Natural Foods Buyer's Guide 天然食品採購指南 2019 (Bilingual 中英文對照)

Page 28

大 廚 新 食 材 Delicious Ideas for Chefs

本地 優 質寶石魚

Local Accredited Fish – Jade Perch 因魚身有寶石般的黑色斑 塊 而 命 名 , 寶 石 魚 含 有 較 高 的 不 飽 和 脂 肪 酸 , 肉 多 骨 少,肥美甘香,清蒸或用油煎都適宜,所以可算是一種營養價值高,用途廣泛 的魚種。 With its high nutritional value and high percentage of poly-unsaturated fatty acids, Jade Perch enjoys strong consumer acceptance throughout Asia. Jade Perch is easy to eat with less bone, oily and rich flavor.

蝦中 皇 者 - 西班牙紅蝦

Carabineros Jumbo Prawns 野生蝦紅蝦家族龐大,源自西班牙至摩洛哥一帶深海域的西班牙紅蝦 C arabine ros 一定是極 品 。 素 以 外 型 巨 大 ( 手 掌 般 大 ) 和 顏 色 鮮 紅 奪 目 見 稱 , 精髓在於蝦頭內的橙紅色 蝦 膏 , 蝦 味 鮮 濃 及 豐 富 海 水 味 。 In the extended family of wild red prawns, the wild-caught Carabineros native to the deep-sea between Morocco and Spain is of the premium quality. Wellknown for its jumbo size (as big as a palm) and striking, bright red colour, Carabineros’ great delicacy is found in the paste of their orange-red head while their shrimp taste and sea water flavour is super rich.

保利 全 新產品「金牧坊純牛奶」

Paul’s Farmhouse Gold Full Cream Milk Just Hits the Market 原產自澳洲保利金牧坊純牛奶4.5,100%純鮮牛奶製造,乳脂含量達4.5%,特級濃滑口味,在澳洲 每年銷量已逾50 萬盒。 使 用 於 中 西 佳 餚 或 調 配 各 式 飲 料 、 糕 點 甜 品 , 令 美 食 加 倍 香 濃 厚 滑 。 Farmhouse Gold is wholesome milk with extra cream. It’s perfect for those who love the traditional, rich taste of milk, the way it used to be. With an annual sales volume of over 500,000 units, the milk is widely used in western and eastern cuisines alongside mixed drinks and desserts.

全球 首 個植物製免治豬肉

World’s First Plant-based Pork 「新豬肉」是全球首款植物製的免治豬肉,不僅比豬肉低脂低卡,零膽固醇,更不含激素及抗 生素,是新一代的素食選擇。除了快熟及方便易用,其口感及賣相可謂幾可亂真。 Omnipork is the first plant-based “PORK” that bleeds and tastes like ground pork in Asia. 100% plant based. It is cholesterol-free, antibiotic-free, hormone-free and cruelty-free.




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