. I thank you and your family for the sacrifices made during your 36 year Naval career and wish you all fair-winds and following seas.”

-CDR Ken “TED” Colman, Commander, HSM-41

“Congratulations on an outstanding career!” -RADM Pat McGrath, USN (Ret.), NHA Chairman

“Thanks for being our NHA Gladiator and for leading the charge over the years. Extending a hearty high five from each of the staff for all the wonderful support. Strength and honor!” -CAPT Jim Gillcrist, USN (Ret.) and the NHA Team

Rear Admiral Daniel “Dano” Fillion Rear Adm. Daniel Fillion is the proud son of a Navy Chief Petty Officer and a 1984 graduate of the College of Charleston, where he earned a Bachelor of Science in Business. He also earned a Master of Science in Administration from Central Michigan University and is a graduate of Air Command and Staff College, Joint Forces Staff College and the Navy Corporate Business Course. Fillion’s afloat assignments include service aboard USS Nimitz (CVN 68) as navigator and the USS Wasp (LHD 1) as executive officer and commanding officer. His aviation assignments in the SH-3 and SH-60B/R involved tours with Helicopter Anti-Submarine Squadron (HS) 1, Helicopter Anti-Submarine Squadrons Light (HSL) 40, 44 and 46, and Helicopter Combat Support Squadron (HC) 2. He served as commanding officer of HSL-51 and of Helicopter Maritime Strike Squadron (HSM) 41. Additionally, he was Commander of Expeditionary Strike Group 3. Ashore and staff assignments have included duty in the Politico-Military Affairs Directorate in Joint Staff J5; director of the President’s Emergency Operations Center at the White House; Air Warfare Research, Senior Development, Test and Evaluation budget analyst in the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations; fellow on the Chief of Naval Operations Strategic Studies Group (SSG XXIX); executive assistant to the Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Financial Management and Comptroller); J5, Director of Strategy, Policy, & Plans, U.S. Southern Command; and J3, Director of Global Operations, U.S. Strategic Command. He currently serves as Director, Warfare Integration, N9I, Office of the Chief of Naval Operation. His immediate previous assignment was as OPNAV N10/ PERS 7, Director, Manpower Account Transition Office. His awards include the Defense Superior Service Medal, the Legion of Merit (four awards) and various campaign and unit awards

A Note from the Fillion Family “Proud. But that word doesn’t capture how Lauren, Daniel, and I feel about you- because we’re more than proud- we’re ASTOUNDED!! You have served magnificently- at every level- leading your commands farther than they initially believed they could go- and achieve more than they thought they could. But most importantly, you made every single person you have ever served with understand their absolute importance in the fight. Sailor, civilian, contractor- junior, mid grade, or senior, operational or staff, doesn’t matter. Your ability to reach each one and motivate each one to commit to the mission, and empower them to their personal and professional best, is something I’ve never seen before. The Navy is so fortunate to have had you- and its so much better for it! You embody CNJI! And now, Lauren, Daniel, and I get you all to ourselves! Let’s DO THIS!!! P.S. Lauren says you promised her a BMW X5 on her 16th birthday, and Daniel says, ‘My daddy is BUFF!’” - Mrs. Bronwyn “Bronny” Fillion Congratulations Dano on your retirement and extremely successful career. I really didn't get to know you until after you and Bron got married. But that was the first indicator of your courage (marrying my sister). We didn't have time to hang out as young officers, as your Navy career took you one way and my Army career took another path. But I will never forget your wedding, in which you were gracious enough to allow our Dad (Chaplain Roberts, CAPT) to conduct the ceremony. The best part of the ceremony was when he announced that he was glad to have the "Fillibons" join the Roberts family. I don't know who was more mad, your Dad the Chief or you! But my Dad always thought of you as a son, and talked you up (deservedly so) because he saw an unlimited future in the Navy ahead of you. At the wedding rehearsal dinner he whispered to me "Did you know he is the best pilot in the Navy?"" and of course I fell for it and said 'No, I didn't realize that.' and he said, "Sure he is, go ahead and ask him." Most of the above story is true. The names have been changed to protect the innocent. But the fact that the Roberts family is proud that we were worthy enough to join the Fillibon family is definitely true. - Mr. Steve Roberts

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