Natural Foods Buyer's Guide 天然食品採購指南 2019 (Bilingual 中英文對照)

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識 飲 識 食 Eat The Best

抹茶與綠茶粉 MATCHA VS GREEN TEA POWDER 抹茶與綠茶粉的原料皆為「綠茶」,但製程上卻大有不同。由於抹茶在種植、 製作等各方面的要求都比綠茶粉更嚴謹更講究,種植和加工方法相對花時間和 心力,因此格外珍貴,價 格 亦 比 綠 茶 粉 高 出 多 倍 。 Both Matcha and green tea powder originate from green tea, but they go through different production processes. More demanding in time and effort, Matcha is grown and made under more stringent requirements than other ground green tea products. Therefore, its price is a few times higher than those of the latter. 抹茶 Matcha

綠茶粉 Green Tea Powder

栽培方法 Tea plantation technique

覆蓋遮陽技術 Shade-grown technology

全程日照栽培 No shading

採摘次數 Leaf picking frequency

僅於春季採摘 Only pick in spring

一年可多次採摘 Pick several times a year through spring to autumn

研磨環境 Milling condition

低溫冷磨 Cold milling under low temperature

常溫、高溫粉碎 Hot milling under normal temperature

外觀 Appearance

翠綠帶有光澤 Jade green with glossy

黃綠、灰綠 Yellow-green or gray-green

湯色 Tea color

鮮活呈亮 Green, bright and fresh

暗黃 Yellow-green or gray-green

香氣 Aroma

清香、帶海苔香氣 Delicate fragrance or with the light aroma of sea sedge

青香或熟香,無海苔香 Grass smell or roasted smell

味道 Taste

鮮爽、濃厚 甘甜深邃,味道更醇厚和富層次 Fresh, mellow and thick

濃烈 平衡的苦味、澀味和回甘味 Strong, bitter and astringent

粉末細度 Extent of fineness

800-2000 mesh

50 - 200 mesh 不等

* mesh 為量度單位,代表1平方英寸裏的篩孔數目,數目越大,表示顆粒越細 *Mesh is a measurement unit - it refers to the number of holes per square inch. The greater the number, the finer the particle size is. 營養成分 Nutrients

抹茶的蛋白質、維他命A 和微量元素含量相對較高。 由於把整片茶葉是嫩芽直接研磨成粉末,在營養的攝取上,會比其他種類的茶葉更為完整,亦更易吸 收。 Matcha has relatively higher level of protein, Vitamin A and trace elements; Low loss of nutrients, almost all of its nutrients could be absorbed and utilized by the human body.

抗氧化物 Antioxidant

抹茶所含強力抗氧化物EGCG濃度,比一般綠茶高出許多倍。 Matcha’s antioxidant (namely EGCG) concentration is a few times higher than that of other green teas.

茶氨酸含量 L-Theanine

抹茶含有一種鎮靜氨基酸 - 茶氨酸,對咖啡因有抗衡作用,有助情緒放鬆,不會像咖啡一般令人不能 入睡。 Unlike coffee that keeps drinkers awake, Matcha contains L-Theanine, a calming amino acid that produces a relaxing effect to drinkers while counteracting the caffeine’s side effect.

餐飲業應用 Applications in food industry

現今最普遍是入饌成甜品及茶飲。 Nowadays, Matcha is widely used as ingredients for desserts and drinks.




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